I find myself in this odd enclave of the astral plane where I’m in a timeship outside of the linear narrative of human consciousness while also having the ability to dive back into our interconnected stories with a calculated intentionality. The interior of the timeship is prototypical 70’s sci fi spaceship fare, with metallic open spaces separated by dim claustrophobic hallways. Utility rooms connected by pressure sealed doors and mysterious protruding machinery.
From this outer place we’re jumping into various points in the human flow of experience, which feels like a cosmically radiating circular wave form river below us. These little excursions into the more densely structured identities are presented like class field trips from the Invisible College quite specifically, and the first one I find myself immersed in feels involves what feels like a not-so-distant future.
Here I find myself waiting in line to ride these rather off putting mechanical horses. We’re in a barn for some reason even though these things are robotic, and not a regular barn but almost like a county fair type sitch. When I get to the front of the line there are these tall spindly eerie transportation machines that look more like 10 foot silver 4 legged wispy spiders than anything else. Then there are these bored cowboy looking dudes who are doing these odd acrobatic feats with large sticks to help mount the riders onto these freakish contraptions. In witnessing all this I’m like:
“You know what, fuck this shit!”
So I go back the way I came and eventually I’m back in the timeship, where I’m now choosing an alternate field trip. We head off to a conference room to plan this one, and it involves going back in time to give this old man a birthday present (pun intended). We’re assembling this gift in the timeship, then descending into the ordered flow of experience to deliver it.
When we do, I’m continually disoriented because I specifically remember this past. Since I’m now experiencing what I remember as the past as the present, I keep getting confused on an intuitive level. It’s like I can understand what’s happening from an intellectual standpoint but I still can’t handle how it feels on another almost physiological one. My internal biological tracking system just keeps triggering a Spidey Sense that tells me something’s weird, and I just keep asking:
“How the fuck are we still in the past?”
Eventually we arrive at our destination and the second we do, it’s this remote older house and I can tell our gift is for this dude getting like live in assisted care as if that exposition just downloaded itself into my understanding but of course, since it’s the past I suppose I know because I already know. On that front, the second he opens the door he stares at me quite specifically and immediately declares how he’s going to die, which is by choking on a popsicle (which is fairly funny I have to admit).
The strangeness of this cannot be understated because I understand what’s going down on psi level, again as if the information has been downloaded into my essence. Since me from the future knows how he dies and our minds are both connected, when I entered his timestream with this knowledge there was a breach. I came down from the realm of death, outside of the linear mind grid. He’s now there as well, and also right there in front of me.
I’ve accidentally connected these two sides of himself and if truth be told he now looks like a goddamn wizard as there’s like this faint but visible portal of swirling galactic energy hovering semi-translucently between his visage and normal perception. I’m not sure anyone else can see it, nor am I sure any of this was accidental. The entire excursion didn’t seem to be my idea after all, but I’m definitely surprised by the outcome.
As we’re leaving, he now calls out to me from the upstairs window and with an impeccable distant sorcery look on his face ominously intones something to the effect of:
“And so it begins…AGAIN!!!”
I can feel this declaration internally. It’s as if just this dude has experienced this exact cycle of interlopers suddenly emerging from outside of death repeatedly and is now awakening to a familiar batshit explosion of novelty once again.
Trippy as all get out, but I’m now back on the timeship planning another invasion. This time it involves going somewhere in the UK and I’m packing all my supplies in a hotel room in the mountains. While I’m frantically pulling all my shit together in a literal sense (if we're taking shit to mean belongings as it's often used), I notice I’m sharing the room with another student, whose left a bag on their bed. Out of curiosity I check it out and there’s a passport in the open flap so I take a look.
Kacey Rousay
The photo is of a girl with a nose ring and shorter purple hair and I actually remember the name when I wake up and Google it the next day. The first thing that comes up is this article on Kacey Musgraves which I don’t understand at all until I dig into it more. Apparently at some point Kacey played some sort of festival or show with this other found sound musician named Claire Rousay. What’s odd is that in the next week a producer I follow on Instagram posts something about Claire Rousay. I follow like 100 people on Instagram total. Then the next week Pitchfork, one of like10 websites that I check weekly, posts a review of Claire Rousay’s new album. Just odd in-dream pre cog that's also further reinforcing the omni-dimensional nature of human timespace perception for good measure.
In other synchronous/pre-cog news, one day when I was lunch break walking the dogs with my wife, we found ourselves joking about how we’re both so lazy that when we clean up our computer’s desktops, we just throw all the files into a folder and forget about them. Typical bland digital age banter that only gets freaky when later on that night I accidentally delete my desktop junk folder for the first time ever.
I’m still not even entirely sure how this happened but as best as I can tell, when my wife was wiping down my desk the day before, she somehow accidentally dragged my junk folder into the recycle bin. I’d think this was impossible but I have a Surface Pro and have been rather surprised by the odd functions she’s been able to activate in this exact fashion on prior occasions. Either that or I just accidentally deleted the folder, but I don’t think I’ve ever right clicked and deleted a folder by accident ever before.
I did notice that 379 things were being jettisoned when I emptied my recycle bin though and was like, what the fuck? About an hour later I noticed that the thing was gone. And yes, this happened on the exact day my wife and I were discussing how we both never actually delete the useless crap cluttering our desktops.
Shockingly, the only thing I lost was what I just wrote above. Pretty much everything else had been backed up in some capacity, which I suppose further hammers home the point. Also, that’s not just a synchronicity now, is it? It’s a synchronicity combined with an unintentional or anti-structural act. I had no plans of deleting my desktop junk file after all, it just happened…in the most improbable manner conceivable. Synchronicity seems to be tied to unplanned behavior as I've found.
Of course, what I’ve also realized the more I’ve delved into documenting these psi connective experiences is that about a third of them have a digital trail on them as well. Which brings me to the next sync, that involves me finishing the final track on an album I was working on called The Legend of Hopscotch B’Gosh on 1/21. That came about in a rather synchronous/intuitive manner as it was, but then on 1/23 I decided to download the album A Bourgeois Kitten by Blinker the Star.
This is weird why? Well, because apparently there’s a song on that album called Earman that starts with the word hopscotch. So just that thing where I write a ridiculous song about hopscotch, then accidentally pay to download possibly the only song I’ve ever heard that starts with the word hopscotch 2 days later. All confirmable.

Until next time tripsters.
