10/21/2023 -
A couple of things. First I'm in a restaurant watching the dad from Frasier in a first date scenario. It's an upscale stuffy joint and they're both dressed super formally. The tall thin older woman confesses that she's embarrassed by the fact that she doesn't have great eyesight these days. And with that, Frasier's dad not only pulls out his entire left eye but it's almost like he pulls off a quarter of his face with it. What a relief. He was nervous about his dwindling vision too but on the other hand, taking off a decent swath of your face in the middle of a high end eatery is maybe a bit much for a first date. This is all based on an episode of Frasier my wife was just watching where the dad is romantically embarrassed by his wounded leg I might point out.
Now I'm getting high by smoking some aquatic alien crustacean. Very much like a shrimp but slightly trippier. A drug shrimp. That's it, I'm getting high smoking far out space krill.

Later in the night I'm at the very top of a columnar temple. It's almost like a clay colored circular stone tower to the sky with one large ceremonial window on the top floor for calculatedly meditating to the sunrise and sunset. Great place to get high apparently and here I am smoking eyeballs. Smoking eyeballs in the sacred temple. That's the bit.
10/22/2023 -
Speaking of bits, how about higher dimensional central casting? That's the theme in my stoned liminal space for the entire night. There are these crackling portals we need to fill in this lower realm to complete an interconnected story and we have to choose who we're going to incarnate into these roles carefully. All skin world performance based storytelling is a metaphor for this higher reality. The diagram goes on for quite a bit and from this perspective there are no bodies. Circular energy portals. Temporary livable narratives. Not 5th dimensional chess but 5th dimensional cosmic casting decisions. Layers within layers.

The one humorous aspect here was a message in relation to myself. They told me last week that I'm a one trick pony and here they're telling me essentially the same shit in an incredibly complicated psi warping way. I'm like Keanu Reaves or Jack Nicholson or Christopher Walken or Samuel L. Jackson. Great in a certain type of role but lacking range. Those are often the best type of actors though for reals.
As far as traditional dreams go, I'm once again bored, but only mildly bored this time. It's the classic thing where we're packing up and getting ready to leave a vacation type event but here it's the zoo. We've even actually already packed are shit up but we're grabbing one more meal in the zoo cafeteria, which is under a multi colored outdoor tent. This final lunch before we hit the road is taking longer than I want but not much. I look at my watch and we still have plenty of time to get home and get a decent night's sleep.
And holy crap, we eventually head out for once. When we do we're passing these utterly crazy looking housing developments. Super duper clean but also incredibly modest. All one story white homes with small pointed gray roofs and angularly ascending slender grass hill fenced in back yards. As I'm walking around the next morning it occurs to me that I've never seen such an architectural parallel in the waking world or the next and probably never will again. It was a peculiar fleeting strangeness. Something that looked like it should exist but wouldn't, except that when I walk past the new construction townhouse explosion in my neighborhood the following morning, the experience feels incredibly familiar. This was absolutely the point.
10/23/2023 -
First a lot of the same hypnagogic jive about central casting, although other than a radiating translucent psi portal in the middle of colorful energy fields in negative space, I remember nothing.

As for dreams? First I'm hanging out with my mom and she comes over to tell me that she wants to try Ayahuasca and hands me a check, like I'm supposed to buy it for her. She's given me $149 which by her estimation should cover a whole year's supply. For whatever reason, this infuriates me and I'm all:
"Mom, that shit is illegal and I don't have a hookup. I already have a drug conviction on my record so there's no way I'm buying it for you through some shady mail order operation. If you want to go that route buy it yourself and honestly, I'm almost waiting until I can legally by psychedelics in Seattle before I even do them again at all."
I'm not entirely sure why this request makes me so angry but I believe it's mainly the "you take the risk so I don't have to" angle to it. Also, why the fuck aren't psychedelics legal exactly? That is in fact infuriating and I have faced felony possession charges when I was a teenager, which sucked.
Now I'm on some sort of field trip for a class I'm taking and for whatever reason I see the notebook the teacher is keeping on my performance and holy shit is it harsh. She doesn't just have notes but she has scathing notes. Lots of them. Ouch.
Now I'm talking to this other student and we're reviewing this file the teacher has on me. There are all these receipts manually taped onto these white paper pages. There was the assignment receipt, then the receipt that proved that I did what the teacher was asking. As I'm looking through these I'm pretty what the fuck about it because for one, the teacher never even mentioned that she was tracking this stuff and two, there are receipts missing. I did in fact do some of the things this record is claiming that I didn't do. Bullshit on all fronts.
I'm bringing this up to my fellow student and he's all:
"Yeah, that Women's Studies professor is a bit of a pain in the ass. I typically just read this [name redacted] popular author's books when I want to dive into that stuff."
I wish I remembered the name of this author but the fact that the class was labeled as Women's Studies is intriguing. As I pull into a liminal state I'm told that I'm getting a 75% in the class, which is a solid C, but wow is that professor not a fan of mine. Also, I must confess that I maybe got 3 C's total in my entire academic career so you know, point taken. I can do better.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!