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It's Impossible to Out Sleaze this Guy

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

5/3/2024 –

While diving into a ganj-i-tation state I’m confronted with this evil daemon capitalist character. He’s wearing a slick blue suit, looks slightly larger than a normal person with gray skin and this deformed boxy angular head with ridges instead of hair. He’s got a devious look in his eyes and I can sense his powers. He can summon skyscrapers. Sports stadiums. He’s a made man in the daemonic mafia of late stage capitalism.

His power feeds off your power. When you try to go low, he can sink lower. It is impossible to outsleaze this guy. There is no floor. He feeds off your greed and defeats you by sinking beneath you. The lower you go, he finds a way to go lower and turn it against you. Of course this is all based on a dream I had last year where I took down these sleazy mafiosos by doing exactly this. Great concept though and the character design is based on the animation in X-Men ’97.

In the dream world I’m at this party in Interbay. What’s weird is it’s like I’ve crashed this party. I just showed up and it’s mainly a bunch of dudes sitting around getting high and watching sports with a bunch of free food. I try to leave but I mysteriously can’t find my way home while wandering north on the astral city streets.

So I’m back and once again I decide I need to take off. What am I even doing here? I get up to once again jet and all the dudes get up to see me out, which is odd because I weren’t even aware they knew me. They also insist I pack up the pile of things I brought with me and drop some bars for me on my way out the door. I didn’t know they were rappers but as they’re briefly showing off their flow it’s making sense. They do in fact look dress like white rappers, wearing mostly fancy white athletic jackets like me. I’m seeing that now.

The next thing I know I’m at another party which is happening on this like alternate reality version of the exact house and party I was just hanging out. Here though it’s this far more upscale and sophisticated crowd. I’ve just had a minor role in this film and as it turns out this is like a surprise celebration party for this achievement. I wasn’t even going to mention that this was a thing I did and this is sort of their way of calling me out on not wanting to call attention to myself, which is legit kind of funny. In fact, they’ve hired this fairly respected film critic to give an in depth review of my performance, which is again, very funny.

Her take is that I was pretty good but not great but concedes that it would have been hard to be truly transcendent or anything with the character I was given. Everything now goes 5th dimensional and we’re living the segments of the film that my character is in, which once again involve going to a party. A party where you watch a movie about a party, psychically layered on top of another party somehow, which all seem to be happening in variations of the same fancy house with white walls.

I’m playing this fairly dorky character. I have a different hair style and glasses and it seems like I’ve lost a little bit of muscle for the role on purpose as well. I show up at the shindig wearing all white and am hanging out a lot with this other character who’s very much more like me, also dressed in all white which is interesting. It’s like they gave me the role that’s not much like me in a movie where I’m essentially the straight man to a guy who’s a lot like me. They guy even looks a decent amount like me. Not the obvious choice and my performance is very understated, which is the point, and I do a good job with it. Nothing amazing though as the critic is reminding everyone for comedic effect.

Now I’m Bob Odenkirk walking into this older lawyer with slick hair and a haggard face’s office wearing an all white suit, which is purely metaphorical I’m sure. He’s signing a bunch of paperwork for me and I can tell I’m totally fucking him over. Handing him his ass. After he’s done he asks me why.

“You’re the one that got me into this whole thing in the first place.”

He points out. I look back at him and reply:

“I’ll never forgive what you did to Timmy.”

And with this I get a brief expositional download. This guy fucked over Timmy and Timmy committed suicide largely because of it.

There is a bit of shocked realization in his face.

See what I mean? You can’t sink any lower and I can. In a world made of imagination, there is no floor. You had no clue who you were accidentally fucking with, which is maybe why you shouldn’t fuck over people you assume are weak.

Now another vision. I’m back in the party with the white rapper bros and I’m talking about how part of what I do with my writing is piss people off. I mean, basic trolling. That’s how you get clicks and it obviously infuriates people.

As I drift into hypnagogia I’m told that the trial I just got cleared in was:

“Very ugly.”

This all tracks. They came after who I am, not what I did.

5/4/2024 –

More psi vignettes:

  • I’m looking at this very lo fi overhead perspective dungeon crawler style video game, except that it’s a party crawler. That seems to be the point to the game. You wander around these narrow line drawn passageways and mingle with other crudely animated characters. There’s this one circular looking icon dude that’s irritating me by initiating this annoying party circle dialogue tree. It looks like he’s got shit logs in his hands, so I warp up to the perspective of these heavenly doormen who are controlling who can and can’t enter the game world. This other bodyless gatekeeper/doorman dude turns to me and is telepathically all like:

“Would you believe I actually had to not let someone in once?”

It’s as if this had never happened before. Quite obviously it’s not much of an exclusive club so he elaborates:

“This one dude just seemed a little too eager, so I did a background check and yep. He absolutely had a history of problematic behavior.”

I then see how I somehow arranged this on an unconscious level. I saw that the guy would be a bummer in the pixel graphic party crawler game, then I made sure it never happened in the first place. That’s what a precog security professional does.  


  • A vision of this leprechaun dude from India. He looks like he’s about 50, dressed in thrift store stylish clothes with a trendy cut exaggerated gray beard. He’s not at all short though as far as I can tell and it’s like he’s hovering over a personal sized body of water and radiating this magical rainbow energy. That’s the vision and it sticks in my mind for a while. The Indian leprechaun bro. He seems cool.



  • I’m standing outside this gigantic white building seemingly after an event of some variety and this guy I used to know that turned out to be a creep is hitting on these women in front of me and a couple other people who are hanging out. He’s basically trying to get them to sign some sort of legal waiver document before they have sex with him.

We are horrifyingly embarrassed for him. Why on earth would he think this would work? I then fly away from the side of the white building and into the second floor brown brick walls of another building. While inside of these brick walls I see him trying this again. Just going up to random women all:

“Hey, will you sign this legal disclaimer that you do in fact want to have consensual sex with me, then have sex with me.” 

Like, if I do abuse you, you agreed to it. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? I fly down to tell him he’s a fucking creep.



  • I’m in sideways church. I’ve come back to the church I went to as a kid. After mildly mingling with people at the entrance in a sequence I mostly forget, I’m now ready for the service to start. Except that it’s like I wake up having already been seated and I’m at this desk, facing sideways. It’s the same pastor as when I was a kid but she’s a lot older. I look around. Wow has the parish changed. It’s a completely different crop of folks now and I barely recognize anyone. This is far more profound in the dream state than it should be considering I haven’t been back there in over 30 years at this point in the waking world.

Anyway, back to the sideways desk thing. What the fuck is going on with that? I have no idea but everyone is facing sideways in the chapel. It genuinely seems more like a courtroom than a church in a way but again, with everyone facing sideways in the room and the courtroom general seating facing the opposite direction. I have no idea what to make of this.


We’re still at the sideways church but it’s like the after service and my wife has been listening to a ton of Liz Phair, which I see as this icon in the top corner of the room, which feels like a speaker playing music. She comes up to me and tells me that she owes Liz money, to which I’m like:


Then a scene pulls into my mind. Mrs. Phair had apparently just played a show at the sideways church. She was right next to us hanging out in the crowded chapel. We were going to go over and buy some expensive merch but she got accosted by several other peeps before we could. My wife has been listening to her albums a shit ton and wants to financially compensate her in some capacity. That’s what she’s telling me. If only more music fans thought like this.   


5/5/2024 –

Only 2 minor visions tonight. The first is of this band of trendy looking elves about to traverse the countryside in a slick looking car. The lead elf here looks a lot like Nick McCabe of the Verve and I’m well aware that this is a reference to the old Verve music videos I just stumbled on over the weekend. Was he tapping into the pyschedelic elfin magick of the UK countryside? I am a huge fan of trippy 90’s music from the UK. Can’t say I was truly making that connection.

As I’m contemplating this, it’s further elaborated that McCabe isn’t largely considered a huge guitar hero, even though those first few Verve records are probably more of an influence on my playing than anything. Fair point. I’ve been a huge fan for over 30 years and I didn’t even realize there were music videos from their early stuff until Saturday. The weirdest thing about him is that he released in my mind some of the best guitar music of all time, then never replicated the genius sound he created ever again. The entirety of his genius lasted roughly 5 years. Definitely odd. Also odd with the elf magick stuff. Leprechauns yesterday, now elves.

In the next vision there’s a fairly non-descript looking white dude with black curly hair. He gets on a small boat and rows out into the middle of a lake looking for “the key”. Once he gets to a certain spot, he casts his line out in the murky depths and pretty much immediately ensnares what looks like a wedding ring. This seems absolutely impossible for a couple of reasons, first and foremost being that the ring was still sinking when he caught it and was fairly near the surface. That makes zero sense because it was in the middle of the lake and would have had to be just thrown in. The likelihood he would have somehow caught it with his first cast also seems amazingly improbable but hey, intuition. I believe that’s the point.

Anyway, he then gets back to shore and he’s now having an argument with this overweight clean cut white guy with a crappy haircut wearing a golf shirt. This guy thinks it’s about the money but it’s not. It’s about the key. The intuitive key fisherman is entirely right about this. That’s the point. Ahhh winning in love. It’s such a crapshoot.  


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