8/26/2023 -
I'm looking down on this old school video game which is doubly odd because the game is viewed from an overhead perspective where you're looking at the top of your character's head from above. They genuinely do not make games like this anymore and I haven't played one in ages. I'm not actually the one playing the game though, there's this woman who's playing and she's going to the internet for assistance, which is where I come in.
She verbally asks for help on this particular level and when she does, I now take over the game. It's this odd sci fi shooter and the reason she couldn't get past this certain level had to do with her needing a particular power up that she missed. So I take over, back track, find the power up and clear the level for her. When I do she tells me:
"Okay, I understand now."
Which I find strange because I did the thing for her.
Now I'm watching this golden portal in the side of whatever room I've found myself in. It's this music video and once it's over a voiceover informs us that the channel the video was on is going to be discontinued in our package and because of that, this is the last time we'll ever be able to watch this particular music video. My reaction to this information is:
"Well, it wasn't honestly that great a song so..."
I do not care if I ever see it again. The video was kind of boring as it was just seemingly a weirdly framed sunset. The music? Subpar as well. Nope. I do not care if this gets cut from whatever package I'm paying for. The idea that in the internet age you'd never be able to watch a particular music video again is in itself ridiculous.
Later I'm wandering around the "new house" scenario that I continually find myself in. I wander around these new digs for quite a bit until finally deciding to take a nap in this place's version of my art cave. When I slip into dream within a dream territory, things get real peculiar real fast. Suddenly I'm aware that something's at the door and when I go to open it, my arm is pulled outside by these arty ghosts. They're almost like colorful abstract crepe paper Pac Man ghosts and the second they pull me out the door I immediately know that I'm dreaming.
Jesus, what the fuck is this world that I've wandered into? Very old school lo fi video game vibes to all of it but also hi tech and alive in a way that's beyond the highest waking world fidelity. The absolute novelty of this mesmerizes me for quite a spell and I amble around enamored. Eventually I start flying around the strangeness and when I do I remember I'm supposed to be trying other things than flying. So I try to open a portal and rather than opening a portal I just start getting sucked toward the scenery with this inner gravitational pull. God, where the fuck am I? It's like an entire countryside of Ghosts and Goblins graphic hills but way more advanced. That's just the style. I careen into a grassy pixelated hill and I'm back awake.
What follows is another time vortex intrigue scenario where the perspective and time jumping make it difficult for me to translate. What I do remember though is that it involved a stupid political gameshow. There was a dumb fucking right wing party and the embarrassingly pro wealth moderate party, but it was just like a stupid reality competition. Eventually the right wing party narrowly wins the prize, which is creepy.
Then it cuts to the host and total lefty comedian at the side of the stage. She's got super short 70's style hair with huge frame glasses as if she's intentionally trying to look as dorky as possible for a role. She then says that obviously the whole thing was rigged by the people who created the show, like her. She was one of the architects of the rigging and was in on it the entire time. It was all a joke.
Jesus, I worry about our country going full fascist, I really do. The complete incompetence of the Democratic party can't be understated. They might as well be rigging everything to fail eventually. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but once it happens there's no turning back. Also, this vision was absolutely indicating that rich entertainers working for huge corporations with a financial interest in the two party system are 100% part of the problem. They can pretend to be lefty all they want, but they also want those juicy fascist tax breaks and they're the one's rigging the system by helping maintain the status quo of their corporate employers.
8/27/2023 -
I'm back in my old room in Ohio and contemplating how strange this is for a bit right before things get really strange. Now I'm riding this double decker tour bus of the suburbs which seemingly started from inside my room. I'm on the top floor of this thing but it's like I can see through walls. My view extends everywhere and yet I'm not controlling the bus. As it heads up the street to the main drag I'm noticing that there are now some minor high rises downtown that you can see through a thick layer of smog or smoke. But also, a double decker X-ray vision tour bus of Boardman, Ohio? None of this makes any sense and I know it, but it doesn't lead to full lucidity.
Later I'm back in the same old bedroom in Ohio but I'm temporarily sharing it with 4 other people. I have to work from home so I'm setting up on this large wooden desk with a view out the window and while I'm doing this, this one other dude is being super competitive about it. Well, if you get the large desk, then I need the second largest desk. That kind of thing. Except that I'm working from home which is why I need the bigger desk. I don't even know why he needs a desk. I get the feeling this is going to be a continual annoyance.
8/28/2023 -
I felt like shit all day because of auto-immune disease issues and as I'm pulling out of a sleep state at night I'm informed that me continually having these shitty low energy days is part of the plan. For some reason, this is something my benefactor entities on the other side of death can read and manipulate. It's not accidental. There are psychic tides and I'm riding them whether I know it or not even though let's face it, it sucks. This is for my safety. It's a dangerous realm and as much as it's not fun, this is helping me.
Why is it dangerous? They've gone all biblical metaphor here and are essentially telling me that whatever you want to call God is going to punish the sinners. That's the phase we're heading into and it's not going to be pretty. I have a slacker disease which protects me from being one of these hyper capitalist goons, like say, my father. Their example specifically and yeah, my dad was a workaholic.
After this informational deluge I have 2 visions. In one I'm heading out of town on the train and it seems like a very urban NYC train, even though I've only been to NYC a total of once in my life. This is a good way to look at my disease. It's often telling me to get out of the city for a bit, for my own safety.
In the next vision I'm in school selling things out of my locker and I'm informed that what I'm selling has a niche audience. It's not a huge thing but there's definitely an underground market for it. Captain Obvious territory with that one but sure. I imagine the market will only get bigger and bigger as time moves on.
While you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do.