by Thad McKraken on May 15, 2014
Hey Thad, where are the regularly scheduled rants that we’ve become accustomed to over the last year or so? Well, I decided several weeks back I should probably actually put the finishing touches on the book I wrote that’s coming out next month (if all goes right) and that maybe I should wrap that up before I spend more of my time ranting at y’all. They’ll be back here soon, and you know what else? Video rants all Lee Camp style. As far as I can tell, the problem with my writing is that no one reading it can tell how ridiculously good looking I am (riiiiight). I mean, how are gay dudes supposed to masturbate to an internet article? How are women supposed to make weird scrapbooks with hearts around me while jotting down the names of our future children? This needs to be resolved and so I’m buying a decent video camera here soon to do just that. I’ve tried with the camera on my laptop but the video quality is shit. I suppose that’d be my way of telling you that the human content factory that I am is just going to get bigger and better moving forward but it’s going to take a minute to process these improvements. In the meantime, I still have time to reblog some things I find interesting, as I can normally toss that shit up all quick like when I have a free minute at my day job.
I actually did that last week when I re-blogged a video called Dark Mirror of Magick, which brings me to the point to this post. Internet writing is weird and totally new as you now have to either endure or ignore countless people spitting hatred at you in comments sections. I realized fairly quickly after Disinfo picked up my writing that I didn’t always have time to keep up with this stuff, or moreover, sometimes it wasn’t always great for my mental health to do so. I’d say I probably read like 75% percent of the comments on my posts on this site. Sometimes I’m in the mood to deal with people telling me I’m a druggie, sometimes I’m not. I continually encourage people to friend me on Facebook because I do in fact try and keep up with all of that time permitting. Also, I do magick journal stuff there that I rarely post here, so if you haven’t friended me, you’re not really getting the full experience regarding how utterly strange magick can be.
Anywho, Megan Beth Koester over at Vice did a hilarious piece calling out her internet commentersthe other week. It’s awesome, but I must say, my commenters are of a vastly different variety. I’d also point out something that she fails to address in that piece. The vast majority of people spewing vitriol at her on VICE are most likely doing so because they wish they had jobs writing for VICE. Hell, I’m working a shitty day job while I’m writing this so I totally understand that sentiment but I will point out that whining at people on the internet probably isn’t going to get you that gig (or any gig for that matter).
Here’s the thing with comments. I’m all about constructive criticism. Lord, my inner Occult overlords are so brutal with me it’s ridiculous but they almost always have a point. I’m such a harsh critic of myself that I do find it funny that I could probably come up with better critiques of anything I do than anyone else would be able to. Truthfully, I’ve never read anyone making a negative comment on any of my posts that was actually saying anything constructive whatsoever. You’re sort of feeding my ego with this trolls. Your critiques of what I do are so obviously based in ignorance that they don’t even get me pissed off anymore, in fact, I now find them sort of hilarious because they can almost always be broken out into a few basic categories.
One, scientific materialists who are infuriated by the idea that every problem in the universe can’t be solved with more math.
Two, religious people who have been programmed from birth to think that the Occult = Satan Worship.
Three, conspiracy weirdoes who often don’t even understand that their views about the Illuminati/NWO are actually fairly heavily influenced by religious people’s slandering of the Occult.
Four, people who think I do too many drugs (For the record, I smoke pot and do hallucinogens ritualistically like once a year, don’t even drink much anymore).
Why am I bringing this up? Because the comments on Dark Mirror post from last week were classic and that’s the funniest thing. Comments on the Disinfo Facebook page rarely show up in my feed and because of that I must confess, I probably haven’t seen like 90% of them over the last year or so. Wouldn’t have caught these if one of my fans hadn’t tagged me in strain with the conclusion:
“You really pull the crazy out in people Thad McKracken for that I applaud you haha”
Holy shit, yeah, I really do. Fine work me. So fuck it, let me address some of this negativity publically because it’s actually a lot more hilarious than I realized (all names redacted).
“How about discussing the occult practices of banking and finance? The development and application of physics formulae which form the basis of derivatives, as well as the sales pitch(es) made to various government entities which ultimately led to them going broke?”
“agreed with (person who posted the above comment). I’d like to see something done on the means they use to try to enslave the entire race…. it’s a pretty big deal.”
You really feel like you don’t get enough of this from Disinfo? Really? Ummmm, so you want posts from me talking about how world leaders are all in a secret club doing weed based sex magick. The reason I won’t do this is because I’ve done this shit myself, have been for years. My conclusion? Your leaders aren’t involved with weed based sex magick, astral projection, shamanism. etc. If they were, they wouldn’t be doing the shit that they do because they’d see the broader consequences of it from a spiritual perspective. I think the problem is precisely that they’re NOT involved with this stuff. Almost no one is. Wall Street is far more influenced by cocaine and speed freaks like Ayn Rand than it is by the Occult and psychedelics. Trust me, these people are fucking themselves over with this wealth/war mongering shit from a spiritual perspective and they’re completely unaware of that fact. Is there a dark sorcerer compelling them to do this shit behind the scenes? From what I’ve seen, probably, but they’re not aware of it consciously. An Occult practice would be a means to free yourself from this materialist psychic slavery. It might be the only hope you’ve got. Next?
“LMFAO fucking deluded losers”
“The occult is interesting as a subject, but if you actually believe in any of that nonsense any more than you believe in Batman then you are the FAIL.
It’s just another religion, and all religion is mental illness.”
“There’s this thing called science. Let’s all forget about the occult, and religion, and embrace science, shall we? Please? It’s important for our future.”
Lord, these people. Apparently there was some sort of debate between materialists and neo-spiritualists last week that I read about on the Daily Grail and the neo-spiritualists didn’t fare very well to which I say, these things shouldn’t be allowed to happen if I’m not involved. Seriously. I’d start off the debate by asking the cult of science folks, why do you think that certain areas of scientific inquiry should be illegal? Oh, you don’t? Funny then, it’s been essentially illegal to study psychedelic drugs for a long time now. We can study nearly any other variation of chemical compound, but just not those per government mandate. That’s slowly changing, but not very quickly. The point to my writing is that we have an insanely illogical bias towards studying altered states of consciousness of any variety because they don’t fit in with the daemonic expansionary agenda we unconsciously serve. These were comments on a video about Solomon’s Magick. Where are the studies into that sort of thing? They don’t exist. In what bizarre universe does knowing as little as humanly possible about something constitute as a means of understanding it? It doesn’t. Sort of my entire point. Science is a tool, a means of creation. Thusfar we’ve decided to use it to aid in enslaving the population chemically, building war machines, and creating vast wealth inequality. That’s what we’re currently using science for. My take? We could use it to solve the mystery of death and give every single human the direct sort of godhead experience that they read about in church and that I write about continually. I don’t even think this would be very hard to do if we put our minds to it. Instead we get predator drones and profit gouging algorithms. Next?
“Evil!! You are playing with the eternal damnation of your soul!! Duh! are you a disinfomationist who is sided with the Devil? Rhetorical… I can’t believe I even waste my time with you..oh yeah. I think somehow I can talk sense into anyone falling seriously astray. All this information at your fingertips and you warp it into the supreme fallacy that you can manipulate the “elements” to manifest your reality. The Absolute has already been made appearant. Do you really think to be a creator and a sort of god? what horrible use of intelligence. I can no longer stand to see people waste their lives with these “crafts”. You were not there during creation and have none of the righteousness of God Holy Holy Holy is the AllMighty Who shall share the throne of all creation with the Creator? the created?!!! certainly Not!! Justice will come and all that you’ve done will be revealed. then where do you stand? Can you even stand before God and live let alone explain away your utter rebellion? there is no such hope except in Christ Jesus Lord of all King of Kings!!!”
Okay, now I actually have to put a bit of the blame on this one on me but not much. I meant to mention that part of the reason I liked Poke’s video so much is that there’s a great segment where he talks about his great reverence for Christ and pretty much takes down the popular myth that the Occult involves Satan worship quite directly. Here’s a part of the dialogue with his aspiring mage:
“Is this your means of worshipping God?” Answer “Yes.” The Occult largely involves making contact with your Holy Guardian Angel. It’s about mastering your daemons, not worshipping them. You can’t actually do this without the aid of angelick forces. And this is what you get as an Occultist and of course I knew this well before I had to deal with internet trolls.
The materialist science nuts hate you because what you do “isn’t real” and religious people think you worship Satan. These are the dangers of binary thought. It takes balls to delve into this shit, and fortunately for y’all, I’ve got balls the size of Jupiter. You know who doesn’t? Skeptical science freaks and religious fanatics. Holy crap are y’all a bunch of pussies. Why don’t you experiment a bit with my handy dandy sex magick techniques, massive amounts of hallucinogens, or astral projection and see if you feel the same way about the multiverse and your place in it? Oh, you won’t? Scared? Exactly. Props to all my supporters as more than half of the comments were actually incredibly positive and constructive. Your support pretty much makes my life and inspires me to continually improve what I do. Stay tuned true believers! Things are just going to keep getting weirder from here on out.