4/24/2024 –
This first sitch is trippy as I’m lying in the upstairs bedroom of my mom’s old place contemplating how I haven’t remembered any dreams yet tonight and how maybe this will be the first time I haven’t remembered any dreams in months. I’m doing this in a dream. Then I get up and walk downstairs with my chihuahua, only to run into another chihuahua.
“Mom. What the fuck? Why is there another chihuahua here?”
It’s hard to get info out of her and the story I get makes absolutely no sense. Apparently while she was driving, some woman in a motorcycle with a side car ran into her car. It wasn’t serious or anything but that’s why there’s now a second chihuahua.
I’m pretty whatever about it but I then get in her car with her. She’s driving me around and she’s all over the fucking road. It’s horrifying. You know, they’ve thrown this metaphor at me a couple times now and when I’m thinking about the astral plane reckless drivers I’ve been forced to ride with, it’s starting to make a lot of goddamn sense.
In the next sitch I’m at this super odd futuristic roadside bunker community. I get the impression its in an incredibly remote location and I’m visiting with some unknown compatriot as my squad for unknown reasons, although I do know that we are here for a reason. What can I say about this excursion, I’m compelled by how thriving this remote community seems despite its narrow adherence to the road. The whole encampment does not extend far away from this one main road, and it isn’t even a major road. Shit’s up in the mountains too. Not sure why I didn’t mention that before.
At one point my friend seemingly vanishes and the jaggedly angular metallic sci fi buildings seems to start shifting around. At this point I start wondering what the fuck is going on. Everything about the design seems otherworldly as hell and yet? I don’t manage to hold it together long enough to lucid.
Now I’m in a dingy practice space jamming on some tunes with this punk rock looking black dude with tattoos and a mohawk. More like a side hawk honestly. He’s wearing the classic punk rock vest with no shirt underneath and we jam on some new cuts for what seems like hours. Then the next thing I know I’m heading back into the practice space with him and he’s all:
“I’m going to go get laid now.”
And he heads off into this scene where he’s kind of going through one musician practice space dude to the next, and I get the feeling he’s been with them all before.
“Sooo, that guy’s kind of a slut.”
I’m thinking to myself. Good to know.
The night closes out with this incredibly excellent vision. A cubic prism tunnel is flying through outer space. There are regular stars outside the prism tunnel. Shining lights in the distance but inside the tunnel the stars are hyper-intensified. Color explosions in the sky. The kaleidoscope stars are reflecting inwardly in the tunnel and refracting off one another and I get the impression the purpose is to concentrate the sentient star energy and project this vision of a much more interesting universe outwardly into the more mundane one. This is not a complicated metaphor.

4/25/2024 –
This one is super odd. So I took a sick day for the first time in years and took a nap/meditated in the middle of the day, which is also something I rarely do. During this nap I had these extended visions involving these 2 animated faces. One is large and colorful and sort of looks like a Chinese dragon face but certainly different. The other is smaller with more muted coloring. Both are taking turns sucking me into their worlds and the point is that I’m supposed to be combining the 2 of them together. The multi colored animated face is in front of the muted color animated face and there’s this interface in my mind’s eye where I’m supposed to be combining them together.

In this state I also become aware that there was a final for one of the Invisible College classes that I was taking that I was apparently about to blow off.
I wasn’t even going to write about this weirdness until it pervaded my sleep states again later that night. This time the combine the faces together game is more in the background and now there’s a name associated with the colorful forefront face:
Drew Magary
Who is Drew Magary? Well, a semi well known mostly sports writer who recently suffered brain damage and wrote a book about his recovery from it. I do not know what to make of this.
Then in a dream world, the same theme of me potentially blowing off a final exam slips in. Why do I keep doing this? I keep taking these classes and blowing them off. It seems like I’ve basically taken this entire course and am just going to skip out on the final. As I’m walking around The Invisible College campus I’m fine with this. It seems weird but I don’t need these fucking classes anyway. Now I’m back at home looking at my watch like:
“It’s too late to get back to campus in time anyway.”
Except here I wake up and contemplate it more. Like, why not just finish the damn class? What would it hurt? So I get back under, determined to do this and I do. I will myself into this drab looking class room floating above campus with no windows on the astral plane and quite quickly bang out the colorful animated head assignment with a few flicks of my magick hand.
Now the other duller one. I know how to take care of this. I just have to help this dude win a basketball game, which I do by turning the entire room into a gym where we’re playing this game of excellent waste paper basket basketball with huge crumpled up pieces of paper. I’m controlling the whole thing so obviously our team is dominating and honestly, it’s freaking fun.
I wake up with a strange sense of satisfaction at how I took control of this situation and handled my business. Again, what could it hurt?
4/26/2024 –
This whole experience is so strange. Otherworldly really. I’ve sort of become the consciousness of nature in a way. I am these living nature scenes that feel like they’re as much animated sequences in an art film as anything. At one point I’m a small green leaf floating in the middle of a circular tree ring, which produces a foreign inner sensation. There is so very much we don’t remotely understand. That’s the point. This is consciousness devoid of any humanity. Most of it’s deliriously pleasant but predictably difficult to take back into the skin world with me.

Speaking of things I’m having trouble remembering, I know there was an entire crackling energy kid sequence I can’t entirely bring back going down as well. We’re on the upper floor of the classic art gallery space but this time there are no floors. It’s like we’re floating in space. There is a woman with brown curly hair in a fancy Victorian dress. The galactic looking green energy field hovers in the middle of this certain gallery room like a hidden exhibit. We tap into it and are warped into a plot line we’re barely in control of by the forces of this odd living energy vein. I remember that a group of us are continually pursuing this energy at this floorless museum party but that’s about it.
I also recall a sequence where I’m hanging out with a couple of unidentified people who are supposed to be my friends in a floorless bar. The bar is apparently constructed on black void space rather than solid ground. Anyway, they’re both complaining about how I never talk about myself and I’m like:
“Well, I mean, I have a blog and neither of you read it. It’s right there and it doesn’t seem to be something you’re interested in.”
They both seem incredibly confused by this and it’s almost like even though I’m mentioning the blog that they don’t read and are aware of, they’re still struggling to conceptualize what I’m saying. Like a part of their minds doesn’t want to believe that it exists. This all tracks.
Now some liminal vignettes –
I’m considering watching a YouTube video about how this group of home-schooled Japanese girls does home remodeling projects with magick words. I’m only looking at the thumbnail but I can somehow see these magick words in my mind’s eye. They look like a combination of both Japanese script and sheet music.
Now I’m looking at the thumbnail of another YouTube video. It’s an amazingly sloppy choice with a blue background and white text that doesn’t quite fit in the frame. This one appears to be about how certain types of medical misinformation have now been banned by Tik Tok.
A group of I’d say about 30 gray 80’s looking boxy design sedans line a bland city street at the top of a hill, parked on either side of the street. There is no architecture on this urban hillside and it’s like it’s been overrun with parked gray Renault Alliances sans drivers. I’m only seeing a small subsection but the shot is designed to give the impression they extend in both directions up and down the street. You can see the sun in the back left corner of the shot and each car has a decorative orange ribbon around the passenger side mirror.

Wow, I love the star imagery!