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Manufacturing Synchronicities In 4D

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

4/20/2023 -

If I'm being honest, I've never really celebrated 4/20 and I've only actually taken it as a day off work twice in my entire life, neither time specifically because it was 4/20 either. Last time it was on a Friday and this time I was getting a new tattoo and wanted to see a show on 4/21. Since I have some PTO that I need to use anyway I figured I'd turn it into a thing. Because of that I'm getting stoned in the morning and doing my typical iPod shuffle divination shit while I'm taking bong rips at 9am. I specifically tell myself I'm going to listen to 3 songs to represent the holy trinity of dimensional consciousness. What's the 3rd track that comes up? Green Room by Dig, with it's repeating verse of:

"All I really want to do is get high".

Perfect. If you've never heard that song, definitely check it. One of the best of the 90's. Later in the day, I'm doing my regular dream journal thing while listening to this album by Bass Terror on Alec Empire's Bandcamp page. Again, solid, and it's like a 2 hour plus breakcore/hard jungle mix. I finish my writing and post it a little over half way through the album and hit pause to eat dinner. When I come back down 45 minutes or so later I notice something choice, which is? I apparently hit pause on the one track on the album that's 4 minutes and 20 seconds long. Not only that, but I never would have noticed that there was a track on the album that's 4 minutes and 20 seconds long if I didn't pause the thing on that exact cut before I went to eat dinner.

The screenshots aren't super compelling receipts as you can claim that I faked this on purpose but I will say that the fact that my yellow Snipping Tool highlighter that I always use turned the 4:20 green due to the coloring on the Bandcamp page is also choice. Dig:

Again, perfect.

During the night I'm now some sort of 4th dimensional entity playing what's almost like a video game where I'm essentially tinkering with human lives and calculatedly organizing synchronicities. This comes across like I'm looking through a cross section of an apartment complex from a horizontal side view where I can see through the closest exterior wall to me. So I can see all the other walls and doors except for the one that I explicitly need to see through to interact with the characters. It's very much The Sims honestly and I don't remember any of the details, or possibly I just don't have the capability to understand them.

Regardless, I'm eventually given a very specific task that I do remember. There's a band that has a big show booked much later in the night but it's the middle of the day and they're all hanging out in this seemingly empty house. I'm supposed to find some sort of positive activity to help them bond together (I guess). The more I dive into it though, the more I realize how difficult this is, as I can read their minds. They're very different people. Willing some diversionary plotline to help build chemistry before there's actually a good reason to bring them together i.e. a show will definitely be complicated. I have to get creative with my synchronous reality building.

On a different note, I'm told that my pug is my familiar which I wasn't entirely contemplating but I get it. In this vein, I have an adorable vision of an elderly half pug half wolf spider creature. I know how weird this sounds but I assure you, it's cutesy overload. Ahh my ties to the hidden insectile intelligences.

Now I'm on the east side looking back at the view of the city with my mom. She wants to stop in this one area specifically and look at the view. I must confess, I've never really spent much time looking at the city from this particular vantage point. When I wake up I realize that the dream is in fact entirely correct. There are some amazing views of Seattle looking back west from the coastlines near Bellevue on the east side. I've lived in Seattle for 22 years and I don't think I've ever intentionally explored them. Weird idea dream mom.

4/21/2023 -

But one vision on this night. In it, an eerie sound is pulling me out of my body and into these other realms. There is a sci fi theme of a starship commander exploring new and exotic planets, but I'm not jumping to these planets in a spaceship. I'm jumping into people's heads. Into new and exotic first person experiences. And that sound. That weird eerie sound is sucking me out of my originating perspective and into deep exotic space. This is the second time I've had a dream about eerie consciousness shifting music I might point out. Strange times.


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