11/21/2023 -
A hypnagogic vision that's explained to me as a visual representation of the nature of telepathic communication. This comes across like a square portal floating through space and what's being communicated is how complex the interlocking multi-disciplinary nature of telepathic language can be. I'm shown what looks like a portal to a world of boxy silver sci fi compartments within boxy silver sci fi compartments within boxy silver sci fi compartments. All tied together of course. I can't help but think there's a slight reference to the original X-men films in the design. It's like if Cerebro was contorted into a metallic world of infinite interlocking rooms.

Then the dreams. The first thing I remember is being in my "future house" scenario and essentially coming to while looking out one of those basement windows that are at ground level. I'm seeing all these leaves on the trees outside and for some reason this makes me remember the deck with the view we have that I rarely use. I swear that next summer I'm going to read books out there. This actually tracks in the waking world as we do have a balcony on our townhouse and typically I hang out there drinking IPA's and reading during the summer, but I somehow didn't do this once last year. I'm on it.
The next thing I know I'm in some sort of store at the mall that almost seems like jewelry store, although I have no clue how I get this impression. It's on the second floor and the goal is to communicate with the store employee to help facilitate some sort of drug trade. This all comes across like a video game and this exposition downloads itself into my consciousness involving how I'd already completed the first part of this mission, which was getting the ingredients from a secret location in the resort my family frequents in my dreams. The one near the drug tunnel to Mexico, now that I'm thinking about it.
Anywho, I've completed that part of the quest and the next part involves me bringing the recipe to this employee of the second floor mall jewelry store. Everything's hues of super clean blue and white with way too much overhead lighting. So I wait in line and chat with the guy but something's off. There's supposed to be a dialogue option involving the drug trade but it's not there. I double check and this is the next step in the quest so it seems like there's a bug. Where's the dialogue option where I give him the drug recipe, or drugs, or whatever it even was?
I keep re-engaging the employee to initiate the right dialogue but it keeps failing and eventually it's like I've got him in the middle of the floor, holding him by the lapels, and shaking him. This is when Billie Eilish and her flamboyantly gay friend walk in, approach, and inquire as to what the fuck I'm doing.
I explain the whole sitch to them. Like, I ran the first part of this mission and there seems to be a bug where the option to run the second half of this mission is broken somehow. They fully understand and for whatever reason invite me to come hang with them as they shop instead. As we're leaving the store I get the vibe her shorter, well manicured, flamboyant Latino friend with slick black hair has a crush on me.
In the next scenario I'm in a library with my wife. We have this huge stack of books and CD's we've sprawled out on the shiny wooden library table and we're sorting through them. As we are, I realize I'd checked a few things out that are now past due at the Ballard branch. And so I think I need to head over to return these but I decide to browse through the CD's first. There's this whole wall of CD's but not in cases but rather with little tags you can take up to the counter to check them out. It's very much like how they used to sell video games at Toy 'R Us when I was a kid. As I'm browsing these I realize that wait a minute, I can return the items to any library branch so there's no need to head out to the one where I originally checked them out.
With this knowledge I go back to the table where we've left an enormous tower of books. I wake up wondering what the fuck is going on. I mean, it's a library. Were we donating these books? I will say that for a night that started out explaining how complicated astral plane telepathy can be, I am in fact rather baffled by the nature of this series of visions and I think that was the point. Now that I'm contemplating it more, I must confess that I do in fact play more video games than I do read books these days. Interesting.
11/22/2023 -
I'm in this very familiar office scenario and it's presented to us that work is running out but there's plenty of other work available at the company. There are these large wooden hallway portals that we can walk through to find more work anytime we want and there are other places in this odd sci fi building with greenish tech infused walls where we can look for work too. This is being explained to us by this tall thin white woman with angular features and very shortly cropped messy brown hair. Very similar looking to the star of Murder At the End of the World but not quite.
The next day I show up and I'm like, sure I'll try working with the thin short cropped hair lady and I do but whereas the work was supposed to be on the other side of these wooden portals, it actually involves calculatedly dismantling all the lumber for parts. She's pretty enthusiastic about this project and it seems like there's tons of work to do but I'm all:
"Yeah, I don't know if hard labor is the right thing for me with my Hashimoto's disease."
And so I exit into the green tinged sci fi looking halls looking for another in house job.
I wake up perplexed but when I get back under I've now found some sort of mystery in the company. I'm working with a team to find a secret enclave of the dark green walled building that holds the answer to the peculiar plot that I've uncovered. Eventually I find my way down these maze like hallways and I already have the secret key, so I just let myself into previously forbidden wing of the complex with the large metal hatch doorway.
When I do, me and my crew have zero clue what we're looking at. It's an entirely unknown division of the company and the first thing we wander into is a large dining hall/break room. There are a bunch of people in retro looking spacesuits just hanging out, chatting casually, and digging into their cafeteria style trays of food. I don't have long to be baffled by this before this shorter black man with a thin mustache and beard walks over is all:
"Oh, you found us. Cool. You're the new head of the Mind Invasion Division. We invade people's mind's and manipulate active plots in the human realm. We we're waiting for you to locate us and now that you have, you're in charge. Enjoy."
When he mentions the Mind Invasion Division I feel it. It's like a mass of solar energy expands behind his visage and ensnares me with a calming deja vu reminder that I understand this energy. He seems very relieved that he no longer bears this responsibility and I have no idea what to think of any of this. Particularly because: Did we find this place or were they controlling our minds leading us here?
But I go home and am waking up to take like 5 different dogs on a walk on a sunny day, including multiple young black pugs. In the course of getting the pups ready to roll though, I lose my temper at my brother and I know it has to do with what's going on at my job. I mean, he was being kind of a dick but I normally put up with it rather than snapping.
Later I'm in our garage explaining to my wife that I have head back into work because of the internal rape investigation I've been spearheading. I'm lying and also, I'm now dressed like one of the generic specialists you can hire in bars in the game Starfield and I'm a non-descript tall white woman with shoulder length brown curly hair.
All of this is a ruse and I do head back into the office to take the gig. The black guy is once again relieved that this is no longer his responsibility and unsurprisingly my first question is:
"How does this mind invasion shit work exactly?"
To which he takes me out of the break room area and shows me this large spherical metal contraption. It seems to be facing out into what looks like open psychic skies and there are I'd say roughly 30 people in retro spacesuits hanging off the thing by what look like seatbelt style straps. They're wearing future looking versions of those old school metal diving helmets and are all ported into this device, hanging by these straps with their bodies slumping forward. What's inside of that contraption exactly? Maybe it's a cage for an inhuman daemon entity.

Honestly, I have no idea what I'm looking at but I know what it does. These people are selectively taking control of specific people and warping our reality through their actions. I'm now in charge.
11/23/2023 -
In a continual liminal state transmission I'm setting up build in a video game character creation engine. The common wisdom involves a very standard build but I'm convinced another approach will be more effective. Most people tweak this one setting over here to the upper left, but I tweak it over to the middle right hand side of the circular almost target looking interface icon. You then have to adjust these other few settings a little more to the left but that's it. It defies conventional wisdom but the build is near invincible due to the flaws in the game.

For the rest of the night it's the same I'm-in-my-old-basement-apartment dream scenarios. The difference is that this time it's continually filled with young squatters, a different one each time I visit, sometimes several. It's now mostly a run down dump and what surprises me the most is how much they're enjoying the place. They all seem nice and they're having fun in the midst of what most would consider squalor. One resident is slightly concerned though and she tries to cover the place in rat food to deter them. I'm not comfortable with this plan at all and wouldn't you know it, it doesn't work at all as a new group of groovy looking young squatters immediately move back in before the next time I visit.
This metaphor isn't hard to grok. Seattle's crap now. You can't just move here now like I did in my early 20's. The arty kids are getting the rawest of deals. It works on another metaphorical level involving my wife and my seemingly imminent move down south as well. She's always the one bringing me back to this basement joint and she's the reason we're still in the city. Plans within plans. Layers within layers. Telepathic communique is deeper than the Puget Sound.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!