6/25/2023 -
I've been playing this detective game The Sinking City and this night's hypnagogic visions were all riffs on that theme. I'm a detective and I'm combing through all these wood walled rooms in this large house for clues. There's one particular bronze lettered word that's really important. Again, it's just this phrase that I found in this room standing straight up vertically that's written in metallic cursive. I for some reason can't decipher whatever it says, but I know it's important.
Later in a liminal state I realize that I used to have a wood and bronze nameplate of my grandfather (who's name I share) that I stuck on my desk and I recently noticed that my wife had moved it, yet I hadn't figured out what she did with it exactly. In writing this I remembered to investigate this mystery and voila, my wife had just moved it to the corner of my desk behind my Dr. Strange bobblehead. Honestly, it works better there anyway and mystery solved. I think the message involved focusing my investigation toward that side of my ancestral family though, so you know, noted.
Now I'm having a conversation with a group of telepathic snow capped mountains and they tell me that they do not need my assistance. Okay then.
In dream world I'm once again back in the ridiculous high rise I share with my brother and a bunch of other people. As of last week I was informed that I'm some sort of an astral plane hotel heir which explains this situation so, uhhhh, I have no idea what that truly means but there are an increasing amount of people sharing this space with us. It seems like this might be problematic. In fact, I wonder why I'm even bothering with it when I look out the windows and realize that it is an incredible view. Of course this is a ramped up dream world skyline but it's definitely something to look at. It's not like it seems that much further in the future than we currently are either, but just more dense and slightly more modern. Lots of skyscrapers comprised of glowing box components of various colors, mostly gold lighted and it seems like we're on the 50th floor taking this in at least. Yep, I can definitely see why just being able to enjoy this view is worth all the hassle of living with all these other people.
I need to get work done though so I head out to my place in Ballard for more privacy. To do this, I need to pick up my car from a gas station where I apparently left it. When I arrive I realize that it's one of those plastic dump trucks popular among small children. Upon realizing this I also realize that it's super snowy and icy out so you know, good thing I have a plastic dump truck. That'll navigate through the ice no problem.
6/26/2023 -
I pull out of a deep sleep state and all I can remember is that I was in some sort of ovoid vessel, darting wildly around this cosmic primordial mist with several other fellow travelers in similar personal spaceships. It's becoming far more common now that I recognize that an astral experience is beyond human narrative comprehension. I try to piece it together in that format but quickly realize it's futile.

This leads to continual hypnagogic visions based on Star Trek: Discovery, which I was watching the prior evening (and also don't really recommend). Anyway, here we're on some mission but we can't trust our ship's computers. They've been programmed entirely incorrectly and because of that are giving us bad navigational data. All of their programming is based on wrong but really complicated ideas about how we programmed it to think the universe works but doesn't, so we have to turn inwardly and come up with our own navigational data based on how the universe actually works. This is important.
We're on a mission and the only way to succeed is to essentially ignore what our ship's computers are telling us to do and figure what needs to happen with our own information. Gee, what a hard to understand metaphor. One they've used quite a bit I might point out, this is just another variation. The way we're taught the world works, is only the way the world works if you're looking at it from far too narrow a lens. The wrong answers here are color coded as wild flowing orange and yellow patterns and the correct internal answers come in shades of deep blue. It's actually quite crazy how off the ship's data is taking us from where we actually need to go. It wants to send us way up in the sky and the answers are much closer to the ground. Again with the obvious metaphors.
In a dream state I'm hanging out with who I refer to as "the functional family". We're all chillin' at a dinner party type situation which is uneventful and goes on for quite a while. The main thing I remember is that Bret Michaels is for some reason hanging out and signing CD's. Except that no one is really wanting any of these autographed relics. I go over to chat just for the hell of it but it's this really awkward situation where yes, I was a Poison fan when I was a kid and no, I am not one now and I honestly think they're terrible. But I do remember those albums. I go over and dig through the ridiculously huge CD book that's full of all these photos from the time reminiscing with him. But you know, also not telling him I remember it fondly or anything, which is a difficult balance to walk. Do I actually want this autograph? Nope. I just came over to bask in nostalgia, and it's nostalgia for something that sucked. I have a feeling this ties directly to the Star Trek visions.
6/27/2023 -
For most of the night I am in magic cape simulator mode. Meaning that my entire consciousness is a magical cape flying through what feels like a mostly black netherworld dimension. What's fascinating about this is that at first I'm not controlling the entire cape at once, but rather specific parts of the cape. It's almost like if you were playing a video game where you were trying to get a human to walk, but you were only controlling one foot. Like, this is this foot's role in walking so you need to focus solely on that to complete this level. Same sort of feel. I'm a very small section of this magical cape and I have to focus on executing my specific role in navigating through the skies of the astral alternate dimension.
As the night progresses, I'm now getting more of a feel of the cape and do get to sort of be the driver as it were. My consciousness is now in command of the magical cape flying through unknown otherworldly dimensions.
Now I'm in some sort of a prison but honestly it seems pretty nice for a prison, just boring. I finally seize the opportunity to make my escape and outside of the prison it's this barren brown grassed wasteland world. No scenery to speak of, just bland brown grass as far as the eye can see and no blue sky, just a wall of white clouds. No trees.
The cape is supposed to come rescue me and it's telling me it's on its way telepathically. I'm running to meet it and it informs me it's going to be easiest to grab me at the bottom of this deep rocky ravine. Apparently this will be the best place to avoid detection. I'm pretty WTF about this because how the hell am I going to get to the bottom of this ravine but after the cape mentions this, as if by magic I notice that there is in fact a rock I can use almost like a stairway to get down no problem. Just like in a video game honestly. How convenient.
