5/16/2023 -
I'm a disembodied form of consciousness floating above what seems like a crowded, energetically charged urban scene. There are crowds of people gathered outside this large building and also people going about their business inside. I'm not entirely sure why, but I feel like I'm supposed to be taking some sort of action here to move whatever the hell is going on along. And so I fly from outside where the crowd is gathering and promptly inhabit the mind of one of the individuals inside.
The second I enter this person's head I become aware of the fact that what's going on is some sort of labor dispute and that I'm not a part of the union that's striking outside. Yet with my newfound control of this person's will I loudly start chanting their union slogans anyway while raising my fist black panther activism style. At first the other people inside are confused, then like a slow clap scene in a movie they all start joining in with me. We're not a part of the striking union but we're going to proudly claim solidarity with them. How I knew that I could possess this specific person's head and cause this chain of events I have no idea. What I do know is that when I pull out of the dream the chorus of the song Dirty Deeds by AC/DC is reverberating throughout my consciousness.
"Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap".
I suppose this is the sort of spiritual shit work no one wants to get involved with but fuck, I'd use my daemonic abilities to help workers organize for free.
Later in the night I have this long dream where I'm bored and seemingly just wasting time with these other unidentified associates. I want to get out of town and on with my life but they want to party. Again, this goes on for quite a while but the only things I really remember are that at one point we're waiting in line at some sort of a pharmacy. It's taking forever and I'm bored but my female compatriot informs me that she's made reservations at some bar and they're going to have a table reserved for us when we're done.
The next thing I know, I for some reason am not wearing any pants and I notice that I've shaved off all of my pubic hair. Except that this isn't right. There's no stubble to speak of. It's like I never had any pubic hair to being with. The strangeness of this realization immediately wakes me up, which is honestly somewhat disappointing as it really should have made me go lucid. This is one aspect of lucid dreaming I hadn't honestly contemplated until I started keeping a daily dream journal. Sometimes the exact thing that makes me realize I'm dreaming leads me to wake up instinctively rather than realizing I'm dreaming and staying inside the dream. It is sort of amazing how difficult lucid dreaming actually is. I've been doing it for nearly 30 years and I still fuck it up half the time.
5/16/2023 -
First I'm in some sort of a tour bus and I'm awkwardly sleeping by trying to cram myself under my seat with a pillow. A woman who seems like a tour guide catches me doing this and wakes me up laughing at me. She then explains to me that I need to learn how to pack and pulls out my suitcase. As we're going through it, I have my electronic devices and some clothes in my bag. She's explaining to me why this doesn't work and I have zero clue what she's talking about. I do not understand what's off with my packing or how to improve it at all based on her instructions.
Now I'm at a show that I'm playing which is in this red walled small sized ballroom with like a bowl shaped indentation in the ground where the spectators sit, and they all have fairly decked out seats. It's definitely a fancy ass venue for not being very large. We're watching a band I'm familiar with (who I could not recall upon waking up) and Girls Against Boys is supposed to go on next. We're up after them. In looking around the crowd I'd say there's like 40 people there who seem to be fairly enthusiastic about the band playing, except that I know GVSB is after them and we're headlining, so my guess is that most of them will be gone by the time we go on.
I do realize though that we're supposed to play an entire set of material I haven't played in over10 years and suddenly I'm like. Hmmm, that's very problematic. I go over to my bandmate and I'm like:
"Shouldn't we have maybe practiced this set a few times before we're started playing live shows?"
I'm thinking about just the first song we're supposed to play and wow, yeah, I haven't played that song in a really long time. I'm just supposed to bang that out from memory? I will say that in actual life it would probably take me at least an hour of tinkering before I'd even remember how to play half of it. I legitimately don't remember how to play most of the songs I've finished in my life but the one's I haven't finished? I know all of those. I go back to my bandmate with these doubts and he's like:
"That's just sort of how it is when you play overseas."
OK then.
Now I'm on some trip to Romania, which is very odd because it's the second time I've visited Romania in my dreams in the last couple weeks. I know exactly nothing about this country and I literally just had to look it up to identify where in eastern Europe it even is. Super strange. So I get off the plane, settle in briefly to this hostel type place where I'm apparently staying with the tour group I'm with, then promptly ditch them to go check out a basketball game.
Here I'm sitting front row in this small gym and LeBron James is for whatever reason playing in this game despite the fact that there's genuinely only room for like100 spectators total in the place, if that. I'd guess there are roughly 30 people in attendance. I'm pretty excited that I'm getting this opportunity though because in seeing the king up close, I'm actually getting a vibe of his intensity on the court that I could never catch on TV. The way he sort of turns on the competitiveness and ramps it up when needed is far more apparent from this vantage point. He's ferocious.
Except that when the 3rd quarter ends, the game now shifts venues. None of this makes any sense to me. In fact, I'm suddenly realizing I'm in a foreign country where I don't even speak the language and have zero clue how to navigate to the next venue to catch the 4th quarter. And thus begins a long outdoor journey in search of this mysterious stadium.
This is where the dream gets odd as in the process of searching I realize that I'm dreaming and simply don't care. I go completely lucid, could take control of the dream but for some reason decide not to. For a while I'm walking through these half formed environments and contemplating manipulating them with my will but decide against it. It's as if I'm far more interested in watching the end of this game than playing god in a dream realm.
It's all very odd but I do eventually find the place and it's this huge packed stadium with a green and white colorway where I apparently enjoy the final quarter, although I have zero recollection of who wins.
The next thing I know, I'm staying with this like host family. There are a couple of us in their incredibly modest condo where their whole family lives. At one point there's a fight between two of them that makes zero sense to me but I eventually hear the matriarch explaining that it had to do with their daughter's potential sexual attraction to me.
"Of course he's going to be interested in her."
She tells her uncle or brother or whatever. I hadn't even noticed this woman until this all happens but now I do and she's this gorgeous thin white woman with short curly red hair, wearing this like cut out faux leather outfit. Now we're preparing to go out on the town with this family. We get all dressed up and go out into the night in front of their condo to wait for our rideshare to pick us up and take out out drinking. That's where the dream ends but as I pull into a liminal state I'm informed that I just attended one class in the Invisible College.
I find this very weird because most of my dream experiences have a fairly clear message and I have zero clue what the point to any of this was. The fact that I went lucid then decided to stick with the dream was different though, although not the first time this has happened. I suppose on a metaphorical level, it might explain why someone in the waking world might get so interested in this low level monkey drama bullshit that they'd forgo their opportunity to bend reality? Since none of what happened afterward was very interesting though, I definitely feel like I'm reaching there.
