6/6/2023 -
So many dream vignettes that I can't actually remember all of them. First I'm at a massively crowded wedding. I know I've already danced quite a bit at this shindig hours ago but as I walk past the dancefloor I realize that it's still hopping. Not only that but it has retro-Victorian vibes and everyone looks like they're straight out of a period piece.
As I pass by all that into the main hang room, I run into an old friend wearing a newsboy hat. He's chatting with my brother about their weekly basketball runs and I'm quite jealous as I wish I still played basketball regularly. In the course of this conversation I realize that this is my brother's wedding and I'm confused. Didn't I already attend my brother's wedding? He then actually starts explaining to me that he can see why I might think that as I'd attended so many weddings lately and with this I start remembering all these other weddings I'd gone to over the past year. None of these actually happened in waking life and I did in fact already go to this brother's wedding years ago. This was all really a lucidity trigger and I failed. I should have been able to identify the ridiculousness of the situation and let it lead me to lucidity but I couldn't.
In the next vignette my Dad really wants to go to the book store and I join him but when we get there it gets really weird really fast. There is no book store but rather we're just combing through the bookshelves in these empty bedrooms, except that one of the bedrooms isn't even empty. There's someone sleeping here. I find this all very strange and yet my Dad thinks it's totally normal. That's about all I remember.
Now I'm playing what's almost like some sports/pull tab/lottery gambling game with my brother where you're choosing player cards on a video screen and betting on them. I'm like:
"Dude, you gotta choose a Sonic. You absolutely gotta choose a Sonic here!"
He doesn't and a Sonic doesn't win the bet but by virtue of some technicality he gets another bet and so once I again I'm imploring him that he has to pick a Sonic. I'm pushing for Vin Baker but he selects Adrian Griffin instead and wouldn't you know it, Adrian Griffin does in fact hit. The lights are flashing and we're going nuts. I knew it was going to be a Sonic.
Here's where it gets crazy though. I did not remember this vignette until 8 o'clock the following night and when I did I was like.
"Oh yeah, was Adrian Griffin ever even a Sonic?"
And so I looked it up and yes, he was, in his final season in 2008. My conscious mind had zero awareness of this whatsoever, but it gets even more sync-y because as it turns out, Adrian Griffin had just been awarded his first head coaching gig. In fact, if I would have remembered this dream in the morning with the rest of them, when I checked on his status as a former Sonic the head coaching promotion wouldn't have even been in the news yet. But it was the first thing that came up when I looked. That's some very fine pre-cognitive synchronicity action if I do say so myself.
In the next scenario we're superheroes on a mission that involves Wakanda quite specifically. We're like setting a bomb to get their attention for whatever reason but as it turns out, someone else was actually attacking them at the same time and so they think it's us. This culminates in this epic action battle in the skies on this floating airship between Captain America and the Black Panther and as I'm watching it I think, ahh, this is the new Marvel movie. Cap vs. the Panther. That was bound to happen. As they're stylistically battling in the sky, Wakanda is burning to the ground and Cap is trying to explain to BP that they didn't do this and frantically try to get him to explain what was going on as he doesn't know why Wakanda is burning.
I was in fact told that this all had to do with the Invisible College history class that I'm supposed to be taking and I just watched a Lovecraft Country episode involving the Tulsa massacre the night before. I suppose we do have to acknowledge that it wasn't America necessarily that completely fucked Africa. We were sort of late to that party. Europe got there first but it's not like we were any better. I suppose the message was: sure America's super racist but it's not like they cornered the market. We're now finally remembering things like the Tulsa Massacre while we're conveniently forgetting the colonialist plundering of Africa. Super fun stuff.
6/8/2023 -
Many dreams infused with a high energy jolt of delicious urban sci fi surrealism. Everything is so vibrant and maximized in peak psychedelic color schemes. I'm actually shown at one point specifically that this represents a future that embraces the constant use of AI art, particularly in design and fashion. Honestly it all looks goddamn amazing and not far off from a less bleak Night City from Cyberpunk 2077 in its kaleidoscopic vividity. In fact, as I slip out of these fever dreams and into liminal states I'm in the dark with these patches of brightly colored circuitry mapping out new artistic plateaus of experience.

As for what I remember from these dreams. Well, at first I'm having an extended conversation with this slick taller white blonde dude in a futuristic business suit in his slick high rise apartment. The guy definitely has a certain degree of gravitas, I'll give him that. Now I'm talking to my tattoo artist and he somehow sells me on this retro video game. Except that at this point you can't even play it on current generation systems so he agrees to literally sell me his old gen system fir 80 bucks just so I can play through this game because it's so good. At first I have no clue how I got talked into buying an old gen system but when I start playing I realize the game has the same resplendent sci fi colorways as the dream. Then it starts to track. Oh, the blonde gravitas dude. He's the star of this game, although not your player character mind you. That's why I had to play it.
Now I'm hanging out with the music scene kid I continually run into on the astral plane. He's always organizing concerts and trying to get me involved and he's also always on this elevated level of the city, a few floors up from street level. Here I participate in this show he's booked that's like hovering over this courtyard patch of visible air that looks like shifting psychic clouds. That's the best way I can describe it. Anyway, I leave the show but now I'm ensnared in this kid's artistic vision. I just have to go back to this higher floor party scene and get another taste of what the dude is up to.
So I then immerse myself in the scene, which is a bit awkward because I'm way older than all the other kids involved. Eventually I'm going to school with these kids and a bunch of them keep trying to harass and kick my ass. At one point I confront a couple of them who are hunting me down and am like:
"Why? Why do you want to kick my ass? I don't even know you."
After some pushing I get them to admit that I just look fucking cool and they're jealous. I can't stress enough how ridiculous and over the top the fashion sense of everyone in this realm is. Bright colors and patterns in everything. I can't even see these outfits I'm wearing that the kids are so envious of but they must be excellent fucking fits.
