4/15/2024 –
Another run of the high rise condo scenario. Here I have a new small room in this massive structure and I’m just settling in. This goes on for quite a while and it feels heavy. There’s just a weight to the sensation of being in this place on this night. Tough to explain in a way. Also, I genuinely don’t remember a ton about what happens here even though it’s an incredibly extended experience.
I do recall a couple of things. At one point another friend is moving in next door and she’s got this expansive, almost warehouse type space for all her art supplies and what not. Then the whole floor sort of expands and it gets very marketing copy for a bit.
“Get in while you can, units are going fast!”
I tend to believe the pitch in this sitch. In another scenario there’s this enormous movie theater right outside the door to my room with the purple receding velvet curtains in front of the screen and everything. Very cool and I genuinely wish I remember the film I watched, because I did in fact watch an extended film that I promptly forgot.
At another point my brother’s like:
“Oh yeah, a tour. I can’t believe I never gave you a tour.”
And again I don’t remember much of this tour other than we’re going through these underground areas of the complex with these multi-colored floors.
On another occasion an enormous welcome dinner has been arranged for me sort of as a condo warming or whatever. We’re sitting at these enormous tables with huge high backed chairs and there’s like 30 people spiraling down the hall of what used to be my very tiny apartment.

As I’m looking at the array of people that have showed someone taps me on the shoulder to point out that there’s actually overflow in the kitchen, including what are supposed to be some very important people. There’s this one pale white guy with slicked back looking jet black hair and an almost sinister look about him. Like he’s an actor that always plays the bad guy. I think I’m supposed to know who this person is but I don’t.
One more brief meditation vision. I’m watching a sailors on a large old-timey wooden boat. There is a man up in the sail station high above the boat catching fish and throwing them down to the captain who’s piloting the ship. Nourishment from above.
4/16/2024 –
More vignettes:
While pulling out of a liminal state I’m told:
“Read through the story before the tale is told.”
I see a hot dog. Then a pickle. Then a small cup of coffee in a white paper cup brimming with chocolate looking whip cream-esque foam shaped almost like soft serve ice cream. I somehow know that the chocolate looking foam contains some sort of pleasantly intoxicating chemical.
I’m outside of a hospital room where a woman is having a baby. I’m am told that the man won and the woman lost. The woman took the drugs.
Prime Anderson Varejao catches a pass in the lane and is hard fouled when he attempts the shot. Now he’s headed to the free throw line.
I’m now in in my grandparent’s old place in the Columbia Gorge. It’s dark outside and we decide to start making dinner. I’m assigned a task involving making one of the sides (that seems like stuffing) but when I try to open the container, it breaks and spills all over the counter. I manage to clean it up and get it in the cooking pan but quickly realize I have no idea what I’m doing so I look for the person who assigned me this task to explain to them that I’m clueless. In looking I find my grandma sitting with other family members at the pantry table talking about how disgusted she is that another family member received an $8,600 payoff. Everybody pretty much agrees that she didn’t deserve this payoff but her daughter makes the point that she was essentially abandoned as a child. Sitting there listening, I have some minor sympathy for this point, but I tend to agree with my grandma. Also, I really wanted to get in a work out tonight but dinner is taking so long I’m not entirely sure it’s going to happen. I need to eat before I can work out.
Princess Leah is in the forest and encounters some sort of threat but before she can even turn around to gauge the threat level, all of the enemy attackers have been eliminated by her Jedi compatriot, almost instantaneously. Not only have the been eliminated but they’ve all vanished into thin air.
A woman with brown curly hair living in this pastoral fantasy environment is going through her set of silver spoons that live in a decorated wooden box floating in the air. Each silver spoon is engraved with a message written in calligraphy on the circular interior of the spoon. This woman desperately wants me to have one of these calligraphic silver spoons.
4/17/2024 –
I pull out of this sleep state that’s so otherworldly it can’t be put into words, but the best I can describe it would be that I’m a living castle and I’m willing new wings of my castle into existence. This seems to actually be the way I travel. I create new architecture in the place I want to go and it springs forth with the power of my thoughts. That’s the best I can describe the fragments of this experience as I cascade into a waking state.

And there is so much more going down on this night that I can’t remember. In fact, the one dream I do recall was preceded by a ton of unknown backstory. My conscious recollection picks up the plot where I’m on some sort of mission with this thin, I’d say mid 30’s sort of nerdy Indian man with floppy black hair. We’ve been questing for a while when we come up on our next task, which is? Driving this ridiculously overexaggerated red semi-truck. It’s on the top of this hill and the interior of the thing is very odd. It’s like there’s a robotic seat in the cabin and there’s other co-pilot seats surrounding them. Very sci fi looking.
Anyway, neither one of us know how to drive a big rig but this is our quest, so we embark down the hill and this goes predictably awful, although we do somehow manage to not wreck it or break anything, although we do come very close as we’re cascading down the hill and into a residential neighborhood.
Eventually we realize that we need to turn around, so we do so in this traditional 50’s diner type establishment. Except that in attempting this we somehow get it stuck in the parking lot of the shiny blue building and have to go inside to ask for assistance. In the midst of doing this, I realize an old friend works here which leads to this very odd inner contemplative experience where I’m conceptualizing the difference between living in the city vs. living in small towns.
After hanging out in this shiny blue retro-diner for a while, we essentially realize that no one’s going to help us with our stuck semi sitch so we go back out to the parking lot to see if we can figure it out for ourselves. When we do, we realize it’s already resolved itself and the rig is parked neatly in a space, waiting for us to embark again on our quest. How did this happen? No idea.
I’m also not sure how but when we exit the diner this viral video somehow overtakes our consciousness. The video’s title is something to the effect of:
“Think you had a bad day, this woman almost got electrocuted and then got a mansplained to.”
So we see this quite attractive brown skinned woman with jet black hair wearing an official looking beige government outfit that looks like a park rangers getup or something. She’s walking up to what looks like a metallic electrical tower with a panel on the side with multiple buttons. There’s a crowd of 5 or 6 onlookers around and when she touches the first button she gets what you can tell is a fairly powerful shock. As she’s reeling from the shock one of the onlookers in the crowd says something to her (which I can’t recall) and it’s like.
“Uhh, yeah dude. Thanks. I’m an electrician.”
That’s pretty much the entire viral video but after we watch it, somehow this exact thing is now happening in the parking lot of this diner and we’re now watching it for a second time. As we’re watching the thing for the second time you can really tell how painful the shock is as it sends the woman reeling, although she doesn’t actually lose her footing entirely. This time though, when the mansplain dude chimes in, my Indian compatriot runs across the parking lot and punches him in the face. He then runs back to me by the rig all:
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
And that’s about where I lose track of the proceedings.
