To reconjoin with the ongoing narrative, I engaged with the sync storm by writing about it and of course by doing so new sync storms were righteously summoned. I was even thinking about how the others I’d just mentioned weren’t of the technologically verifiable variety but then voila, I did in fact have a few new fun nuggets on that front.
First I watch this 2012 animated Superman movie I’d never heard of called Super Man vs The Elite, which I’d highly recommend if you’re into that sort of trip. Anyway, in the film he actually uses the slogan “Truth, Justice, and the American Way” to which I’m like: Woooow is that dated. And so I make a joke about it on social media, which is probably the least popular thing I’ve tossed up in a while.

Also, as I’m sort of drunk one night I suddenly realize that I’ve been sitting on this other rather incredible sync for a few months now as it’d simply slipped my mind somehow. Not only that, but everything about it is 100% confirmable, which hadn’t even occurred to me prior to this moment of drunken contemplation.
It goes like this. Seven odd years ago now my wife and I bought a townhouse in a neighborhood we weren’t even considering when we started looking. It’s in Ballard, which is the historically Nordic district of Seattle and it wasn’t until we moved in that I noticed that I now lived a half block away from Earl Avenue. This in itself is mildly trippy because I had a Swedish grandpa named Earl.
It wasn’t until years later that it suddenly struck me how the sync actually operated on a far deeper level though. Why? My Swedish grandpa Earl spent most of his career working for the Bekins moving company and what’s on the corner closest to my place and Earl Avenue you might ask? Well, a moving company as it turns out. No shit.
So to recap:
I accidentally moved to the neighborhood of Seattle largely settled by people of Nordic heritage, right next a street that bears the same somewhat rare name of my Nordic grandfather who worked in the moving industry, and on the corner closest to me on the street with the same name as my Nordic grandpa, there just so happens to be a small moving company.
Of course, all of this is confirmable and would have been even before the internet due to basic bookkeeping practices. As to why it took me so long to put it all together? The moving company operates out of these apartments and honestly, I didn’t understand exactly what was going on there for years. Also, I’m kind of dense.
What’s more though is that right after tossing up those last two “fun nuggets” as I just referred to them, the cosmic sync storm rolled into me-town once again. This time I find myself in the surreal position of accidentally playing a video game involving hyper sentient sandworms on the exact same day the new Dune movie was released. What you have to understand about this is that it involves this fantastic new game called Sable which (mild spoilers) actually has a goddamn explorable sandworm.
I’d been playing this for nearly a month at that point and did not know it contained any sandworm related content at all. In fact, you can play the game in any order you want (which I highly recommend) and this was one of the last things I ended up doing for no other reason than intuitive slackerdom. Then when every single person in the universe is talking about Dune at the exact same time, I find myself exploring the surrealist innards of an amazingly arty virtual sandworm. That happened and it happened when? At a point when I intentionally summoned synchronicities into my life by writing about them. Second time this year that’s gone down and there are receipts.
