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Summoned by the Black Energy Book

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

11/6/2023 -

I'm partying at the house of my old pot dealer from over a decade ago and I'm about to head home. They're planning on going out to hit a bar but I'm not going to join them. Then this white woman with black dreadlocks joins their crew and she somehow convinces me to head to the bar with them, which I reluctantly agree to. The second we get in the car though shit gets creepy as my old weed dealer starts doing the prototypical super aggressive driving thing. This is particularly precarious because he's doing this on the narrowest of streets imaginable. You know those streets where only one car can really get through because there are so many cars parked on either side of them? Those are the streets that he's doing this in. Driving as fast as possible and coming as close to hitting every car he can without actually hitting them. It's insane.

We're all sitting in the car more than disturbed by his creepy stuntman driving but also all sort of terrified to the point that we're not going to say anything.

Again, this is reliving some strange memories for me as I knew a guy who was like this in high school/college and I dated another woman who drove like a lunatic for a while as well. People who drive like complete psychopaths. It's a thing. Anywho, we're all driving around these super narrow streets terrified by his calculated recklessness when we run into a road that's blocked off for what appears to be a lighted kid's glow party or something. I don't get it either but because of the blockage, we realize we're not going to be able to make it to this bar. So we head back to his place continuing to be terrified by his driving.

In the next scenario I'm once again at my old basement apartment. There are a bunch of teenagers that have showed up and I'm sitting on the couch when this kid and his girlfriend confront me. They're taking my seat on the couch and he's outwardly threating violence as a means to get it. I'm baffled by this and honestly, it really seems like I could kick this kids ass but he has like 8 of his friends backing him up, so I'm like:

"Ok, whatever."

And I get up to leave but as it turns out one of the kid's dad is there and he's like:

"You can't just leave these kids here by themselves!"

To which I'm like:

"There are a couple adults here in both of the bedrooms who can check in on them."

It seems like I'm almost making this up but apparently my wife is doing something in the bedroom and another friend is hanging out in the other room as well. So I actually head out with this Dad and as I'm walking out the door he jokingly tells me.

"I don't know what you were thinking back there but I was thinking about how many of those kid's asses I could have kicked before they took me down."

To which I'm all:


The next thing I know I'm back in my old pot dealer's place again and everyone is doing coke except me because it's like I have to work later that night or something. This somehow leads us to getting back to our old basement apartment yet again with just the psycho driver guy. He keeps snorting lines and eventually talks me into it, except that when I start snorting them I'm realizing it's not cocaine. There are these little brown pills I'm trying to crush to make them inhalable but I'm genuinely struggling to make that happen as admittedly I haven't crushed a pill to snort in a very long time. While I'm doing this my friend is telling me how fucked up he is and nearly falling on the carpeted floor wasted out of his mind.

After struggling mightily I do manage to get a few tiny lines out of these pills and am relieved that they don't make me that fucked up. I do have to work later that night after all.

11/7/2023 -

I'm at this massive modern high end school facility on the weekend for unknown reasons. It's this huge open space white and grey walled building and it's almost empty. I don't actually recall why I've decided to visit this facility on the weekend but I'm under the impression it's going to be quiet, which it is. Then not long after walking around this empty cafeteria rec/room space I realize that holy shit was I wrong. It's now absolutely packed, I just showed up a bit earlier than most peeps. This ends up being problematic because I had a stack of books I was carrying with me. I set them down somewhere but now I can't find them because there are so many people. I spend a bit of time searching through the crowds looking for my unwieldy stack of books but eventually wake up.

When I get back under I'm now sleeping on a bench while watching some athletic teams practice in an adjacent gym. This is really trippy because I wake up again after this and suddenly can't remember any of what was going on in the dream and it's stuff that I just remembered in a waking state a second ago. Now I'm back sleeping next to the practicing athletes once again and it all comes back.

I'm not sure what happens after this exactly but at some point I'm now sleeping in a bed and I go entirely lucid but wow. Even though I know I'm dreaming I am telepathically summoned into another room by a mysterious black book. I feel the pull of this book and it compels me to walk through the walls in my quotidian bedroom and into another school type environment, except that this one isn't modern at all. It's a classic wood paneled old style academic building, not unlike the X-Men academy in the films (which I just re-watched recently). It summons me to this large wooden table and the second it does, I realize there's another table of students at another large wooden table at the far end of the room to the right of me.

Once they see me sit down at the alternate table with the phantom book they all come over and populate the wooden chairs encircling it. At this point the book turns into this otherworldly black piece of hyper-cube art and the thing is so freaky deaky that I can't handle the power of it's odd energy which sends me into a waking state.

When I get back under now I'm exploring this town that also seems like an amusement park. At one point it's shown to me that it's Wheeling, West Virginia and strangely enough, when I looked up downtown Wheeling in a waking state what they were showing me does sort of look like the downtown architecture of Wheeling, where I've never been. Trippy.

Except that this was just one sequence and none of the rest of the town I'm exploring looks like this at all. I wander around this amusement park/town for quite a bit with my Dad and brother and honestly the only thing that really stands out is that at one point I leave them to do my own thing and immediately go lucid. I'm in this building with solid rock architecture but since I realize that I'm dreaming I start manipulating the large gray seemingly solid granite structure. I turn it into these intricate interlocking patterns and sort of will it to create this elevator like compartment that lowers me into the first floor, where I find what looks like a pretty excellent sandwich shop.

Here I lose lucidity, leave the building, and reconvene with my Dad and brother. I suggest the sandwich shop as a place to have lunch and they're like:

"That looks like a store not a restaurant."

But I was just inside and I know it was more of a place to grab a bite and a pint but they want to keep walking.

11/8/2023 -

I'm in a restaurant sitting with a group of about 5 other dudes at this circular raised wooden table that's almost like repurposed farm equipment. As we're waiting for our server I start talking to the bearded guy next to me about how quickly the craft beer trend spread from the Pacific Northwest to being absolutely everywhere. I'm even mentioning how in the early 2000's, one of my friends moved to LA and was shocked at how hard it was to find decent beer there at the time. Now it's international. This is a story I've told a few times in my waking life and here I am, telling it again in a dream.

After getting up and getting back under I'm now eating a meal with my family at a grocery store. We're at these tall circular plastic tables near the check out and again, I had genuinely forgotten that I used to eat store bought deli sandwiches on in store tables at Safeway years ago with an ex girlfriend. Anyway, for some reason I decide I need cereal so I head to the cereal aisle and grab a box of Count Chocula. As I head back to ring it up I find my father already there and he's ringing up multiple boxes of Crispix, which is a far more sensible cereal. I'm slightly disappointed but you know, fair point, I probably shouldn't be eating Count Chocula in the first place.

Now I'm in this scenario where I'm the Transformers. Which one? All of them. My perspective is warping between all of them. Eventually I warp into the mind of one of the Dinobots and it's not specified which Dinobot it is, but I'm supposed to be the invincible one so I start acting like it. I'm basically Godzillabot and I'm absolutely fucking shit up something proper. In fact, I'm mildly disturbed by the amount of people I'm indiscriminately offing. I'm just swatting them aside knowing full well that I'm likely killing or severely injuring anyone who stands in my way. They don't seem like civilians though but definitely military types that are trying to keep me out of some installation.

It feels like an airport and when I get into the huge concrete clearing, there's now a line of them and the classic gray haired shady old white guy General talking shit to me. But wait a minute, there's some odd deja vu here. This is a trap. He's talking shit to me for a reason. He's trying to provoke me into attacking him because he's got a secret trick up his sleeve. I'm not biting but only because I've lived this before. I pick up a soldier and chuck him at the evil General dude. Yep, the pawn soldier freezes in mid air, stuck in this invisible translucent crackling energy forcefield. And that's where the pre-cog deja vu comes in handy. I know that if I touch that field, it's going to ensnare me and I won't be able to get out.

So I retreat away from the mystery facility and end up in this dark parking lot, which is honestly too dark. Unformed. It's not like the dark of night, it's like the dark world around me doesn't exist at all. I'm confused by this but too dumb to realize that I'm dreaming. Instead I run back in the other direction until I find my crew. Optimus Prime is sitting in the driver's seat of a van (which is inherently odd), and I inform him that it was a trap and we have to come up with a better plan. Maybe the most fascinating aspect of all of this is that I have never even watched one of the new Transformer's movies, nor have I thought about the Transformers much in 30 odd years. Optimus Prime did have the original boxy red series design though, I will say that.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!


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