by Thad McKraken on May 22, 2014
Well Disinfonauts, apparently my psychic life does requests. A week after addressing comments urging me to write more about how our leaders are creepy black hearted Occultists behind the scenes, I have this dream (From my Facebook Feed, Friend me):
May 18th, 2014 –
I’m in a college classroom and the teacher passes around a handout with a description of the next assignment. I haven’t really been paying a whole lot of attention to the lecture and I get the impression I’m bored out of my mind, but I scan through the document and see that it involves creating a psychic map of various goals and achievements you wish to accomplish in life and then spending time ritualistically envisioning them.
Create an inner map of the things you want to experience in your life, divide them into separate compartments of easily conjured thought, and then spend time understanding how they all tie together into one multi-faceted yet singular entity. You are made of experience. There was actually a really cool almost Tree of Life diagram suggestive of what this inner visualization should look like, and when I look at it, I see a classmate of mine doing this exercise. She’s envisioning a child she wants to have in the future and basking in the warm glowing light that this relationship will bring to her life. There’s a love energy that radiates off the paper and into me as I enter her dream world. I get the impression that this is designed to help people identify their priorities and mold a future in tune with what they wish to experience.
I raise my hand. I mention to the teacher and the class that these are some really Occult/New Agey concepts and I’m sort of surprised we’re being asked to essentially do Occult rituals without the sex and drugs as a psychology assignment. I mean, I’m glad we are but just expressing my disbelief. The teacher has zero idea how to respond to this. He’s legitimately confused by this level of inquiry as if it’s never even occurred to him. He changes the subject as quickly as possible sort of annoyed. I can tell exactly no one else in the class has any idea what I’m talking about either.
Later I’m looking at a secret meeting between high ranking executives in the pharmaceutical industry from a third person perspective. They’re the classic old round run down group of suits. Balding, sweating, waiting to die. They excuse themselves to a secret room where they know just the three of them will be alone beyond surveillance. Suddenly they then go into an unconscious state and they’re communicating to one another in their true daemonic voices which are pitch shifted down to sound cartoonishly evil. Their eyes go blank in the back of their heads and their mouths become agape yet motionless. The guttural daemonic conversation is happening in an odd telepathic manner. Almost like taking the head off the human puppet suits they’d commandeered— like a mascot on a smoke break. They’re discussing an agenda but I don’t really understand what’s being referenced. Psychic enslavement of some sort I imagine. There’s a broader disturbing subtext behind the pills they’re pushing, this shit goes way deep. Right to the core. There creepster mechanics of darkness lurking behind the veil of the drug war run are vile and inhuman. Blacker than oil.
As I’m contemplating all this in a weed trance the next morning I’m thinking about what exactly was going down with the backroom daemon dealings and I’m informed “they have amnesia”. As if they have these secret meetings and then just forget that they’re secretly daemons. After completion they snap right back into character and consciously have zero clue why they’re even doing the things they’re doing. What in the absolute fuck? And then the whole watered down Occult psychic lesson plan. Infinite questions. Were they threatened by this dumbed down Occultism becoming recognized as having legit psychological value, or were they responsible for the sex, drugs, and magick angle being eliminated from the lesson plan?
Now, here’s where it gets compelling. What I said last week, based on other previous transmissions such as these was this:
“Trust me, these people are fucking themselves over with this wealth/war mongering shit from a spiritual perspective and they’re completely unaware of that fact. Is there a dark sorcerer compelling them to do this shit behind the scenes? From what I’ve seen, probably, but they’re not aware of it consciously.”
And then I have a dream confirming that exact position, less than a week later. Does this mean that I think the pharmaceutical industry is secretly being run by Satan? Well, fuck, hmmmm, errrr, I don’t know what to think, but I will say that I’ve gotten the impression over and over throughout the years that there’s waaaaay more going on behind the scenes of the drug war on a spiritual level than anyone I’ve read is acknowledging. Waaaaaay more. Drugs are a means of psychically enslaving the population after all. If a dark force wanted to keep people stupid, that’s how they’d do it rather than you know, taking away your guns. Just food for thought NWO conspiracy weirdos.