11/27/2023 -
I'm wandering through this utterly bizarre almost skeletal spectral cityscape. It's as if I'm only seeing one layer of the glowing scaffolding holding the reality together but not the details. It also has the same feel of the silver boxes within boxes communication about the nature of telepathy from a few days prior. As I continue to explore it feels like my consciousness is sucked out of one level of perception and into the silver carapace city.
Now it feels like I'm playing a video game and I'm looking down at my character from a third person perspective. Also, my character is Batman and I'm realizing I'm playing a new Batman game, which I'm definitely stoked about. Not going to complain about a new open world Batman game.
As I get into the downtown core of the mystery environment I start climbing what feel like translucent mountains and all of a sudden I'm on the grounds of this mansion. Except that it's not a real mansion mind you, but rather an advanced approximation of the mansions in the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. In fact, this is the exact thought going through my head as I contemplate the spectacle.
"OK, so they have access to cutting edge modern graphics, but they intentionally used that to copy the design aesthetic of the crappy mansion graphics in GTA from 20 years ago? Ummm, sure."

As I'm processing this information standing on intentionally crappy looking bright green grass, I pull up my fancy bat gadget menu which involves 2 interlocking circles on top of one another in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Both of these circular options menus interact with one another in an unexplained capacity and it seems like I've got a shit ton of fancy devices at my disposal.
This is roughly where I pull back into waking consciousness and for the rest of the night I'm struggling to grasp the elaborate machinations of the plot. I grok that it involves upgrading characters in what seems like a living video game. I spend a bunch of time trying to update this one variation, just to unlock it's ability to jump. Even I think this is weaksauce. So I had to do a bunch of grinding just to unlock the ability to jump and that's the only upgradeable option for that character? Obviously shit.
For the rest of the night I try to dig in more and that's all I get. The character upgrades in this game are sort of trash. Except that Batman had all the cool utility belt juice, didn't he? He's a rich weirdo after all. Not a very subtle metaphor with the GTA mansions and shit. I def think there's a bit of humor in the whole: "Telepathic communication is so intricate" theatrics as of late. It is and it isn't. Therein lies the elegance of the freak dialect.
11/28/2023 -
A vision where a blonde woman is trying to solve some sort of mystery, a murder I'm guessing. She notices the odd hair braiding on one of the I'm assuming victim's pony tail and thinks it's particularly unique. Can she identify something about this woman by her unique hair style? Is it ethnic? Regional? She's going to try because maybe it's a clue.

For the rest of the night I get images of this woman with the heightened powers of perception. This is tied to the dreams from the night before I can tell. Now I'm in a scenario where I'm sharing a car uptown with Steven A. Smith and a couple of other unidentified passengers. None of them are sports fans so they have nothing to talk to the dude about so I'm like, well, all right. I can talk sports.
So I go on a tirade about how I'm suspicious that the Damian Lillard trade is actually going to make the Buck's much better. I mean, I get how he's a better clutch scorer than Jrue Holliday but you're losing a lot on defense. If you need a guy to hit a couple of shots to close a game he's your guy but if you need to stop anybody he ain't helping. Since they haven't picked up anyone to make up for what they lost defensively, I'm just not sure they're actually much better or a championship contender.
Steven A is sympathetic to my argument and seemingly impressed. I must confess that I haven't heard many make this argument in NBA circles. What's significant though is that I cut out of my dream and am told:
"You shouldn't sexualize someone on the spectrum unless they're in a stably constructed dream environment."
And then told that:
"It sounds like a bulldozer coming."
I know this all seems unrelated but I'm married to a woman on the spectrum and it all tracks. The whole Damian Lillard trade thing. They're explaining to me why we work as a couple to a certain extent. Psychic self defense. And that's what all this info has been about. For the rest of the night though, there's this other woman in an odd, thin, narrow picture window on the lower left side of my perception invading my sleep states. She's this short white woman with angular features, dressed in all black, with chin length jet black hair. She remains there in my liminal sleep states for the rest of the night, even into my morning meditation session. I get that she's somehow related to the message on autism, but I'm not entirely sure how.
11/29/2023 -
In this vision I play a bitchin' guitar solo in front of this other unspecified dude and he agrees that I did in fact drop a bitchin' guitar solo.

The fascinating aspect though is that at the end of this solo, I start doing this right hand tapping thing on the lower part of the fret. I wake up and am sort of baffled by this. Like, I'm not sure what the point to that sort of one handed finger tapping would be, nor why I would be doing it with my right hand. As the night goes on though, I do in fact remember a few odd, similar techniques I'd developed as a teenager before I started accumulating FX pedals that I haven't really much used since. Fair point. I'll have to give some of those a whirl.
One other dream. I'm in a sunny classroom and Giannis Antetokounmpo is a few seats behind me. He starts complaining that his phone constantly loses reception and I walk over to help troubleshoot it. I play around with the thing for a bit and have to concede.
"I mean, yeah, everyone else in the class is getting perfect reception in here but I tried every setting involving your phone's connectivity, restarted it a couple of times, and it's crap."
Then as I'm walking away I realize something.
"Wait a minute, you're richer than God. Why not just go buy a new phone?"
To which he's like:
"Yeah. Fair point. I think I'll just trade this in."
That's it. That's the dream.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!