by Thad McKraken on June 13, 2013
You know how I know that being gay isn’t a choice? Because it’s a choice I’ve wanted to make for years…and I can’t. No seriously, you think I like dating women? Good lord, we might as well be from different planets (someone should write a book about that). You see, I wish I was gay, but I can’t make that “choice” because I’m hopelessly addicted to pussy. That’s not going to change anytime soon, which gives me a lot of empathy for gay people. Gay people have an inborn desire to fit into society and as such, are compelled to label themselves as heterosexual, but just like me, they can’t make this “choice”. They’re biologically hardwired differently. See, I want to be gay and I can’t, and they want to be straight and they can’t. Makes perfect sense.
What doesn’t make sense is why we even have to have stupid conversations about sexuality like this, and let me be the first to point out that we wouldn’t if not for the deranged efforts of crazy religious people. Utterly nonsensical spiritual beliefs are largely responsible for all manners of sexual repression and the numbers don’t even really add up when you get right down to it. I don’t remember Jesus saying anything about sexual morality in the Bible. Other obscure prophets sure, but not Jesus. So how did we get to the point where our spiritual “leaders’” primary mission in life is to repress us through our genitals? What the fuck is going on here? Why on earth do we listen to these people?
Here’s the thing, you can see he potentially good intentions of a lot of our preposterous beliefs about fucking. I have some incredibly wealthy psycho-evangelical relatives on my wife’s side. Before I knew them, I didn’t honestly believe that there were young people near major urban centers who waited until marriage to get laid. My wife even told me she had nutty relatives like this, but I had to see it first hand to believe it. Wow. Good looking young kids who still save themselves for their wedding night because of their desperately out of touch church. Unreal, but as mentioned, you can see the primitivism inherent in their beliefs. Not long ago, people only lived to be like 35 and access to birth control wasn’t readily available, so this sort of thing made sense. You didn’t want kids having sex before they were in stable relationships, because then they’d accidentally have kids who’d get neglected. Thinking like this isn’t all bad intentions, it’s just logic caught in another century, and let’s face it, today the good intentions behind it are almost invisible. These people are also anti-abortion. Their spiritual message is clear: more people by any means necessary. How you could look around at the problems facing the world today and actually think, “you know, there’s just not enough people” is beyond mindblowing, but that’s what these people think. They think overpopulation should be even worse and they spend their time and resources making sure it gets demonstrably so. What this has to do with Jesus I haven’t a clue.
And that’d be the thing. Last year it came to my attention that you can be a successful Republican politician and still openly espouse the notion that sex is solely for procreation and not pleasure. These totally batshit ideas still persist in this day and age. It’s how they justify their hatred towards gay people. You see, gay sex isn’t going to produce kids, so it’s wrong, but there’s another enormous wrench anyone can easily throw in the is argument i.e. why exactly do women have clits? What’s the point to a female orgasm if sex is only for procreation? Why did God make women capable of climaxing if that was the case as it’s completely unnecessary in regards to impregnation? I didn’t even realize until like a week ago that the Catholic church was openly against masturbation, then I stumbled upon these numbers while reading an article about a pro female masturbation app in development:
You see why I wish I was gay? Our patriarchal/misogynist culture has driven women completely insane sexually, so yeah, relying on them for a decent sex life is so very much fun as a guy. Here’s the thing, and it’s a thing I never see anyone mention anywhere. Your average dude wants to have at least one orgasm a day. That’s the way most guys are. It’s a fundamental aspect of our psychology that’s never discussed. They should maybe hand out pamphlets explaining this to young women in school so they’re not entirely confused by their partners at all times. You know why your husband was seemingly getting irritated that you decided to stay up extra late watching that show and despite the fact that he could barely keep his eyes open stayed up even later than you? It’s because he was waiting for you to go to bed so he could jerk it. You know how you went out to that great movie, had that amazing romantic meal, then went home and went to sleep because you were tired and your husband was mysteriously pissed at you the next day? That’s why. He didn’t give a fuck about the movie or the conversation, he was just doing those things to get his fix and you didn’t give it to him. Sort of like how your dog would get pissed at you if you forgot to feed him his dinner. This stuff is not complicated at all.
I feel really bad for heterosexual women. All you really want is a man to cuddle with and share your deepest thoughts and feelings and what you get is a sex crazed simpleton. It’s not our fault, that’s the way “God” made us. We’re constantly being pumped full of testosterone biologically. Getting mad at a dude for watching porn is like getting mad at a woman for having her period. On our end, all we want is a gratifying sex life and what we get is women who don’t even masturbate. Do you know how insane that comes across to us? Totally nuts. Nearly all men whack off daily and according to that graph we have that in common with what, 4% of women? Dating men would be oh so much simpler. I could have sex 4 times a day and foreplay would be video games. I have no idea where that graph’s numbers came from, but I don’t at all doubt their overall accuracy. Here’s why, I’ve only dated one woman who masturbated on even a weekly basis in my entire life. Here’s where it gets even weirder, I’ve never dated a women who’s comfortable masturbating in front of me…period. I’ve also never dated a woman who’s comfortable stroking her own clit during intercourse. I’m not saying I’ve never had sexual encounters where women do these things, but it’s only because I’ve essentially begged them to do so. Exactly none of them were very comfortable with it. Should be noted that I’ve never fucked a religious person, but this is what our uber repressive patriarchal society often does to women’s heads whether they subscribe to these beliefs or not.
I’m here to tell you it’s a trap girls. Just because your bodies aren’t biologically demanding sex like ours are, you should intellectually be able to understand the supreme importance to your mental health. Sort of like how men should maybe be able to understand how compulsively repressing our feelings is a terrible idea. Delving into sex magick has made me directly confront how crazily uptight we all are sexually. Hell, the fact that I’m sexually uptight is why I never bothered delving into sex magick in the first place. I’d been reading about it for years, but a spirit had to show up in my room one day and hypnotically compel me into giving it a try because I found the concept rather creepy, and yet, why is that exactly? It’s a fairly simple premise: your ability to dream and process psychic phenomenon is directly tied to your sexuality and you can strengthen this ability through inner focus during heightened sexual states. Pretty simple hypothesis and yet one that’s never been tested scientifically I might point out (friend me on Facebook to see how strangely coherent this stuff can get).
If you’ll recall, the first piece I wrote about Occult Feminism involved the idea that women have greater psi abilities than men. Of course, this isn’t a concept that ever would have occurred to me consciously, but was communicated to me through various visionary states…repeatedly. Again, it makes sense. Women can only be seen as inferior and treated as such in a culture based around materialism. In this context, men are typically stronger and can subjugate women with brute physical strength, which is sort of what we’ve seen throughout history. But what if women tend to be better at the more important and higher art of advanced mysticism? Men would certainly be more reluctant to dominate women, and more inclined to honor them for fear of an unshakable karmic curse. Our culture might start to resemble a telepathic insectile hive mind where women are the dominant sex.
Now of course, to harness these abilities women would first have to tap into the hyper potency of their sacred sexuality, and in doing so elevate themselves beyond the tribal apes who seek to oppress them. You’re never going to get there while you’re relying on men for gratification ladies. Christ, you can have multiple orgasms which should inherently give you a leg up on most men in these kind of pursuits. Get out there and get your witch on.
I see a lot of “women can be just as good as men” shit coming from the prototypical feminist camps, and I barely ever seen anyone stating the obvious i.e. heterosexual men still pretty much run our society. Heterosexual men are in fact actually run by their penises. Heterosexual women are in control of our penises, so you know, who’s really in charge? You’ll figure it out eventually ladies.