5/27/2023 -
Hypnagogia brings visions clearly inspired by the game Control I'd been playing for a couple of hours before going to bed. Here I'm a higher dimensional being of pure black energy. I'm looking in on this drab concrete seemingly government building while hovering just above it. One of the people inside is subjectively imprisoned and there's no subtlety to the visual metaphor. There's this person sized silver metal prison cell wrapped all around him. In fact, you can't even really see him in there. It does look pretty psychic sci fi rather than any sort of conventional metal though, that's for sure. It seems like he can move this thing around the building a bit, but it's obviously severely limiting him.
Dude's certainly trapped in a very subjective prison and the question is: should we free him?
There's a council of sorts and I'm just the obsidian dark energy contingent of this council. It seems like we should just release him but there are some minor reservations.
The next thing I know I'm reading a blog debunking this viral article about disproportionate salaries at universities between the faculty and the football coach. Now I'm sitting at the breakfast table with my family and my dad is bringing up the viral article so I have to interrupt.
"I unfortunately stumbled on an article debunking that viral post and as it turns out, apparently it's largely bullshit."
Then they all start arguing with me and here's where it gets funny in a pretty dark way. I'm essentially just pointing out that the original article got the numbers totally wrong. The discrepancy at the college they were referencing isn't nearly as bad as most other colleges as it turns out. The main thing though is that I'm essentially just arguing power to truth. I'm all:
"But football makes all the money. What do you want them to do?"
Hilarious but good god. Please don't let me ever turn into that fuck boi. Fairly interesting how misinformation works both ways though. Was the misinformation here working for good? Was I being a douchebag fighting it? A lot of moral complexity for a liminal micro-vision, that's for sure. Also, I'm pretty sure this all involved Twitter so I believe for the second night in a row the message is: get rid of fucking Twitter you twat. Fair point.
Later I have another vision. We have this large fawn pug who almost looks half pug half luck dragon from The Neverending Story or some shit. He has like a treat mail box right in front of our place. We let him off leash right before we get home and when we catch up to him he's standing straight up on his hind legs on this patch of dirt below the mailbox/treat dispenser with his entire face shoved directly inside the thing. It's goddamn adorable.
5/28/2023 -
I'm sleeping in my old basement apartment and I'm woken up by someone entering. Fuck, I'm not supposed to be here and now I have to explain to whoever this is that I moved out years ago but was just crashing for the night. It turns out to be my wife though. Then for the next god only knows how long, I'm just jokingly proposing to my wife that we leave and go back to our townhouse in response to nearly everything she's bringing up in conversation. It's a bit that I'm doing over and over and it's not irritating her or anything either but she's just laughing me off as if I'm saying nothing. The number of dreams I've had with this nearly identical scenario now are astounding.
I disrupt my sleep because its a long weekend and when I'm getting back under I'm contemplating the genre of horror. Why? Because as much as I've always been a minor fan, I typically don't indulge too often on purpose as it can unpleasantly warp my sleep states. But I did somehow find myself finally getting around to watching Lovecraft Country while I was playing through the game Control at the same time unintentionally. While I'm considering the literal dark arts I have this vision.
I'm the very young daughter of a severely schizophrenic woman. I know I'm relying on her to guide me through the world and also understand that she can't be trusted. My perspective then shifts out of this awful perspective and into the little girl's grandparents heads. They're worried that she might grow up and lose her mind as well. There is undoubtedly a horror to this world and it's all around me I have to admit. I mean, my head was periodically possessed with deep black thyroid depression forever. God, that dream from a few days back about my wife being pregnant with my child. Just such an eerie and overwhelming feeling to it all.
For the rest of the night dreams with a continual theme. We're looking at these people navigating their lives from a 3rd person perspective. They look like stories on a colorized black and white screen to us and I remember this one particular white woman with curly black hair and glasses quite specifically. We can see the linguistic code guiding her thoughts and we know that it's broken. It's broken on purpose. I can see the code flickering through her mind looking like pages and pages of black text and equations.
Our job is to hack into the broken code and get it to work well enough that she can navigate through the talking monkey shit show. It's a collaborative process, which is the whole point. We have to essentially disrupt the code and penetrate so deeply into these people's minds with colorful bursts where we're quite obviously controlling their experience. We have to make them unable to deny that we're intervening but can we help these people navigate through this backwards realm with the linguistic code guiding their navigational systems intentionally feeding them bad intel?

Honestly we don't know. That's what we're trying to figure out. Here's where I say that I have no idea whether or not this is referring to mental illness or people in general. What was broken in these people's mind's seemed to be the basic objective and literal way we interpret the world linguistically. Also, there is a failing on my part here. I had many dreams riffing on this theme but I cannot remember them and I know this is due to a lack of focus. I could have remembered them if I tried hard enough, I just didn't put in the work. My bad.
One more thing. On the synchronicity/divination front I saw this viral post about people freaking out about Roger Waters using Nazi imagery while playing The Wall on Twitter last week (and completely missing the point quite obviously). I hadn't looked at social media in days and yet I somehow found myself contemplating this ridiculous bullshit as I was walking my dogs. Then when I got back in and did my iTunes divination thing, the first song that came up was Goodbye Blue Sky from The Wall. Truth: I haven't intentionally listened to The Wall in maybe 20 years but I had just been thinking about it 10 minutes prior. Trippy. Also, why the fuck have I mentioned Twitter in like 3 consecutive posts. Note to self: Delete Twitter.
