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Invading the Minds of the Art School Crowd

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

5/12/2024 –

I spend the day hanging out with my schizophrenic brother, then pretty much immediately after slipping into various liminal states I’m playing this old school mind control video game. I’m starting to get the continual retro video game metaphor. We live in a primitive realm. That’s what they’re showing me but what would be the other upside there? That the old school tech is fairly easy to hack into and manipulate, which is what I’m doing.

I pull out to this menu screen which brings up a crude graphic circle in front of my brother’s face. His face is in the background now, behind this circular menu I’m tinkering with. On the bottom of the circular menu, there are 2 smaller circles tied to the primary circle. Those are the things I have control of. I tweak them a bit, then I fly into one of them. A vision of myself floating above my body in bed now briefly consumes my experience. I’m being reminded why this kind of mind control reality bending works. We aren’t people. We’re imaginal beings pretending to be people.

The next thing I know I’m in the dorm room scenario again. At first I’m getting my sleep fine, now I’m realizing that I have like 4 roommates, all of whom are staying up late, constantly partying and what not. Good god, how am I supposed to get any sleep in this sitch? Don’t I have to get up soon as it is? It’s hard to tell. After my initial annoyance though, I find that I’m starting to understand why I’m here. I’m supposed to be pushing these kids, and they do seem mostly a bit younger than me. I’m not just pushing them though, remember the circular mind interface? I’m getting in their heads.

In the next scene I remember I’m being shown all these like cubby hole art presentations. It’s basically like: create a small, tightly packed diorama cube that represents your inner personality and place it on your dorm room door. Jesus, it’s like a stupid ice breaking exercise I guess. I’m going down the line judging the entrants and offering commentary when I think to myself:

“Why would these kids give a crap what I think about their projects?”

Then my version of the same task enters my mind telepathically. Oh yeah, that’s fucking amazing. Just filled with the absolutely wildest outer dimensional art conceivable. I’m possessed by a black energy art daemon. That’s what this represents. It fucking kills and that’s why these kids care what I have to say.

I cut out of this and then cut back in and I’m once again pulling up the circular menus on my classmates’ profiles and tweaking the parameters of the smaller circles. I actually seem to be beaming some sort of far out cosmic energy into these circles, which is inspiring them. I’m now living in their art projects and holy shit this is great.

I know I’ve mentioned this a million times but the thing about art in the waking world is that you’re still always bound to your body, just watching on a screen. The art is happening outside of you. Here you’re on the inside. The one thing I truly remember is being lost in this void this one student created with all these arty looking complicated futuristic clock safe devices floating in exact proximation to each other in what looks like an infinite configuration. I can feel the astral wind on my skin as I’m flying through alternate reality when a rotoscoped black and white Take Me On video style Aubrey Plaza pulls herself on top of me, looking exquisitely deranged.

“Wow, this woman managed to get Aubrey Plaza.”

I think to myself as I pull out of the astonishing excellence. There’s now a period where these kids thank me for injecting the cosmic energy into their minds. This is very touching if I’m being honest and I tell them as much. After getting back up and under again I invade this younger Asian guy with short hair parted on the left’s mind and inspire his project. I remember this also being decidedly excellent but alas the details once again elude me.

Eventually hanging out with these young artists in this dorm situation wears me down a bit though, even though it’s fun and the view of the city is incredible. I need to get home to rest. So I head out to the “new place” I’ve created up north. I must confess, this is absolutely the nicest place I’ve ever lived in. The pups are there too. I need to get some sleep.

That’s about the end of the dream portion of the festivities but I’d like to harp on the concept of the crude retro-futuristic video game graphic mind control menu. It very much was like there were two different points in the person’s life where I could jump in and interject the cosmic plot string. Both of these were within a person’s timeline and they were in different configurations depending on the person. Is that how crude the video game we call life actually is? There are two decision points where a player can influence the game and all the alternate endings play off that?

Did I even have the ability to move these points around the circle or was it static? It felt like each time I brought up the menu the circles were in different places for different people so I’d say probably static. We ain’t the latest tech, that’s for sure.

5/13/2024 –

First I’m getting on the bus outside my place heading east but immediately realize I genuinely have nowhere to go. I’m just taking the bus to the pharmacy up the street? Why would I do that? Well, because I have to starve myself to get my COVID vaccine and my wife’s car is in the shop. I’m remembering the last time I got on the bus in the waking world, which was for that reason. I do have lots of dreams about riding the bus despite only riding the bus like twice in the last decade.

Now a vision of a face of a woman with red hair that’s surrounded by all this living electrical energy. It’s very arty and cool looking and my immediate thought is that it looks like something that Midjourney would churn out based on one of my dreams.

Speaking of dreams, in this first scenario I find myself at my ex-girlfriend’s apartment. It’s like I’m here because her roommate needs to grab me something off her computer and I’m running into her sort of by accident. I’m not saying this scenario makes any sense but they have like a workspace area where both of their desks are right next to each other so it’s impossible to avoid my ex.

She immediately apologizes for not calling me and when she does I’m remembering this entire string of dreams that involve me cheating on my wife, which aren’t always with my ex. Where they ever? I’m not sure but she’s acting like they are. I never called her either so I’m not entirely sure why she’s apologizing, which is what I’m telling her.

It’s all very cordial and as I’m leaving I notice that she’s been making a bunch of AI art that she’s apparently going to use to decorate her apartment. It all has very solar energy/carp vibes. That’s the best way I could describe it. Very artful and detailed solar energy carp. Definitely looks very Chinese Dragon-y in a way as well. Just that sort of style of detailed art that’s super common in sleeve tattoos.  

That’s really it but I eventually find myself in a classroom at the Invisible College once again. This time I absolutely know I’ve taken this class before. Yep. It’s the exact same class I just took. I’m legit surprised the professor doesn’t even notice that I’m in the class again, but it is a large class. That’s it, I’m getting the fuck out of here. Except when I do, I realize that I have my shit all packed up in this plastic bag. Where’s my backpack? Shouldn’t it be in a backpack?

Yeah, fuck, I apparently left my backpack back in class so I have to go back in and awkwardly look for it. When I do, I realize that it was in the large plastic bag all along. What the fuck. I also run into my ex again and bring up how I noticed she was making a bunch of AI art. I’ve been using it to illustrate my dreams I explain to her briefly before I head back out. Does chatting about how I use Midjourney to illustrate my dreams inside of a dream make me go lucid? No.  


5/14/2024 –

I’m exploring this elaborate venue and as I’m doing so everything about it is feeling super familiar. I can’t quite put my finger on why until I wander around some more and realize that, oh yeah, it’s a lot like the practice space building we used to rent 20 years ago. There seems to be a massive party/show going down and I enter one of the rooms that seems to have a decent amount of action. When I do it’s like:

“Holy shit. It’s like this device that lets you time travel and relive particular moments in music history.”

I’m currently visiting the classic punk era and I sit and contemplate to myself why in the universe I would choose this, seeing as it’s in my mind the most overrated era of music all time. I have an intuitive understanding of why a lot of people would choose this but why I would? No clue. It’s basically the last time period I’d visit. I’m watching a band set up who has this lead singer with a gaunt face and chin length black hair. I think to myself.

“Wow, this is before he went full crossdresser.”

A dream part of me knows who this band is but like nope. They only exist in this version of the astral plane apparently. The tech I’m exploring here is mind boggling though. You can relive history. I hang out at this show/party for a very long time and it’s all a reference to my own punk phase, as it were. Ahh, remember when I sang in an angry ass political band during the Bush administration? It’s something I honestly try to forget for the most part but this sitch seems to be purely intended to remind me.

This goes on for quite a while and the weirdest thing that happens is that at one point my old band is offered a string of shows if I can manage to pull together a supporting cast. So I’m sitting at this bar ledge thing and I text our old drummer. Then I promptly fall asleep at the bar ledge thing. When I wake up the drummer is there and I’m like:

“Oh yeah, you know what man? I apparently just fell asleep and dreamt that we’d been offered those shows, then texted you mistaking my dream for reality. I can’t say that’s ever really happened before so apologies.”

Even as I’m explaining this, none of it tracks but do I go lucid? No. The fact that I actually managed to write a successful text in a dream environment is honestly the strangest part and I’m aware of this on some level but still no. Instead I continue to hang out at this party that’s going long into the night. I haven’t drank anything yet and eventually I’m like, maybe I’ll have a beer if I’m going to be here for another hour or so. Someone brought a bunch of Pabst but I feel sort of guilty about grabbing one because I didn’t bring any. I eventually do though, then I go to sit down. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve had a Pabst in the waking world.

“Man, they really do have an amazing stage set up in this backyard area.”

I think to myself as the dream fades out. They do indeed. When I get back under, in one other scenario I’m somehow telepathically creating a new piece of music on this old-timey wooden radio. As I psychically prepare the tunes a voice enters my head informing me that it has to be fucking amazing (but those aren’t the terms that are used). Okay then.   


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