5/3/2023 -
Long dream about taking a part time job in some large college bar. What can I say here, this job seemed legitimately sort of fun and there was a great sense of camaraderie among the employees. One of the waitresses is roughly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, in a very subjective way. Meaning, from my perspective she's absolutely stunning but tastes vary. I also have no idea why I took this job. Anyway, this all goes along swimmingly and I'm apparently working the early shift which gets off at 6pm.
Right before 6pm all these idiotic already sloppily drunk college kids start flooding the place and it is starting to get absolutely packed. There are 10 minutes left on my shift and I'm sort of ducking into corners trying not to get involved, not necessarily because I'm lazy but I'm worried about accidentally having people think I'm their server during the shift change and providing bad service because of this (which has happened to me in real life before). As the kids increasingly pile in though I'm starting to realize the reality of this gig and am sort of hoping I'm never asked to work the later shifts. That's it. That's the dream.
5/4/2023 -
Liminal visions where I'm a disembodied form of consciousness looking down on these basketball players on a court and controlling them with my mind. Are there portals of energy involved? Of course there are, these spectral hoopers all have these circular storms of translucent energy on their chests and that's how I'm controlling them. I'm tapping into that astral contact point and manipulating it accordingly.
Very much like what Castaneda always talked about as the assemblage point (and yes, Carlos Castaneda was in fact a total piece of shit but he did study shamanism). I must confess I hadn't contemplated the assemblage point concept a whole ton until my last mushroom trip where it very much did feel like the essence of my soul was merging with the sound in a controlled kaleidoscopic explosion directly in the middle of my chest. It'd been so long since I'd tripped that I'd forgotten how you feel the music in that state. When I'm high, it's far more in my head.

So later I pull out of the liminal state and informed of the game plan that's being implemented on a 4D level. Slow it down. Muck it up. That is an effective game plan in certain situations and it does feel like what's been going on in my life for quite a while.
Now I'm in a dream. I'm at some sort of conference on the south downtown waterfront area of Seattle. In between sessions there's like an open bar sitch. It's a gorgeous day and this is in a courtyard of a building with super upscale modern architecture. I notice a friend of mine is popping in for a drink and I'm like. It's noon. Prolly a bit too early for me.
I'm just hanging out in the courtyard and not long after I see him re-emerge with what looks like a rum & coke in his hand and for whatever reason, the song Alcohol but the Butthole Surfers pops into my head, in fact my entire being is consumed by it.
"Alcohol-l-l-l-l-l-l-l, it's a son of a bitch, y'all!"
I run over to the dude and start singing it to him. He joins in with me. We both agree that Independent Worm Saloon is a goddamn brilliant album as we walk over to enjoy the waterfront sun. When I wake up, I remember that I recorded a song that's literally a tribute to not only that band, but that specific album for a project I've been sitting on for over a year for intuitive reasons I can't even explain to myself. Slow it down. Muck it up.
One more thing. On the synchronicity note, I had a dream where my wife was telling me which synchronicities to engender on the astral plane recently but it wasn't until a bit later that I realized that the in the same week I had this dream, I first had the worst bout of Hashimoto's constipation/ass explosion bad times I've had in a very long time. Then a few days later my wife literally shit herself while training for a marathon. Then the next day my dog got into something and kept me up 2 straight nights with diarrhea. He hasn't done this in 3 years. So that's what happens when I let my wife line up synchronicities. She does always makes poop jokes. It's totally a thing and butts are of course always funny. Just another episode.
