10/12/2023 -
So the premise here is that I'm finally going to a Blazers game. I arrive at the game in this fancy stadium, find what I think is a choice seat and wait. After a while there's this very average slightly pudgy looking clean shaven white dude with black hair parted on the left wearing a plain white t-shirt sitting next to me. He eventually looks over at me all:
"I'm gonna go grab a beer."
To which I'm like:
"Oh yeah, I got beer."
And with this I'm remembering that I packed a few Corona bottles in my bag. But the guy aptly responds.
"Uhhh, suuure."
Now I'm remembering that you're not supposed to sneak your own beer into sporting events. So I go up to buy a beer but for dream logic reasons I can't. It's like there are places selling beer but somehow they're not. I don't get it either but when I return to my seat I realize that I can't even see the game from this vantage point. I'm on like a floating jetty above the court so the action is happening beneath me. Now I'm realizing that just like how you can't bring beer into sporting events, you also can't just sit wherever you want. Wait, didn't I show up with some friends? What the fuck happened to them?
I'm frantically looking at my ticket to try and locate my actual seats but the stub is tiny and the text keeps moving. Oh the astral plane and its shifty relationship with finite details. This leads to an annoying anxiety sequence where I'm wandering around the MC Escher stadium desperately trying to read the morphing text on my miniscule ticket stub.
I finally run into the friends I showed up with and explain the sitch. We're sitting next to each other right guys? The text has worn off my ticket, what are the seats? I start following them but they run off super power frolicking through an old school castle. They're like jumping above it off these floating red sashes floating over the old school rock stronghold. No, really. The funny thing is that I'm pissed. Like genuinely pissed and I feel it in the same way I would if I was awake. I haven't been to an NBA game in so goddamn long. Can't we just watch the thing?
This isn't actually resolved. Instead I wake up and when I get back under I'm now at a Mariner's game. Same deal though, I can't find my freaking seats and it's anxiety inducing. The finite aspects of the seat info on the ticket keep shifting because of course they do. At one point I'm frantically looking at the numbers on the aisleways and seatbacks and they keep shifting too. Eventually I just decide that if I close my eyes and shove my ass into the scenery as hard as I can I'll eventually find a seat, which somehow works. Everything goes into a crackling black state and I'm pushing with my legs and now I'm in an open seat.
I start to watch the game but the view isn't that great. In fact, it also keeps shifting. It's like the stadium is twirling around and we're watching multiple entertainment options at once. One of these options is an enormous retro video screen. An old cell phone quality recording comes on. It's a turtle addressing the crowd. He tells us his name is Rupert.

Then the stadium warps back to the game in a circular motion. The short casually dressed pretty young woman with parted chin length feathered brown hair sitting with her boyfriend next to me looks over confused.
"Did he just tell us his name is Rupert?"
She asks.
"I believe he did."
I reply, equally as confused. I'm still confused. I'm not actually sure he said his name was Rupert but that's what I'm remembering. Doesn't seem right though and I'm not sure why. Was it Clancy? That doesn't seem right either. Everything's shifty about this, even in a waking state.
10/13/2023 -
I feel like I say this a lot but sometimes the intensity of certain dream states kicks up a notch. This would be one of those situations, and with very Cronenbergian vibes. Wow, just wow. So the setup is this: I'm watching this amazingly arty play with my brother in this super stylish futuristic but simultaneously contemporary art bar/theater space.

It's an incredibly cool play and I know because I've seen it before but my brother hasn't and he obvs wants to check it out. I'm tagging along but I have slight reservations, one because I've already seen it, and two because some of it is amazingly disturbing. I have these remembrances of the most over the top freaky hi fi Cronenbergian creep show special FX imaginable.
I make it through the first half enjoying it enough. Then there's this intermission and we're hanging out grabbing drinks with some of the staff and the rest of the audience. Subtle sci fi punk rock cocktail vibes for days. At one point this waiter type guy hands me a silver plate of colorfully packaged candy. I'm minorly confused by this, but it looks cool so I run with it and start sucking them down. Not long after one of the cast members grabs me and informs me that I've been selected to play this very specific part in the play to which I'm like:
I got picked to play this exact part the last time I came to this thing. What the fuck? It actually puts me in a really awkward situation because I'm not sure what to do. Am I supposed to tell them I've already been in a production of this playing the exact same role? Shouldn't someone else get to do it? Also, some of it is slightly unpleasant honestly.
I genuinely don't know what to do here but ultimately I feel like I'd come across like I was being a dick if I said no. Honestly, there's a local scene veteran musician woman with cool tattoos and shorter orange hair who's involved in the production and that's the deciding factor. It's not even a crush or anything, I just respect her and the opportunity to act opposite her sells me on the concept.
"All right, I'm ready to go. Let's do this thing"
And with that I'm almost abducted to this seemingly shady back room. Then they put me mostly under with some unknown anesthesia. All of this feels so strange and sort of wrong and yet I know it's just a play. Things are getting numbingly bleak but I've done it before and it wasn't a big deal. I know something happens that involves cutting into my sides. It does. Two knives are shoved into my lower back near where my kidneys are located. I feel nothing. Again, it's no big deal.
What the fuck is going on here? No clue but it's such body horror vibes. Some sort of back room body augmentation and in waking up I realize I've never had to have major surgery. In fact, I have to get a colonoscopy soon and while not major surgery, uhhh, not fun either.
After I get back under the intense dreams continue for hours. The only thing I pull back from the ether though is that I'm playing like a space warfare video game. I fly a large ship on top of a blown out building from a third person perspective with my mind. That part is easy. Now I have to take out the other spaceships on top of the dystopian urban dwellings that are providing ground cover for their troops. I have the higher ground and I fire endlessly at one with my mind turret thingamajig. Is this even doing anything? It seems like it is, it's just going to take an annoyingly long time.
10/14/2023 -
Prototypical liminal message about the relationship between higher dimensional consciousness and lower world incarnations. Here it's presented that bodies are like a circular room. This one's a minimalist slightly swanky high rise condo with mostly dark gray interior. It's empty with the exception of some sparse cool looking furniture. It's on a high floor and almost feels like it's set up for a fashion shoot.

My consciousness can swoop in and out of the place through the ceiling because I'm some sort of omniscient floating energy being. Bodies are like condos. They're cool places to chill but also you gotta touch some astral grass, you know.
What else? My perspective is a side scrolling 2D video game, but not the super retro kind. One of the arty modern one's that's trying to be all retro on purpose. I'm controlling this white stick looking thing wearing a funky space helmet. I'm hopping around various platforms and powering up. There's almost like high tech dungeon infiltration vibes. I'm descending lower to get to the higher levels. After reaching level10 and having this come up on the screen quite prominently, I then quickly almost warp to the next level and it tells me I'm on level 13. I find this amazingly fucked up and I'm not sure why. What happened to level 11 and 12? I pull out the vision baffled. Was that a bug or did I accidentally activate a cheat code?
I get back under and eventually find myself pulling out of an even more baffling situation. The new television season is going to drop soon and there's going to be not only one, but two different bad ass Jesus shows. That's the premise. It's Jesus, but he's really good looking, muscular, and more of a take no shit action hero than we're used to. This ain't your grandparent's Jesus, dude will fuck you up. I catch a brief preview of one and the guy playing him is this young white dude with long curly black hair and cheekbones you could cut diamonds on. His white robe quite conveniently doesn't cover much of his rippling physique. Oh you sexy action Jesus. Steely blue eyes.

Later in a hypnagogic trance I'm told that:
"Your world would seem very imperfect but it is not imperfect."
The shitty people get their comeuppance, as designed. This is something they showed me long ago. The idiotic demi-urge that runs this banana channel realm remains bound by whatever you'd want to call God's laws. That's the running joke. It's hell. It's perfectly hilarious but hilarious to who?

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!