Happy Omnidimensional Tech Sync Day good people! Of course, this is the day when we all annually celebrate the bitchin' interconnected nature of the conscious multiverse while also contemplating the most epic tech sync ever captured by digital surveillance so far in the remembered history of this batshit talking monkey timeline, which went down on March 12th, 2021. Whenever someone captures a more righteously far out synchronicity digitally, OTS day will then be celebrated on that fine day until that feat is eventually one upped and so on and so forth into eternity and beyond.
I must confess though, several months after March 12th of last year, another utterly uncanny wrinkle was added to the original groundbreaking OTS day event that I haven't yet mentioned. Which is? Well, one of that day's legendary syncs involved a member of the LA shoegaze institution Spacewaves and it just so happens that all the way back in April of 2015, while pulling out of a lucid dream and into a liminal state of consciousness, the phrase:
"Sorcerer of the Spacewaves"
Popped into my headspace, which is publicly documented. Then just shy of 7 years later, one of my more impressive demonstrations of psychedelic sorcery ends up involving a band named Spacewaves, which I believe she even mentioned was the name of her band in the comments back in the day. Fascinating shit, but what's even more intriguing about it has to do with all the elements comingling into the legend here. This one's now got precognition, divination, and technological synchromysticism all wrapped up into the same completely verifiable psychic mega story.
So fire up your bong, bust out some nachos, and dive into those shoegaze albums my friends, and do so knowing that god is weird. Very very weird.