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More Freaky People Are Coming

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

1/24/2023 –

Tons of adventures to places on the astral plane that can’t be translated into human linguistics. The one thing I can recall from all these is that as I’m pulling into a waking state I was seemingly having a telepathic dialogue with an ancient shape shifting stone temple while floating in outer space. That’s about the best way I could describe it.

Now a dream where I’m handed a book before getting into bed on a mattress on the floor in an apartment I lived in for a year total in college over 20 years ago. Very strange choice of locale and the book is even stranger. As far as I can tell, this is a book written by the brother of a man who went viral for yelling misogynist shit at a woman on social media. Somehow I see this man and he’s a thin bald white guy with long curly blonde hair hanging out on all sides, which is always a questionable look and makes him look even more like a creep.

Anywho, this book was apparently written by his brother and it’s about how much of a creep the dude has always been. Except that for some reason it’s chalk full of really terrible AI images and hell, it’s almost more of a long pamphlet than a book if I’m being honest. Also, as far as I can tell it was released roughly a week after the viral incident in an obvious attempt to maximize its brief profitability window. The what the fuck factor is so off the charts, particularly because, why would a book about an actual person need tons of AI images? Wouldn’t pictures of the person make more sense? It seemed to be a book by a family member trashing another family member though so I suppose there’s some logic there as actual photos were potentially unauthorized.

What’s even more bizarre is that I apparently read the thing and in discussing it with my wife later I’m talking about how as weird as the book is, the guy is 100% right about the fact that the best way to reduce crime and mental illness is to reduce poverty. Man, largely AI generated books churned out as quickly as possible to cash in on viral videos? Probably the future of publishing. The sad, sad, future of publishing.

1/25/2024 –

Very odd Cyberpunk 2077 adventure dreams where my consciousness is fragmenting wildly. In fact, that’s the main thing I remember. There was some climatic action point where I’m seemingly flying toward this odd futuristic structure that starts splintering into all these psi fragments and my consciousness starts splintering with it, which jolts me into a waking state. Typical shit.

Then this odd like promo film about Bruce Lee. I’m seeing all of this from a floating 3rd person perspective and the main point that’s being made is that the guy was a total fuck up as a young man. In fact, he actually landed himself in jail for nearly 20 years, which very much stunted his development. But, after being such a fuck up, he finally pulled himself together. Then there’s this extended scene where we’re approaching the big climax, which is happening at Mann’s Chinese Theatre.

This is the big climax where he finally gets his shit together and his irresponsible early life finally pays off. Except that by this point I’m so confused by the proceedings that I’m questioning the entire thing. There’s supposedly some big payoff here where he becomes a movie star I guess, but other than briefly seeing a black and white film I’m not sure what it is. I had to look up the fact that Mann’s Chinese Theatre is where the Hollywood walk of fame is so I suppose the payoff was sort of implied. I also wake up and realize that Bruce Lee wasn’t an irresponsible young man and never went to prison. I get what the dream is trying to communicate I suppose though. Sometimes it takes a long time for a person to get their shit together and sometimes life is more about the destination than the journey.

1/26/2023 –

In a visionary state I witness this cinematic scene that scans up to the pink horizon at dawn. Then the corresponding voice in my head:

“The evidence is reincarnating.”

More freaky people like me are coming. They’ve been telling me this for a while.

Now I’m watching this soccer match, which appears to be between these two European teams and one appears to represent this rather small unidentified country. During the team introductions I learn that this one small country squad with the green unis has this three brother tandem that are supposed to be very formidable. I see them while they’re being introduced and they’re not twins but at the same time it’s completely unmistakable that they’re all brothers. In fact, it’s odd because it very much feels like a part of me is using a character creation engine in a video game to design each one simultaneously, each by just slightly altering the same base template.

Then this other weird thing happens where rather than watching the game my consciousness sort of fades into this black liminal state with crackling digital updates sometimes chiming in. I’m not seeing anything but I’m feeling that the team with the miracle three brother tandem is handily dominating.

Then my perspective flashes to the bench, which has been cleared because the game is no longer in doubt. All three brothers are sitting next to each other and the one in the middle raises his pointer finger we’re number one style and leans into the camera confidently going on this calculated political rant about the recent regime change in his country. I get the vibe there was maybe a coup and what he’s ranting about is how this new head of state has implemented creepy AI bullshit which is ruining the country. Seems about right and wow would it be awesome if athletes were constantly ranting about politics. You could tell the dude was whip smart too. The evidence is reincarnating.

Further down the road in hypnagogia another voice.

“Your puny world!”

It exclaims.  


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