1/9/2024 –
Same issues sleeping but not as bad and the same sci fi theme. This time I’m looking at a fancy silver metal spaceship with gold fringe from the side. Lots of sharp angular cuts to the design that look like artful jagged protrusions. The purpose to this spaceship is to fly the slick astronaut dude through this tunnel that’s floating in space. Because the tunnel theme represents lives lived in the human realm, I’m completely familiar with this metaphor by now. Above the tunnel there are multiple rectangular flat screens displaying multiple different colored lights. I imagine these are the screens where people can watch the life of the rocket man as he traverses the life tunnel in his fancy spaceship but I’m not entirely sure.

1/10/2024 –
More sci fi visions in liminal states. Here I’m piercing some sort of veil to enter exotic astral space that feels sort of like vaginal cellophane. I see astral space in the distance but I have to penetrate this clear cellophane like layer through a vaginal shaped tear to enter into this realm.

Later in the night, I’m in one of those dream scenarios where I keep waking up, then getting back under again, then waking back up, all into various dream scenarios. Here it’s this situation where there’s a huge family gathering and for some reason this guy I used to hang out with through the Seattle psych rock scene is now in my extended family. I even joke with him at one point that:
“Well, it was inevitable we were going to end up in the same family, wasn’t it?”
There are two main buildings where this family gathering is taking place next door to one another. I head from one of the buildings to the next into this second floor room that’s getting increasingly crowded. More family keeps piling in and I can’t say I understand the situation at all but hey, there are a bunch of sweets. I sit down at a table to eat what seems like a fancy fruit filled pastry of some variety and another family member is across the table from me. I bring up how I typically only eat sweets like once a week but then during the holidays there’s a couple week span where my sweet consumption goes through the roof, then it goes right back down. He laughingly agrees and mentions that there are actually far more sweets at the other house.
That’s about all I remember there but while sober meditating in the morning I’m watching a scene from the show Frasier (which my wife has been watching a lot of). Here Frasier and Niles have apparently somehow inherited an enormous luxury condo and all its contents. As they enter the place, they’re brimming with excitement but are immediately taken aback by all these bizarre looking wood sculptures that look like these little mostly flat circular bodies with long curly tentacle branches reaching out in the room. They certainly make strange decorations.
1/11/2024 –
Again with the sleeping difficulties so only one vision on this night. Here I’m flipping through a browser menu with a Bandcamp page. I’m clicking on a band called Pit Boss Superman. It’s this fast paced clean guitar almost jokey indie rock but not jokey enough for me (or compelling quite frankly). I’m not digging it so I click off the page. Later in the night I’m informed of another band called Yacht Tub. Pit Boss Superman and Yacht Tub. Not a bill I think I’d dig.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!