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New Adventures with the Crackling Energy Kid

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

7/25/2023 -

First yet another episode of riding the great wave of the bleeding worlds. I had an odd dream about a Salvador Dali looking dog security attendant on 7/22 and even made an image of it on the morning of 7/25. Then that night my wife picks a TV show to watch right before bed and she picks an episode of Law and Order from season 10 called Untitled. Does this episode reference Salvador Dali? Of course. The murderer they convict apparently spent some time trying to destroy Salvador Dali paintings in protest before murdering an art promoter (also supposedly in protest). So Salvador Dali and security in a way.

I have not given a second thought to Salvador Dali in years and I could dig up a receipt on this sync but I'd have to grab my wife's login info to pull it up on my desktop apparently as the watch history doesn't show through the Chromecast in my living room. Does it even matter at this point? My wife could confirm that it happened. She could also confirm that on vacation a few days ago the song Stuck in the Middle with You came on in the place we were eating dinner right after we sat down. Then pretty much immediately again an hour or so later when we stopped in for one more drink in the hotel bar.

Then once again, when out to eat with my brother, his wife, and my niece a few days later. Another way of putting that would be that we ate and drank out like 5 times in a 5 day span and on 3 of those occasions, Stuck in the Middle with You came on fairly quickly after we entered the establishment. I always thought that was Bob Dylan, like a lot of people, but by the 3rd time I had to know and nope. Stealers Wheels and it's like a Dylan parody thing. The more you know. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Stealers Wheels spittin' facts.

On the dream front I'm once again hanging out with the crackling energy kid. It's the same surreal shit as always when I psychically become this living sonic energy force that surges from the lower Queen Anne edge of the downtown waterfront east up the Denny corridor. Trying to describe what this feels like is obviously impossible but the whole theme is fleshed out a bit more here. First this kid starts his show, which unleashes this unholy and awesome energy force. He's always starting this from the second floor of this art gallery type space and it's like I feel the pull on an intuitive level and make the energy do what it do.

Very specific, he initiates it and I charge and direct it on an astral level essentially. What's also funny is that there's always the vibe that this guy's shows aren't very popular. Like, what he's doing is a very fringe thing, yet it's unleashing this potent force that only I seem to know what to do with exactly. It's not like I'm controlling it either, as mentioned, I'm just facilitating the flow.

What's most bizarre though is how specific this gets this time and I can't say I entirely understand it. The crackling energy kid initiates some code pattern which lets loose the juice, then I control it and it's effective until another person who didn't see him initiate the code pattern is shown the code pattern he used to initiate it. This ends the session and disables the energy. Here's where it gets kind of funny. Because of this, I wonder why we bother showing someone who didn't see the initial green cubic code signal the green cubic code signal. Also, make no mistake, the code signal was written in some sort of black and green living cube font. Maybe a bit Matrix cheesy if I'm being honest.

So I'm thinking this and me and the kid go over and show the original code to this guy we knew who was going to show up to disable the spell this time. And yet, right after we do this I once again wonder:

"Why did we show this to him and end the spell? Couldn't we have kept it open?"

Pondering this I pull into a waking state with a pleasant jolt and the phrase:

"You get what you need."

Reverberating through my world along with an affirmation that this all has to do with psychedelics. That tracks.

7/26/2023 -

I'm in school at this now defunct but formerly excellent DIY venue in Ballard called the Josephine. I'm sitting at my rowed desk right in front of this music journalist I used to run into at shows a lot sort of does the:

"Psst. Psst."

Thing from behind me. I go back and he shows me this large spread he just got published in one of the local alt weeklies. It's this in depth piece with all these pictures and I'm even like:

"Hey, I was at that one show."

Except was I? I remember it in the dream but did this memory just invent itself as exposition for this exact moment or did I actually go to this show in another dream like I'm remembering? It's hard to say but I am impressed with this spread. More to the point, wow, I can't believe someone would commission a piece like this in the new media days. That type of local arts journalism seems to be a thing of the distant past.

After waking up and getting back under I'm now in a position where I've left this Airbnb type sitch and the owners are hounding us because they're claiming we broke their sink, although we know we didn't break their sink. They want 3 grand for this and obviously I'm going to contest it. But then it somehow comes out that if I do, they're going to start digging into that murder I was involved with (recurring dream theme) where I successfully covered up my involvement. So I'm now in this awkward position of wanting to contest these ridiculous charges but knowing that maybe it's not the best idea. This annoying scenario goes on for quite a while and never gets resolved. That's about it and I'm sure the dreams are related. Ahhh how the arts get screwed.

7/27/2023 -

First the psi stuff. While on vacation I had a vision that my niece would bring COVID to town, then my niece visits and my wife and I both get COVID. First time for both of us quite amazingly. Look, I know that pre-cog is real, it's just that I'm lost in a society in complete denial about it and it is somehow my amazingly difficult job to communicate this thing that I know to a society that's got its head so far up it's ass on this front it's astronomical. But try I must because everything is connected.

In a vision I enter a graveyard and encounter a grave for someone named Thor. I only have vague guesses as to what this means. Now people are jamming on the cover of Space Truckin' I've been working on in my mom's old living room but I'm busy. I need to make it back to kick out the jams but I'm trying to complete some unspecified task while they jam without me.

Later I'm in my grandparent's old house in the Bay Area and everyone I'm hanging out with leaves except for me and this woman I used to be friends with about a decade ago but haven't seen in years. Same woman I ran into last week at a party in a dream but this time, rather than being standoffish, she does want to chat. We bullshit for quite a bit and honestly the only things I remember about this chat is that I explain to her that I could help with her spiritual development and she politely dodges the topic. Also at some point she asks if I watched the XFL championship game. I am so confused by this because it's the absolute last thing I would expect this woman to ask about. I lie and say that I did but when I wake up I realize that this is entirely untrue. I have no idea who won the XFL championship although I do believe I watched maybe 10 minutes of the Sea Dragon's playoff loss.

Now I'm in a classroom with her. Grades are handed out and we just took this massive exam. I'm handed this whole huge stack of paper and on the front I realize I got a 75.1%. Passing grade but even I'm not super thrilled with it. I haven't been in actual school in years but I pretty much never got C's. She comes over and is sort of surprised at this low mark though and I explain to her:

"Oh yeah, I've never given a fuck about school. I'm a wizard, I give a fuck about this shit."

I say, waving my hands around gesturing to the dream world we currently inhabit. Now this is interesting because a part of me clearly knows that I'm dreaming here. I mean, that's what I'm essentially explaining to her and yet, this does not make me go lucid at all somehow. I then once again explain that I could help her with her spiritual development and that there are some simple things she could do to point herself in the right direction on that front.

She once again politely blows me off and acts like I've said nothing. You're never going to reach most people in this world. It just ain't happening.


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