7/6/2023 -
Same sort of vibes as last night: I'm manipulating blue energy. Except this time it's a slightly different type of blue energy. Last night I was sort of projecting these massive blocks of blue art, here it's more string like energy. Like, it's this energetic force that's made up of individual strings that I'm taking control of and combining them with other strings, to make fantastic otherworldly threads I imagine. So an entire night of flying around the astral plane and manipulating strings of blue energy and yes, there were definitely vibes that I was flying around while doing this.
The only dream part of this that I remember is that for a while I was dreaming that I was lying in bed, except that my little brother somehow kept wrestling with me. I didn't understand how this was happening because he wasn't in the bed and yet, he kept appearing and playfully wrestling with me. It took me quite a while to figure out how this was happening and the eventual answer was that I was dreaming, except that I didn't really realize this until I woke up to go to the bathroom.
7/7/2023 -
The most interesting thing that happens here is that while ganj-i-tating in the middle of the night I spontaneously enter a sorcerous battle training state. I'm honing my super speed wolverine astral persona and combining it with several other techniques I've been shown over the years, including the dimensional kick flip maneuver that I keep forgetting about. I'm using this to phase into other dimensions where I am the one playing and creating the lower game realms.
They are just like characters on a screen to me from this vantage point outside of their version of timespace perception. I can control the hyper speed slicing until it's a blur of disruptive energy. Entire worlds can be torn asunder at my will. Blacked out. I will delete your hell realms and it's not even that hard. There is a cosmic god version of me out there, I just have to remember this and use it. This is only a bargaining tactic, but it will be implemented if pushed. I am the eye in the pyramid and the spontaneity and intuitive nature of the exercise feels fantastic. A part of me has always known how to do this.

Not long after this, a few vignettes. I'm meeting some friends at the downtown waterfront and we're going to catch a ferry. When they show up, they let me know that they're going to grab some food at the excellent seafood place next door. I'm surprised by this news as I've already eaten but sure, we've got some time so I'll tag along. It's this second floor white walled walk up place right next to the ferry and honestly, the food looks fantastic, particularly the chunky New England clam chowder. I'll have to skip breakfast next time and I'm almost annoyed with them for not mentioning these plans, but when I contemplate it I realize that no, I am not annoyed. That's how the vignette ends, with that thought going through my head.
In the next one I'm walking up to a bartender in a wood paneled bar. He's giving me the two beer options, one casts $3.50 and the other costs $5.50. I respond that I want the more expensive one but for some reason I say:
"I'll take the fifty fifty."
And even though the bartender knows what I'm talking about, I immediately feel like an idiot.
Now I'm a woman hanging out with a friend in what seems like New York City in the late 80's or early 90's. It's before cell phones and I for whatever reason decide that I'm going to spontaneously surprise someone in my family by taking a ferry over to where they live. The only problem with this plan is that it maybe would have made more sense if I contacted my husband as it'd be a more impactful surprise but again, it's before cell phones and we were out and about already. But when we enter the ferry, who's sitting there in what seems like the first open seat? My husband, of course. He quite synchronously had the exact same plan.
As I walk up to him my words are.
And he responds by telling me that I'm a:
"Total fucking dork!"
Then it gets super weird as there's this sense that this entire synchronicity was not only planned, but we fucking nailed it. It was like a TV show, we got the line right and everything perfect so that's a wrap. The way my consciousness leaves my body and everything suddenly seems like a soundstage is trippy as hell. This is what they've shown me before. You can fuck up as many times as you want, it only gets cut to tape when you nail it.

This is followed by an incredibly long dream about a serial killer. There's this group of friends in Northeastern Ohio/Western PA and my consciousness is flipping between them. Very very bro vibes here and it also feels like it's happening 30 odd years ago. We're all a part of some sort of team effort which seems to involve a lot of partying but that's not it entirely. We're also accomplishing some larger overarching goal together.
Anyway, at one point I'm in the head of one of these bros and I realize that one of the other guys in the group is the serial killer that's been terrorizing our area. It just all clicks together, although I don't remember the exact clue that set it over the top but rather I live all these experiential clues in my mind at once and I suddenly know. Holy fuck! When I realize this I also realize that the guy is currently hanging out with several other members of our group of friends but once again it's pre cell phones.
At this point I now enter the mind of one of the guy's that hanging with the super creep and I somehow intuitively know this other guy is on his way and that I'm not supposed to let on that I know. I only know this because I just mind jumped from the other dude's head but I follow the plan. The other guy is on his way and should be there in a half hour. I'm supposed to keep quiet and not let any of the other bros in on the secret.
When the distant accidental detective shows up, he quickly goes downstairs and catches the killer in the act, which does explain something. When I woke up at first I was like, didn't we just let him kill someone else by not acting immediately? But in retrospect the plan did seem to be to catch him red handed so we had concrete evidence and I think we caught him with a body he'd recently killed. Also, I suppose explaining how I'd telepathically mind jumped and that's how I knew he was the killer prolly wouldn't stand up in court. I'm just filling in the blanks.
7/8/2023 -
Second night in a row with some cool spontaneous magick. This time I intuitively throw myself into a alternate dimensional room in a full waking state. Another way of putting that would be that I entered a lucid dream state while simultaneously being 100% awake. I'm in this blank white and gray spectral room that's crackling with otherworldly energy but that's not the strange part really. That part would be how I somehow intuitively know that I'm supposed to be performing some sort of sorcerous ritual in this room.

That's why I designed it in the first place but I'm taken aback because I have no ritual planned. Also, how that hell do I know that this is the purpose of this room? All astral intuition. It's a neat trick and one I'm not sure if I'll have the easiest time replicating. Why is separating into an alternate waking dream space important when performing this sort of mental ritualism? I have no idea, but I suppose next time I should have a ritual in mind.
On the dream front, two dreams about foreign travel. In the first I'm supposedly going to to Toronto with my brother but I don't have a passport (I do have to get that renewed). It's OK though because all they needed was a receipt as it turns out. Now I'm on a plane but my entire consciousness becomes like a viewpoint from the nose of the plane. If the nose of the plane had eyes, that's what I'm experiencing basically and for some reason, rather than going to Toronto I'm turning around and heading directly into downtown Seattle. That doesn't seem right but as I dive straight into the city center I'm noticing all the flashy new buildings.
There is a part of me that knows that this decay and corruption is the Blade Runner-eque future I craved as a small child in a weird way. I always did love skyscrapers and holy shit, look at that towering silver metallic complex they just built right by the stadium. My consciousness sucks out of the nose of the plane and I'm floating around this sci fi wonder my imagination is spontaneously creating for a spell.
"I could get lost in there."
I think to myself and that's about all I remember.
Later in the night I'm on another trip, except that this time it's a group trip and it's to Germany. Except that I was supposed to go somewhere else but that fell through, so now I'm going to Germany with all the other people in this group. We leave our hotel situation and a couple volunteers to drive us into the city with their compact rental car. I'm glad I'm not driving because I'm used to the other side of the road. We hit this ridiculously over the top roundabout section of the city and the dude grazes a horse with his car to which I'm like:
"Holy fuck, did you just hit a horse?"
"I think so."
The horse doesn't seem injured and we pull over to try and track it down but can't find it. Instead I start wandering through the city and realize it's supposed to be Berlin. With this realization, the entire city shifts into this brown brick brutalist sci fi architecture. Lots of arch like buildings with thin windows. Futuristic looks from at least 40 years ago. It's monolithic and kind of glorious in a way but the most peculiar thing is how I somehow understand how David Bowie's album Station to Station was heavily influenced by being made here. This suddenly makes perfect sense to me on an intuitive level that I can feel, which is definitely strange because I've never heard that album. Also, it's not one of the albums that Bowie recorded in Berlin as it turns out when I just looked it up but it is the album he made in LA coked out of his mind and paranoid with magick. So yeah, odd experience indeed.

7/9/2023 -
Speaking of odd, this is one of the most difficult to put into words dreams I can imagine. I'll try though obviously. This whole thing feels like a film about some aspect of the porn industry and it's one of those films that's told out of sequence in time. So it's showing things in the past in one scene, then things in the future in another scene, then in the present. My perspective is mostly in 3rd person but it's fluctuating artily and wildly with the narrative. I do not remember any of what this involves other than a particular young woman to a large extent. That's the focus. Anyway, the whole production wraps up and you think it's over but then there's the classic post credits hidden ending scene.
This is in the past and I'm guessing the late 80's/early 90's. We've seen this scene several times now from different perspectives. A blonde woman with big hair wearing all aquamarine storms out of a sleazy looking man's office angrily. Then it focuses on the office behind this office and my consciousness enters the new room we hadn't contemplated before.
It's the office of another very sleazy looking dude. He's this overweight almost Elvis'y dressed guy with gelled up black hair and huge aviator glasses. God, it's like I'm now in a video game and I can initiate a discussion about whatever secret clue he might hold. Except that before I initiate the dialogue I notice this huge gumball machine sitting on his desk.
"Why the fuck would that be here?"
I wonder to myself. I decide that it can't be accidental so I reach over and stuff my face with delicious and rather large brightly colored gumballs. I'm now chewing as loudly and annoyingly as possible when I initiate the dialogue cut scene. What does the Elvis-y dude have to say?
That he recommended that the main character in this drama be removed before any of the rest of the story happened. He then explains why and I absolutely hear him, but I'm chewing so loudly that I repeatedly ask him to repeat the same info:
"So, who did you recommend got pulled out of this production?
"Aaand why?"
Again, I'm pretending that I'm chewing gumballs so loudly that I can't hear his responses but I'm fucking around and I just keep doing it. Also, somehow I know that he's talking about pulling a human out of their role in our talking monkey world and he's some sort of astral plane safety compliance officer. That much is clear.
