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Solar Amnesia and the Irresistible Woman

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

5/21/2023 -

All night I can tell something is going on in my dream states and yet I can't comprehend it. The only recall I have is a memory of an enormous burning sun. I pull out of my sleep states repeatedly and it feels like I'm pulling myself away from a massive sentient solar entity but that's the extent to what's happening that I have the ability to translate into human terms.

As I'm lying in bed contemplating how strange it is that I haven't had any dreams for the first time in months, I then experience 3 dream vignettes in the last hour of my sleep cycle which come across as follows:

An old man has moved to a sunny small town but finds out that it is not at all what he expected.

My wife and I are presented as a comedy duo like David Cross and Bob Odenkirk from Mr. Show, but it's just a ruse. We are actually extremely adept con men pretending to be a comedy duo.

Many preparations have to be made so that the kid from A Christmas Story doesn't shoot his eye out when he finally gets his BB gun.

That's it as far as dreams on 5/21/2023.

5/22/2023 -

From almost no dreams to non stop dreams all night. The festivities here start off with me waking up floating just above my body. This has happened a million times now and in this instance I'm a mass of floating colors hovering just above my skull. What's important here is the obviousness of my true eternal spirit nature and temporary status as a human. In fact, I think to myself quite clearly:

"So few people get to experience this"

It's a very profound feeling and yes, unfortunately one that's mostly unfamiliar to humanity in the year 2023. How different our world would be if it was.

What followed were a labyrinthine series of dreams that I'm already realizing I cannot remember entirely. What I do recall is a long sequence about this reality bending tech, except that tech is the wrong word. Magick would be more accurate.

There are these colorful square hovering sentient psi objects that people can use to warp reality and they typically float above people's heads, just above their shoulders. I'm sure that's metaphorical. Honestly I'd say they sort of look like flying TV screens, except that you can kind of see a smoke like energy force billowing out of them. It's like they're partially in our reality and partially in another realm, so their essence isn't entirely contained to the square parameters we perceive them, but sort of bleeds out slightly into the surrounding world.

After watching how people use these things to create their own realities for a while, I'm now a kid sitting at a dinner table and I can tell that I'm being forced, except that I'm a grown ass adult yet I'm being forced to remain at the table until my dinner is finished and like a petulant child I'm complaining to my parents.

"The world was almost better off before we had these things!"

I complain and go through my reasoning for this, although I can't entirely recall what it is. I'm essentially telling my parents that they had it better than I do and I'm making a compelling argument which they are sympathetic to. I get the feeling they're going to force me to go back and see for myself.

The next thing I know I'm in a party at an upscale downtown townhouse. I'm sitting at a table chatting with these three lovely well dressed white women and at one point two of them get up to go to the bathroom or refresh their drinks or whatever. The woman who's left asks me which of the other two I'm interested in and I'm like:

"Well, actually I'm married."

She's rather surprised by this and I can also tell that I was sort of going out of my way to not mention it to these women, which was a total dick move. What can I say, I liked the attention and was sort of leading them on intentionally. Now I've left the party and am on the streets of what I get the vibe is an alternate reality Vancouver BC. One of the party guests catches up to me. She's a short, slightly thicker stylish black woman with shortly cropped hair and a slight blonde streak in the front. I ask her why she stayed at the party longer than me and she informs me that she found a hookup to these rare hallucinogenic fish. I tell her that I actually have no interest in these aquatic drugs as I don't plan on doing psychedelics anytime soon and they don't keep very long but if she's got a line on some traditional plant psychedelics I'm absolutely in the market.

She claims she's got the hook up on that too and wants to give me her number. I can 100% tell this has more to do with just wanting to sell me entheogens. Now I'm at another party with my wife. This same black woman is here but this time she looks slightly different. Similar look fashion wise, build, and everything but she doesn't have the blonde streak in the front of her hair and again, just looks a bit different than before. I can tell she's into me but my wife is there and here's where it gets odd: I simply cannot resist her.

I know pursuing her is a total asshole move to my wife and honestly, it's not like she's the most attractive woman in the universe from a looks perspective but I cannot say no to the possibility of dating her. I somehow just can't. The more I talk to her I learn that she's just been arrested for drug possession and seeing as I have also faced felony charges for the same sort of shit, I'm sympathetic. In fact, I have a long conversation telling her about my experiences and how important it is that she get a lawyer. This leads to a visionary exploration of my arrest and education in just how classist and racist our justice system actually is. That shit was eye opening to me as a young man.

After chatting for a long time and flirtatiously touching, she leads me to this odd hermetically sealed environment, which is the most visually interesting aspect of the dream by far. It's like we open a door leading downward and now we're in this window filled room that's floating in a void in the middle of the city. Light is pouring in through the windows and I can tell we're like 50 floors up but there is nothing outside but whiteness. As a metaphor I'd say Magneto's prison in the original X-men movies would be close but not quite getting it. There is nothing in this room but a bed with only sheets and I intuitively know that the whole purpose is secrecy. We can have an affair here and no one will ever know as it's sealed off from any electronic or psychic detection. That's roughly all I remember.


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