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Look at the Freaking Clouds

Writer's picture: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

7/13/2023 -

I'm sleeping in my old room in Ohio and my brother is in a separate bed next to me, kind of hotel style. All of a sudden he starts singing in his sleep. I catch a bar or 2 of this singing and what is he singing about? Something involving Georgetown University. No, really. This leads to him getting out of bed and when he does, the whole room turns into outside my current townhouse. He crosses the street and starts chatting with this woman and her dog on the other side of the street. My pug now gets out of bed, stands on one side of the street for a while, then crosses. My brother is paying no attention to any of this and I'm furious.

Later we're in this small home chapel type room, apparently praying, and I confront him.

"What the fuck? That's a busy street. You let Zeke out off leash and you weren't even looking. He just crossed the street and you were paying zero attention. He could have gotten killed!"

Zeke is apparently fine and nothing happened but I'm still pissed at my brother.

After this I wake up and fall back under. In this scenario it has come to my attention that it's summer and LeBron James has put all his energy behind this particular artist. He's going to tour the country with her Grateful Dead style I guess. Anyway, because of this we go to one of her shows, which is at this high school gym type environment with the classic wood pull out bleacher seating. The seats are only pulled out on one side of the gym, I'd say there are like 200 people there maybe and she's doing her thing in the stands right in the middle of the crowd.

How would I describe this act? She's this slightly overweight, light skinned, black Irish girl with reddish brown dreadlocks and she's doing this performance which is a combination of hip hop and spoken word through a thick southern Irish dialect. There are no beats accompanying her flow and honestly, her way of talking is so unique it's like she's invented her own language. I don't even understand half of what she's saying but I can tell it's very political, which is I'm gauging why LeBron is such a fan.

I'm impressed with the show although admittedly I don't understand all of it, and afterward we're sitting with a group of other attendees. I don't remember how exactly but this leads to this thin, round faced looking blonde woman hitting on me. Because of this flirtation I'm convinced to come back to this place where she apparently lives, which is this large darkly lit one story building which I'm getting the vibe is some sort of art collective. Seems like a converted industrial space of some variety.

Everything is pretty low key and I'm just chatting with these people and fishing for the prospect of hooking up with this girl, although honestly she's waaaaay too young for me. This all changes though when out of nowhere this one woman who apparently lives there spontaneously starts throwing down a DJ set. At first I'm sort of disappointed that it's this standard boom boom boom bass kick techno stuff. I mean, I like that stuff but I am stuck by the lack of originality in what she's spinning. Then this glowing almost other dimensional orb of electrical energy appears above the decks she's spinning on and I must confess, that is pretty fucking cool. I didn't even know tech like this existed so I make eye contact with the person next to me and we're both like:

"Wow, that is fucking awesome!"

I tell her that I'm absolutely going to buy one of these things for myself as soon as I can. Also, things are heating up in the place as people start to move so I instinctively take off my shirt. Now the round faced thin woman finds me and pulls me into this other packed room. We inch our way to the front and there's this like leather daddy gay punk type band playing. All the dudes near the stage start grinding on me so I pull back a bit. I'm looking for the girl but she's receded back into the crowd and now I'm thinking:

"God, if I want to get laid, it's probably going to involve me staying up all night partying and even then the prospect isn't great."

I've been in these sort of situations before (looong ago). And that's about where the dream leaves off.

7/14/2023 -

In this first scenario my wife and I have just left a party and a woman is hitting on my wife on the city sidewalk a few blocks away. Everyone seems very intoxicated and for some reason I decide I want this woman to hit on my wife. I'm like:

"I guess I'll just leave you two alone."

I then cross the street to our friends who are this lesbian couple and I sort of comically re-iterate the same thing to them.

"Let's leave these two alone."

They yell back to both of them that they're heading the afterparty at their place and flag them in the right direction. I walk off with them for another few blocks until we get to their pad and it's very modest, almost like a small industrial space that was converted into some sort of apartment. I hear them chatting about how they apparently have money though and I'm all:

"Huh, I would think if they had money they'd be living in a nicer place than this."

And with that thought the place transforms. There's this orange metal stairway to the upper floor and when I get up there, it's huge and I'm confronted with this gigantic window with an absolutely gorgeous view of the Seattle waterfront from what would essentially be First Hill. The sun seems to be coming up over the skyscrapers (although that's the exact opposite of how it works in real life) and there are these micro fog like cloud patterns hovering over some of the smaller buildings. It's gorgeous but not otherworldly. Absolutely seems like some that could be happening in waking life, just on the extreme side of that spectrum. As I'm marveling, an increasing amount of people are flooding up the industrial stairs and into the view room. We're all entranced.

"Look at the clouds man, look at the freaking clooooouds."

I eventually pull myself away from the window and man the place is getting packed. I look off the ledge from the upper floor to the lower one and it's getting increasingly crowded down there too. Except where is my wife and that woman who was hitting on her? Why was I encouraging that in the first place? I'm having doubts and feeling a tinge of jealousy. I am completely lost in thought. In fact, this large bearded white dude bro pulls me out of it by waving a Chaco Taco in front of my face. I am in my own universe and he's only waving it in front of my face because he's handing them out and I was acting like he wasn't saying a word.

This snaps me out of it and I'm like:

"Uhh, no thanks. Sorry, I'm really fucking high."

And the second these words leave my mouth I immediately realize the ridiculousness of what I've just said.

"I'm too high to want a Chaco Taco."

And I wake up laughing my ass off.

When I get back under I'm now in some odd scenario where I'm chatting with this tall, older, light skinned balding black guy with reddish gray hair and bit of a beer gut outside of a small white church. He's wearing a white suit and the dude is rambling on and on. I'm only half engaged in the conversation. Seems like a nice guy but he's just sort of talking and not saying anything if you know what I mean. Honestly, it's dreamville so I'm sort of mind warping into some of the yarns he's spinning and they're not only boring, but I don't see how the vignettes tie to together if I'm being honest. Absolutely seems like a chill enough guy though and it's lot like I'm not enjoying chatting him up.

Then somehow I'm conversing with this shorter balding middle age brown haired dude in a blue suit in the basement hang out area of the church and he's explaining to me that I was just chatting up the pastor and I'm like:

"Oh, that's not good."

At this point I start going on a tirade critiquing the dude's sermons while warping through narrative consciousness bubbles. Now that I've spontaneously remembered them in great inner detail, I have notes.

"Yeah, I've seen that guy's sermons and it's just like he starts rambling about random shit and none of it really seems to tie together. Also, it's boring."

Kind of exactly like he is in conversation honestly and the other dude shrugs.


He sucks and this one member of the church board wholeheartedly supports him apparently sooo....

There's just nothing this guy can do about the situation so he shrugs in defeat..

"Yep, my church just sucks now. Nothing I can do about it."

Maybe that's why I'm here? No idea but wow what an odd thing to find yourself dreaming about.

You know what another odd thing to be dreaming about would be? An island suburb of Seattle just to the south east of the city but out on an island in the middle of the water. The island is an exact square of suburban blandness and it can only be reached by underground tunnel. It's a ways out in the water and there are no bridges. It's just a perfectly square town in the middle of the water only accessible by tunnel so I think to myself.

"What an odd concept. Why would anyone do this?"

7/15/2023 -

I'm called into work on a Sunday. It's mildly annoying but I get the vibe I'm getting paid so I'm not that pissed about it honestly. When we get in we're in this warehouse type sitch and it gets creepy really fast. Oh Jesus Christ, it's all this stupid fucking productivity contest bullshit. I'm legit not concerned about this as I'm under the impression it doesn't actually matter at all and you know what? They've got some pretty cool new tech. Our task is mailing out CD's and they've got the whole process down to a goddamn science. All the pieces are laid out perfectly and I can get an order, print the mailing label, and get it out the door within like 30 seconds. I gotta admit, this will be useful for my own pursuits and yeah, good point dreams. My shipping infrastructure is total crap which held me back years ago. They've come up with way better tech on that front and I do need to step my game up.


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