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  • Writer's pictureThad McKraken

Shock the Monkey!

9/15/2024 –

The only thing I pull back from the ether on this night is that the world is like a chess board and that all the pieces have to be in place before “they” can make the proper moves. That’s about it. Endless dreams I can’t recall and that’s the only coherent message I pull from it all.

9/16/2024 –

Same dream I’ve had a million times. I’m hanging out in a basement apartment with an unspecified friend when I realize that I’d moved out of the place years ago. I’m super worried that people will still be pissed that I’m there but nope. Nobody really cares as my friend and I collect my belongings and leave.

9/17/2024 –

I’m in class and Ella Purnell is a classmate of mine and she is incredibly goddamn charming. I’m letting her work her charms on me but also well aware that I’m married. This is what always happens in my dreams. I’m oh so conveniently not telling her that I’m married when another student points it out to which she’s all:

“I mean, he’s wearing a wedding ring so obviously.”

Later we’re having a discussion about punk rock and both Ella and I agree that it’s mostly crap. Except I suppose Bad Religion. I must concede that they’re pretty good, although, you know, I’ve barely listened to them in 20 years. Ella isn’t sure as she’s never really gotten into their stuff.

9/18/2024 –

All night a theme in my dream states about subjectivity. Then some psi vignettes in the morning.

There is a riot breaking out on the streets and I’m looking down on it from above. These people seem to have weapons so it doesn’t look like a peaceful protest.

Now a man taking a pill in a hospital room. This is the antidote.

I walk into a room with a woman playing a guitar fed into a full stack amp by herself. She notices me walk in and greets me by saying:

“Hi Santa Clara!”

Next I’m in a hospital room and woman walks in and kisses me, spitting a pill into my mouth as she does.

This all sounds crazy but outside of the Santa Clara stuff, I’m pretty sure I know what it means.

9/19/2024 –

While meditating the words “peaceful protest” enter my mind with the suggestion that everyone who tries will be rewarded.

“Piece by piece.”

“Step by step.”

“Use all models.”

We need to fight on all fronts psi and otherwise. Now an image of a blue green and yellow amorphous entity comprised of multiple eyes and being drawn on a white background in crayon starts filling my headspace. It kind of looks like cookie monster if cookie monster were an amorphous cloud of floating psychedelic art made in the process of being drawn in crayon. Very cool.

9/20/2024 –

I’m shown a complicated mechanical looking grate above me that looks like a futuristic vent. Later in a trance I’m told:

“Shock the Monkey!”

That is basically what happened and it’s a reference to the godhead in the sky experience from the 12th and 13th. I looked out the window at the right time and the godhead shocked me into a death walker. Strangest shit in my life so far.

Now another vision. A man in a suit and a woman with short blonde hair wearing sunglasses are sitting outside at an outdoor café drinking coffee. I intuitively know that this is some sort of a séance and the woman angrily gets up from the table with a start.

“That’s not something Bill would say.”

She claims.


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