March 2022:
To kick things off I have this hilarious hypnagogic vision. Just so arty and succinct. While I find myself slipping into a liminal state I'm looking at an animated image of planet earth. The perspective then drills down to the surface level and there's a character icon of this person raising children. He's represented by this cartoony cylindrical icon with double line borders drawn into the sides, as if to represent his microverse. It's tied to this other button cylinder which represents his child, and you can tell that this connection is tying him more directly to the surface of this cartoon earth. This is his purpose.
Then it focuses on a UFO icon that's hovering in the outer reaches of the atmosphere and when it does I'm now very much realizing this is like a video game map. Then there's my icon, down at ground level but looking upward and in direct communication with the flying object. I don't have any children I'm connected to because I'm connected to that. This is my purpose. No, that happened and I kind of had to laugh. Some people are meant to raise kids, some people are meant to talk to UFO's. Both roles are equally valuable to a functioning society and honestly we don't value either even sort of sufficiently.
Later that night I'm working at some sort of day job and all these people show up to essentially mob me, wanting to take pictures and shit. I'm entirely confused by this so they have to clue me in. I created this map that they're all using apparently. I'm like: Uhhh, that seemingly insignificant thing I did like 10 years ago? OK, whatever. I then fill out a purchase order to buy the equipment needed to start mass producing this psi map I'd mostly forgotten about.
Not long after, now in a liminal state I get an overhead video game map type view this time. There are 2 parts to this quest. First there's me, the dude who tracks down the map. Then this map is used to take down the existing social order, which is the point to the game. I'm only going to see the first half of this story and I got the distinct vibe that the only reason I'm being shown this has to do with it still looking pretty bleak at the point where I finish my portion of the quest.
Very much: It's not even going to seem like anything has changed at all, because it won't until people have the map. The overwhelming darkness oppressor is vanquished in the second half of the game. I must confess that it is kind of hard to clear a map in a video game if you don't have the map. What was fun about this though is that it was very much produced in the art direction style of a video game pause menu. There was point A where I started and a clearly marked objective completed indicator that I had found the map at the exact location it was indicated, which had initiated the next objective in the game, which was transforming society.
A few days later I'm in some astral enclave that's supposed to involve Seattle's east side tech culture. Someone who's aware of my interests in stretching consciousness mentions to me this like secret social club or something? I don't really understand but it somehow involves this black galactic portal in this dude's townhouse closet. At least that's what I'm shown telepathically, but when I go to investigate I'm combing through a series of bars instead. I eventually find the right one and the social club is all about holding this golden trophy and giving drunken monologues. I watch this good looking older gentleman do his bit which is OK and I think, I guess I could do something like that? I'm not super jazzed on it though.
When I go outside to try and find my car I'm strangely having trouble locating it, but I eventually track it down and when I try to open the door I start getting sucked out of the very reality I was existing in. I then find myself in this guy's galactic portal closet, confused as all get out. But I sort of understand what the thing does. I can feel it merging with my essence and I can guide myself to various locations of sentient experience by focusing internally, although I can tell it would take some practice to use it properly. I'm also pretty what the fuck about the sitch as I'm suddenly in this guy's closet and it's the middle of the night. Awkward.
But the bro and his wife aren't surprised at all, they're grateful. Apparently I have the ability to use this unholy contraption they accidentally created and I've already answered some basic questions about what it does. They want me to continue exploring with it and the lady starts handing me piles of cash. I'm trying to resist but then realize that she's obviously super rich so whatever. I'll see what I can figure out for you. That's where the story ends but I leave the dream having to wonder, did some east side tech geek create an astral amplification device beyond his understanding? Do these people need my assistance?
Only time will tell but more to the point, there was absolutely something to how this monologue club was merely a metaphor for the real thing. I didn't miss that. Giving speeches about the thing isn't the point, the point is doing the thing. They've been hammering home variations on that theme into my experience for roughly the last 7 years.
On another occasion after some sorcerous workings I find myself immediately in a technicolor lucid dream state. I for some reason enter this building and there's a door man who's sort of like:
"Are you sure? This is leading down, you get that right?"
And I'm pretty whatever about it but as I start heading down the stairs into what seems like a video game dungeon level I do start wondering why the fuck I'm doing this. I wander through dirty corridors for a while and now I'm very much traversing a sewer system. Eventually I get to the point, which is this transit station for absolutely enormous fat cat sewer alligators. There are fucktons of them waiting to deploy out of these various branching tunnels (and on an internal level I know this is supposed to represent an airport). On top of these bleak corpulent reptiles are these scummy people lying face down contentedly fast asleep on their rigid scale pillows. I find the whole thing so icky that I instinctively fly to the ceiling to avoid getting bitten, then I promptly high tail it the fuck out of dodge.
Gee, wonder what that could be a metaphor for during a global pandemic? Alligators we flushed down the sewer metastasizing, having somnambulant unwitting monkeys latch onto them and then spread globally via our transportation infrastructure. They even measure COVID levels in sewers. Then again, I don't know, could just be a metaphor for capitalism in general. These creepy filthy people seemed so very contented to be sleeping on top of these hideous reptiles who were taking them places. Seems on point.
There was no time to contemplate the meaning in the moment but after emerging from a door on the side of the building and through a gate this up scale looking couple noticed me and started trying to sound the alarm, as if I wasn't supposed to be allowed into their city scape (which seemed decidedly European I might point out). This sort of annoys me so I'm like:
"Oh, you think I'm crazy. If I was crazy then how could I do this?"
And with that I started flying above them while projecting freaky deaky psych art into their minds telepathically.
"Now who's crazy?"
I'm not entirely sure if this worked but on one final note, while in the middle of finishing my article about synchronicities and how I can seemingly summon them simply by writing them down, I'm actually even thinking: Is it gonna work this time? Then I order some delivery and my schizophrenic brother calls. We chat for a while and I even tell him that my food's supposed to show up at some point in the next hour and I'll have to jet when it does. Eventually he quite abruptly ends the conversation saying he has to go. The food shows up 2 seconds later. Just another episode.
The next day I do my iPod shuffle divination thing. I'd just watched a promo for the short documentary about that band Failure that's dropping later this year and what's the first song that comes up? Failure. Then over the next 10 tracks 3 are by bands I mentioned in the synchronicity article, right on queue.
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