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Side Quests for the Talking Tape Dispenser

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

9/27/2023 -

Pretty fascinating that I've gotten multiple dreams with the exact same vibes over the last week. All seem to be tied to an emotional arc beyond my understanding that I am but a mere participant in. This time it's the exact same "my brother's wedding" vibes from a few nights ago. Some large emotionally stirring family gathering that I'm supposed to be participating in. Do I remember many of the details? Not really.

In the first scenario, I'm supposed to be involved in this wedding and playing a fairly large role. I'm prepping for it and I get up and execute it per our plans. Except that as I'm leaving I'm thinking that it was more about me than it should have been given the nature of the event. Also, far too weird. As I'm walking away from my performance I'm like:

"What do you expect? There's a psychedelic wizard in the family, this is what you get."

I have no remembrance of what this performance entailed other than that it was maybe a bit dark and involved me wearing a white cloak. Almost like a religious gown honestly. I didn't even mention it in the last "my brother's wedding" dream on the beach but the vibes of that one definitely had to do with the event having more to do with my wife then it should have. Family shit that has little to do with me but I need to be involved with, as excruciatingly boring as it is from my perspective.

All of this is making sense and honestly, I believe it involves the fact that my dad is going to die soon and I was supposed to be in the same city as my family during this period. The last time my whole family on both sides got together was my brother's wedding back in 2015. In fact, later on it's no longer my brother's wedding and it's in the church we attended as children. My brother is actually bringing out food in the form of a big plate of cheesy scrambled eggs and when he does I realize I'm not dressed formally enough. I mean, no one here is, but I'm rocking jeans and white T-shirt which even in my world is a bit slack.

So I go down to the church basement to change which I have an insanely difficult time doing. After spending what feels like hours in some sort of a fugue state attempting to switch outfits I'm disappointed that I still didn't manage to do this. Except that I realize that I did somehow as I'm now wearing khaki shorts and a blue and red multi-colored polo shirt with subtle yellow in-stitching. What? I haven't owned either of these types of clothing since high school.

It's at this point that I'm directed to these 4 perfectly square icons on a wall in a horizontal row. I don't understand the significance of these icons but I'm being shown that this was the point. It has to do with this. Eventually these squares morph into what looks like Band Aid material. Tan. They're apparently portals and I jump through each of them into a different time periods in a linear fashion from left to right while an unknown guiding presence informs me that:

"See, there's a consistency. If you enter any of these 4 time periods, this aspect of them is the same."

And what they're showing me would be the same is me honestly. I see myself in the past in that ridiculous polo shirt and khakis. The fashion changes but certain things remain constant. I think what they're telling me is that I need to create work that ages well. I suppose also that I block out my childhood and teen years to an extent because it just seems like there's nothing worth remembering there.

This ends with me entering an absolutely bananas surrealist fantasy first person perspective role playing game, with cubic white, blue, and pink hues.

I typically hate fantasy anything but I do like the design here. Anyway, I have no idea what we were trying to accomplish but we've listened to all the dialogue options and ended our mini-quest so it's time to go. I have a companion who's this tall, thin, younger Japanese woman wearing a white cloak. The character who we'd been interacting with is this small talking tape dispenser on the ground, who's also a part of our crew. We've completed its companion quest and now we can move onto the next room. Tape, it can be used to piece things together now, can't it? Consider the metaphor grokked.

9/29/2023 -

I'm in an unknown scenario where a Starfield mission guide icon is leading me into the basement of some unknown house. Into the lower realms metaphorically but that's all I genuinely remember.

The next thing I do remember though is that I'm hanging out with my Mom and she casually mentions that her friends are going to stop by and I'm like:

"Sure, whatever."

But when they show up it's this entire adult ass family of like 5 people. So like, adult parents and 3 adult kids. It's not like they're super dressed up either but they're all wearing what I'd consider Pacific Northwest casual attire, not lazy athletic wear like I am. It's just so strange because this is like a spontaneous pop in type sitch, not like a family gathering or anything. Also, they're just sitting around and not really saying anything at all. It's awkward as hell and I do not know what to make of the situation.

Then somehow we switch from one house to another in this very odd worlds turning upside down sort of cut scene scenario. Now even more of this family are casually stopping over. Cousins, kids, grandkids. There are now like 15 people here sitting around this large living room and I am so baffled. I look around once again like:

"What the fuck is going on here exactly?"

All of them are very just standard boring looking white people of various ages and no one's saying a word for the most part. Then one of the younger men with a long face pulls out a bowl and starts to pass it. As he does he mentions how his grandpa is wearing a poncho and this is perfect for getting high, right? When he mentions this, I look over and there is a short stocky grandpa a few seats over and he is in fact dressed in this green and black almost camouflage looking fleece poncho, to which I interject:

"Everything's more fun in a poncho!"

And everyone briefly laughs for the first time in this entire hang sesh. When the bowl gets to me I'm like:

"I want to take a hit but it's such a small bowl and there's so many people here that I feel like I should let them have it."

That's really about it but the feeling of being baffled by my mom's strange behavior and odd friends/acquaintances feels very familiar. Very true to life.

9/29/2023 -

Visionary vignettes:

- I'm in the back of one of those new fangled angular work van things and my elderly parents are driving me back to my townhouse. I think they're pulling down the right street but I can't entirely see from the back and when I get up to look, they're several blocks west. My step mom needs to take a left turn on a busy arterial with poor visibility to get there and I'm all:

"I'd probably just make a right and cut back around."

But I don't say this because I realize her robot navigation is giving her this weird route. Honestly, this seems like a very random vision but it's pointing out how navigation tech completely ignores basics city driving logic like avoiding blind left turns into traffic on busy streets. Jesus, when my brother was in our 'hood last it was giving him the most ridiculous route back to our place imaginable and I had to tell him to ignore it. My step mom's nearly 81 so you know, I wonder how many accidents that does cause a year.

While walking the pups later in the morning I watch a UPS truck take a left into traffic for the second time in a month. I had to look it up to realize that I'd been wrong about them only taking right turns for years apparently. 90% right turns, not 100%.

- I'm some form of disembodied consciousness floating in inner space and looking at these circular icons that almost look like microscopic organism crudely drawn stick figure cartoon explosion things. They represent the patterns of my haircuts and an unknown entity declares:

"This pattern was the same for a very long time and it has recently changed."

True story. Let's face it, from a metaphysical standpoint, more than anything COVID was an opportunity for lots of people to try different things with their hair. I did in fact used to go to a shop to get a trim once a month. Now my wife does it once a quarter. I had the same look for like15 years before that. Finally realized I could grow a beard as well. I couldn't the last time I tried but it had been a decade.

- A man is in a space ship hovering above a planet with an enormous empty metal room (for cargo I'd imagine but possibly parties as well). This woman has just hit him in the leg with a baton and he's on his knees in pain with his arms up in the air.

"Look, this is entirely my fault and I can explain everything."

He pleads with her Han Solo style.

- There is now a douche bro looking muscular white guy with black hair wearing a white t-shirt in a library playing online games on one of their public computers. He's killing it and each time he scores big he loudly yells:


And clenches his fist, curl flexing. I can tell he's supposed to be saying "yeah!" and why he's saying "Jaw!" instead I haven't a clue. I think it's his own inside joke and I imagine he's annoying the shit out of absolutely everyone in the library although I can't entirely tell how many people are around.

- I'm watching this younger woman of means buy her wildest fantasy dream car. She's even at the factory watching this thing get custom made and I can tell she can afford literally whatever she wants. As I'm looking at the slightly corny cyberpunk-esque black art pattern a machine is painting on the side doors of modern yellow VW bug I'm baffled.

It looks like a fucking taxi to me. There's no accounting for taste. In a waking state I remind myself that I guess it'd track for a Transformer's fan and again, there's no accounting for taste. I loved fucking Transformers as a kid though, no lie. As an adult I'd rank it with the dumbest sci fi universes ever popularized. Definitely up there.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do.


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