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Silver Fingerprint Icons

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

10/6/2023 -

This is one of the more absolutely absurdist situations that's presented itself in my psychic life in quite a while. It's like I'm having some sort of work meeting and for insane reasons we're setting up in a very specific corner of the neighborhood where I grew up in suburban Ohio. In fact, it's right in front of the childhood home of this dude I hung out with a lot when I was a kid into high school but haven't thought of in years. Haven't seen him or even connected with him in any way since high school. While we're setting up a wooden table and chairs outside for again, what almost seems like some sort of bank related financing meeting I'm astounded by the synchronicity.

"Wow, we just so happen to be setting up right outside this house that I spent a decent amount of time hanging out in when I was a kid? Trippy."

Then we're in the house and there's this huge spread of food. Also, holy crap, the layout is exactly the same but it's so much larger than I remember it. It is odd how even in a waking state I remember the layout a bit and this is an exaggerated version of it. It's also got this odd spectral glean to all of it where I'm almost only seeing the spectral framework of the thing without the details. I'm kind of switching in and out of seeing all the painted in detail work and just the glowing skeletal architecture.

Anywho, what's important is that we eat a ton of free food but even after eating all of this free food, there's an enormous pile of the most over stacked sloppiest nachos in the universe heaped onto this buffet table, so much that they're barely even staying on and slightly overflowing to the sides. Honestly, I can't believe I'm going to eat even more but I mean, those do look like some amazing 'chos and you know I dig a good 'cho.

So I grab a small plate and when I look back. Holy shit! That ginormous mountain of 'chos is nearly gone already. Wow. That's when I wake up, astounded at the rapid consumption of delicious overloaded 'chos.

For the rest of the night, the same goddamn dream about trying to unpack all of our shit from a hotel we're staying at. This time it's a nice beachside deluxe suite type sitch. The only highlights here include that at one point I go out back and I can see the waves are really starting to pick up. The storm's rolling in. I can see them crashing over the sandy tan rocks in an awe inducing yet slightly terrifying display. We've got some time but we need to get the fuck out soon.

The other thing worth noting is that at one point the dream fades with me joking about smelling pies. You see, a lot of people these days think you simply don't smell a freshly baked pie because it seems creepy. I disagree. While I completely agree that getting right up and shoving your nose in the pie's business to inhale deeply is skeezy as hell, I think it's polite to take a few complimentary whiffs from afar. And I demonstrate this by making 3 upward moving hand gestures as if I'm pulling the delicious smell into my nose while I take a coordinated sniffs and show a satisfied expression on my face. That's it, just a quick couple sniffs from afar. To not sniff at all could be considered rude.

10/7/2023 -

Tons of dream time that's difficult to extract a narrative from. I wake up basking in the peaceful white light glow of just having graduated. There was a ceremony and I walked into the cascading bliss light beaming from above. That's all I could take back to monkey world.

Now there's an unspecified gathering in the old church I used to go to in Ohio. There are 2 stories to the church and I have to complete various tasks that involve both the lower and higher floors. Basic astral plane metaphors but everything is too dark and foggy for me to grok the specifics entirely. The one thing I do remember is that I need to head out to run some errands outside of the church and as I'm leaving I'm remembering that there was supposed to be free food, wasn't there?

Oh yeah, the one old lady with the beehive pinup hair said she was going to bring a cold cut platter. I'm only remembering this while I'm peeping the platter lying on the ground in a shag carpeted hallway right in front of a closed wooden door. Weird place to set up a platter if I do say so myself and if I'm being honest the platter's kind of mid.

In fact, the very mid cold cut platter on the floor in a hallway in front of a wooden door situation is making question whether or not there's going to be any free eats available when I get back. The errand I gotta run's going to take at least an hour and a half. People are already picking at the various lunch meats. Will there be any left in an hour and a half? I'm thinking maybe, but I'm also thinking I should make myself a sandwich and stash it in the downstairs fridge for when I get back just in case.

With this decision made, I wake up and when I get back under it's once again the most quotidian of recurring dream scenarios. There's like a missing time sitch where I'm waking up in the middle of the night and I have no clue how I've lost roughly 9 hours. I was supposed to be at work. This then leads to the annoying ass I'm-getting-ready-for-an-event-but-I-can't-find-the-right-outfit shenanigans. These forgettable festivities go on for quite a spell and the most disappointing aspect involves me finally realizing that I'm dreaming while looking out a sunny window at dawn. I'm fully lucid and I'm about to rocket myself out into astral space through the solar portal I'm staring at but I find myself in monkey form in bed instead. Weaksauce.

There was one more thing. In between the tedious recurring theme explorations I did have a vision where there was apparently a study proving that Tom Hank's kids were worse off when he was alone parenting them than they were when Rita Wilson was parenting them alone. This had been studied and there's strong evidence to support this conclusion according to this incoming transmission, which seems more random than it is. My wife and I had been discussing how some people are almost too nice to be good parents earlier in the evening. Also, Tom Hanks does in fact have at least one total douchebag son. That didn't occur to me until I woke up.

10/8/2023 -

Same theme all night. I'm some form of disembodied consciousness looking down at all these bodies that I can't incarnate into. They aren't compatible with my soul structure and this is indicated by these icons on the bodies that look like silver fingerprints. I can tell by looking at these silver fingerprint looking icons that I am locked out of existing in these type of bodies.

As for why? This is actually communicated to me in Starfield metaphors. I had just recently ran into a situation in that game where I was gifted a fancy new ship, but I had to grind for like 3 straight hours to build up my piloting skill before I could fly the thing. This is the exact metaphor that's used to explain this situation to me.

This leads into the classic still-moving-shit-out-of-my-old-apartment dream. I can't believe that I've been moving shit out of this place for so long and yet there almost seems to be more shit I still need to move out than there was the last time I was doing this. The trippiest part of this is engaging in this activity, then thinking:

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this exact thing I constantly have dreams about."

But somehow failing to realize that this is happening because I am in fact dreaming. Other than that, it's boring as hell and of course because it's the day before my work week starts I'm worried about getting to work. Here it seems like I have plenty of time though, I just need to move all my shit to our new place. I must confess this boring metaphor does make perfect sense to me, particularly because I've been trying to get my wife to move so she doesn't have to commute so much for years now. Tedious shit I have to do before I can inhabit certain types of bodies? It works on a multitude of levels. More than I can even get into here.

While meditating in the morning I'm told that I'm a "one trick pony." I can see that. Honestly, I do a lot of tricks but they're all admittedly in the same vein. Need to work on that I suppose.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!


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