Happy OTS day everyone! If you don't know what Omni-dimensional Tech Sync day is, then get hip my cool cats. Get fucking hip.
I had actually been internally contemplating how I had nothing planned for OTS day and then whoosh, I summoned an amazingly baffling tech sync with this exact unconscious notion. I'll lay it down as succinctly as possible here. You know how Shawn Kemp was implicated in a drive by shooting on Friday? Probably not, but as it turns out I just so happened to be having a text conversation with my brother about his troubled NBA career a mere hours before this was announced. How did this come up? Because my brother's been playing a retro Sonics franchise in NBA2K. No shit. Would it be a tech sync if there weren't receipts? Of course not.

Here's where it gets even more delicious. What was my brothers response to this sync? Well, he used the exact phrase "Stranger than Fiction!".

Why is that synchronous. Because a few weeks ago I saw the video for the Bad Religion song Stranger than Fiction on live television in the year 2023 on the exact night I finally got my crappy Bad Religion logo tattoo covered up. Here are the receipts on that.
It's an OTS Day miracle, so eat those nachos, take those bong rips, and listen to that shoegaze and do so knowing that the Omni-Dimensional Sync God is good! Christ, it's infinitely formless and excellent!