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More Surreal than Real. More Inhuman than Human.

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

8/3/2023 -

I don't remember whether this happened on this night or the night before but at on one of those nights, on multiple occasions I'm pulled into more inhuman than human mode. More surreal than real. My consciousness is sucked out of my head and a couple of feet in front of my sleeping face psi magnetically and into a state that's energetic intensity far exceeds anything in waking life.

I'm summoned out of my head in such a fashion twice. The first time by an entity that appears to me as a thin older black woman with shortly cropped hair. The next time I'm called by something much too far out to comprehend. Honestly, I blacked out pretty quickly in each instance. Or whited out into a waking state I suppose. An instinctive reaction to something my instinctual cultural imprinting thinks simply shouldn't be happening. Whatever was summoning me was too straight up bitchin' for me to process.

I have no idea why, but I'm flying around in some sort of a jet with about 10 other people. Very odd because it's not a private jet or a commercial jet. It's almost like a converted military cargo jet or something, but with more windows. I'm just sitting there minding my business and quite possibly the most random person I could imagine from high school is also there and he starts asking me about the show Secret Invasion. I start telling him that I'd only watched the first couple episodes and it seems OK but then the jet action starts getting crazy.

We're trying to fly above these snow capped mountains but the pilot is barely clearing them. Even his co-pilot is freaking out a bit. Now again, this jet somehow has massive windows so I'm getting this unbelievably amazing view of all these gorgeous mountain peaks that we're flying over, which would be a little cooler if I wasn't concerned about crashing into them. Yet somehow I'm not and so I'm just enjoying the view of us flying over and nearly crashing into snow capped mountain after snow capped mountain for quite a bit and holy shit is this amazing. Just the kind of experience you're never going to get in waking life, particularly because it isn't really like I'm looking out a window at all but more like the jet has eyes and I'm looking through the jet's eyes.

After this I wake up and get back under. When I do, I'm now also just waking up in some situation where I'm hanging out with a couple of friends from way back in the day and it's like we'd just partied pretty late the night before. We want to go to this trendy new breakfast spot and for whatever reason I head out before them. I sit at the one remaining available seat at this crowded table with my food and start eating while I'm waiting for my bros. The table clears pretty quickly and I'm now sitting by myself. But I then realize my friends had shown up and sat at another table for whatever reason and it's a crowded table so I can't get a seat sitting by either of my friends.

The next thing I know, I'm now in another jet and this one has a huge windowed section right in the middle. Me and my one old bro are sitting there and once again, the thing seems to start descending right toward the ground. This time though, it's faux crashing right into Ballard rather than a snow capped mountain and once again, I'm for some reason strangely calm about the matter. I'm just not convinced it's going to crash (which it doesn't) and once again everything looks pretty goddamn awesome. As I'm enjoying the view my other friend eventually comes in and I'm like:

"What the fuck? I was right there in the restaurant with a wide open table and y'all didn't sit with me."

They apparently just didn't see me but the more I was thinking about it, the more I realized I was in fact initially at a crowded table sitting with a bunch of strangers. I have no idea if that cleared out before they got there or not. Also, I just did a post referencing jets being thrown into the sand yesterday, and here I am dreaming about jets. Strange indeed.

8/4/2023 -

I'm under and I find myself sitting right up front at a They Might Be Giants concert with a couple of friends. This is super different as well because it's only one of the main dudes and there's no band. He's basically just singing the songs by himself with a backing track I guess but I don't even see a laptop. He's got a bunch of books and magazines around him though which also doesn't add up at all. Some of it looks like sheet music but there aren't any instruments. What's odder though is that when I say I'm sitting right up front, it's like the guy's basically performing right at our table and yet in a mid sized venue where everyone else can easily see him as well. It doesn't actually track in the waking world but here this layout somehow makes sense.

In between sets its a situation where he's so close and up in our face that it's almost awkward that we're not talking to him. Like, I genuinely feel like I should be saying something to break the silence and no one else at the table is saying anything so I'm racking my brain for anything to ask the guy about but you know, I haven't listened to They Might Be Giants in a very long time so the absolute best I can come up with is:

"Man, it seems Flood came out like 30 years ago at this point, is that right?"

And he kind of awkwardly confirms that it did (33 years as it came out in 90). The other thing is that I'm not even confident that I'm bringing up the right album. Is Flood the one I'm remembering? In researching it the next morning I do in fact realize that the album Apollo 18 might as well have been completely wiped from my memory. I'm listening to that as I'm writing this and wow is it a blast from the past.

The next thing I know I'm hanging out with my mom at her house and we're waiting for her boyfriend to show up. He eventually does and it goes into this creepy surreal experience where he's a glitching horror movie monster appearing in a bunch of different places in her yard. He keeps showing up driving this gray work style van, then getting out and yelling and shit. He doesn't seem super threatening at all though and the whole time my brother and I are awkwardly sitting there like:

"Should we do something about this?"

It doesn't seem like it. My mom has in fact dated some shitty people over the years. It's a thing. After getting up for a bit and breaking up my sleep I manage to enter a waking state where I'm surrounded by the classic old school brick architecture Invisible College scenario. That's it, I'm high, meditating, and completely awake but I'm also sitting in the middle of a gorgeous old school style astral college campus.

Now I'm in a long and if I'm being honest not super interesting scenario. It's New Years Eve and we're at a small get together at my grandparent's old house in the Bay Area, except that not long into this gathering we realize that there's another celebrity endorsed actual party next door and only some of us were invited. Apparently Kanye West is somehow involved which would make me run the other direction in actual life but here I'm like:

"I don't care if I'm invited. It's right next door, if they invited some of us I'm just going to head over and see if they kick me out."

But I don't actually do this. Instead I just hang with peeps at the planned small gathering but eventually I start hearing music coming from next door and with it, the knowledge that multiple bands are playing this fancy shindig. Wait a minute, is that Hovercraft? All right, there's no way a reformed Hovercraft is playing next door and I'm not going. And I'm still not planning on it but I have to go to the bathroom and when I do, I accidentally realize our bathroom is somehow right behind the stage where they're playing. In fact, I almost accidentally take a piss right behind them in a situation where it's essentially like I'm onstage with them with my back turned but I catch myself right before I whip my dick out.

None of this makes sense but it's sort of funny to everyone involved and so I use this accidental comedy to slide into the party. Sort of:

"Oh shit, well, apparently there's a band playing right behind my bathroom so obviously I'm going to play along and join the small crowd watching them."

As mentioned, the rest of the dream isn't very interesting though and honestly just involves me going back and forth between parties and telling people from the small gathering that they can absolutely go hang out at the blow out next door if they want because it's a huge party and no one cares. Honestly only a couple things of note happen here and one of those things is that my wife absolutely goes over and hangs at the celeb soiree and at one point she's chilling with C-3PO who's apparently given her an old school Hollywood style makeover.

Then later, I'm back at the normal people gathering and track her down. She's gone completely nuts re-arranging our gym room and has these awesome new workout getups that are white with vibrant rainbow colored sparkly fringe. I am absolutely amazed at how quickly she has completely re-configured our home gym to accommodate her new fitness routine.

I find this so on point because if my wife ever did get the opportunity to hang out with celebrities this is what would happen. She'd probably spend the whole night talking to the personal trainers and would obsess over their fitness regimens. I know this is only funny to me but trust me, it is very funny.

Right after midnight I once again go around reminding people that they can feel free to head next door but they're ahead of me. A group of at least 5 women have dolled themselves up and had been clearly planning on heading over just after midnight for a while. The cool kids wouldn't show up before midnight anyway now, would they?

8/5/2023 -

Before drifting to sleep I'm informed that:

"Time is bullying you."

Then probably the most common recurring dream in my arsenal. I'm staying in a hotel with my family and I'm desperately trying to get everything out of the room and into our van so we can move on to the next part of the vacation or whatever. This is a total pain in the ass but I do eventually get nearly everything out, which doesn't always happen. I'm also noticing that some of the remaining items aren't mine. This one is a shelf with all these various glass necklaces on it. Anyway, the whole thing is anxiety inducing and I do not understand why I'm the only one so desperate to get out of here. I'm bored out of my skull. I keep swearing that I'm never going to go on vacation again but even I realize I'm probably being a bit overly melodramatic while I'm saying this.

As the night goes on in a liminal state I'm informed that I'm by far the youngest of my siblings. All of this tracks. Last time I was the only one who wanted to see the hotel's fancy pool. The gods, they torture me with boredom. I'm just too young and wild for this version of talking monkey hell or possibly that's just what they want me to believe because it's useful to them. I do my best either way.


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