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Super Speed Lucidity

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

4/4/2023 -

In the hypnagogic portion of the evening it's variations on the theme of cosmic astral entities saddling humans with dark yin energy. At one point when I pull out of this state it's like a translucent hand is holding me while I radiate with black galactic energy.

There is a fairly distinct message here though that being afflicted with this mass of dark energy isn't entirely a curse. In fact, it means I'm connected to all of these other dark energy beings. I can feel this network connectivity and how it spreads across the conscious multiverse. In a liminal state I'm informed that this connectivity has to do with the celebrity synchronicities I've experienced. I genuinely don't give a fuck about celebrities but I must confess that just in the last 6 months or so I've had 2 doozies on that front, one with Kevin Conroy and another with Shawn Kemp, both of which a totally confirmable I might point out.

On the dream front, I'm doing the why-the-fuck-am-I-in-my-old-basement-apartment thing again. I'm here because of my wife and I do think that I finally understand this recurring dream at this point but the frequency with which it comes up is rather bizarre. The only thing of real note that happens here is that at one point I semi-realize that I'm dreaming and so I force myself to wake up. Except that I don't actually wake up but rather wake into another dream where I'm sleeping right next to the large second floor picture window in my townhouse. The experience of waking into another dream is always fantastically mind bending and waking up to such detailed urban scenery is even more excellent. I'm sitting there groggily looking out the window when I notice a dog riding the bus by himself going by. It's interesting to note that a dog who rode the bus by himself was a national news story coming out of Seattle and that dog just passed away recently.

Anywho, I'm intrigued by this dog and so I start trying to follow it with my perception. When I do I realize I'm not in my townhouse but actually riding the bus and had fallen asleep taking a trip somewhere. This baffles me as I don't remember getting on a bus. I check and it's the 36 line specifically. When I look this up after I wake up, it's a route that goes through Beacon Hill. This actually makes perfect sense in the context of this dream series but it'd take way too long to explain why.

I'm not sure what happens with the bus adventure but the next thing I know I'm back at my old basement apartment, except that now my wife is gone and I have two friends with me helping move shit out of it. This goes on for an incredibly long time, in fact at one point I stop and contemplate how long it's taking with the other dudes. Like, what the fuck? None of us thought this project would take this long. In contemplating it though I realize something profound. I keep thinking I need to hurry this up to get to work, but I know that's not actually the case. I only think this because my waking self has to wake up at a certain point, but I checked my watch the last time I was awake and I have at least another hour or so. But wait a minute, that would mean that I'm dreaming.

It clicks and what's kind of funny is that even though I've had literally thousands of lucid dreams in my life I'm sort of floored by this revelation. I actually have to sit down to process it, which I do in the middle of the neighbor's front yard. I look up and there are all of these tall deciduous trees with pink blossoms hanging off the branches. It takes me a while of contemplating that I'm actually in a dream to realize that oh yeah, I can manipulate the dream, can't I? I spend a bit contorting the branches of the blossoming trees but I'm quickly getting bored with it. I don't have any great ideas.

I look to the other guys who are still standing and am like:

"Well, I'm dreaming and essentially have godlike powers in this realm. Anything particular you want to do?"

Before they respond I'm like, how about super speed? Y'all want to run around like you're the Flash? They do and so I bestow super speed powers upon them. What's fascinating is that I somehow know I can only make them so fast for whatever reason. I can't grant them full time traveling hyper-speed abilities, but a fun approximation. I have no idea why this is or how I know this but the second I point my finger at them, they instantly turn into small children and start racing around the neighborhood like little blurs of color.

I for some reason go back to the house and start having a conversation with someone although I don't have any idea who this is or what was discussed. All I remember is that eventually I realize that the kids must be pretty hungry with all the super speed gallivanting around and so I put some sushi out by the back door, which they eagerly return to lap up. That's about all I remember.


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