6/26/2024 –
I started watching the Fallout show while I was working out and shocker, this lead to a bunch of Fallout inspired dreams. This is all very weird and intense but unfortunately I remember very little. What I do recall is that at one point there are 2 groups of us in this dark basement area of some unknown building. We’re about to fight against each other but I manage to use my persuasion skills to not only deescalate the situation but convince the factions to join together.
In another sequence there’s an incredibly huge contrast between the dark indoor areas of this world and the insanely bright sunny day outdoor areas. A group of us head from one of these dark indoor spots to the sun drenched overworld and pretty quickly I somehow lose track of the group. I can see them walking ahead of me in a line a ways away wearing this flowing middle eastern religious looking garb but as I try to catch up I start walking past this run down convenience store. There are these people in full on red jumpsuits with thin white stripes that almost resemble tracksuits in a way but with a full head covering who seem to inhabit the place. As I’m passing by, one of them runs at me repeatedly and I stop him by kicking him squarely in the chest, and when I do I realize that I’m wearing Doc Marten-esque boots.
In the sequence I remember the most I’m waking up from a midday nap and when I do, I realize this is all a vacation essentially. I’m in the top floor of this hotel and I’ve taken a nap because I’m worn out from the adventuring. So I wake up and decide I’m going to get in a game of NBA2K, which I do and it feels like I play an entire game of NBA2K, right up until near the end when all of a sudden I’m having a hard time figuring out which team is which. They seem to be blending into one another, or moreover, I was playing the game on auto pilot and when I started paying more attention the pieces no longer fit. Hmmm, what the fuck is going on here? Yeah, you know, I have legit never brought my Xbox on vacation with me ever before so what? I’m playing video games on vacation now?
Also, I’m very hungry so fuck it. I save my game just before finishing it, which even I find odd. Then I go downstairs and as I’m doing so notice how weird the scenery is. I mean, it’s a post-apocalyptic like fantasy hotel thing but there are bars everywhere and I’m remembering that we’re not entirely safe, even when we’re inside. We’ve been attacked by mutant insects before in the very living room I’m standing in. But whatever, I head further downstairs and there’s this whole group of people cooking up vacation food. I’m really fucking hungry and they’re not going to have dinner ready for a while, but it does look like they’ve made some bread and other shit I can munch on to tide me over.
As I’m going to grab some though, I’m accosted by this shorter old white guy who I’d guess is in his late 70’s, wearing a white and blue patterned golf shirt. He’s talking to me but I can’t hear a word he’s saying. His lips are moving but I just can’t hear him and I have to tell him repeatedly that for some reason I’m not grokking what he’s laying down. It’s almost like I have a hearing aid I need to turn up but it’s actually him that has to activate something before his voice is audible. He does and all I can really tell he’s talking about is how there’s a new pet cat in the house that apparently just sort of wandered in and attached himself to us. Cool.
6/27/2024 –
Lost of very vivid dreams that were unfortunately also rather mundane to recollect. In the first sitch, I decide to head to a Ballard bar after work for some happy hour drinks. That’s genuinely about it. I go to a bar and slowly down a couple of beers with my dinner. It seems like I’m hanging out with friends but I don’t entirely remember, although I do remember having a good time. There was a hint of synchronicity here as in the dream I’m realizing that I never do this and when I show up there’s like this Skee-ball tournament in the spare room that’s drawn all these German people and I’m like:
“Wow, on the one night I decide to go get happy hour beers, there’s this once-a-year event happening.”
This absolutely isn’t Skee-ball but some odd sport I’ve seemingly just invented. Other than that, it just feels like a pleasant night of getting pleasantly buzzed and hanging out in a bar. As we’re leaving there are these Japanese tourists who have gotten embarrassingly wasted and we’re laughing at their antics. I’m also remembering that I never told my wife I was going to grab beers when I got off work so I’m worried about her being pissed when I get home.
When I do get home, I’m now sleeping and there’s like this black energetic cloud in the corner that I think is my wife being pissed. Eventually I realize that’s not it though. She’s totally fine with me going to grab drinks as it turns out. Again, not super compelling.
Neither is the next scenario. Here my mom is for some reason living in her old house on Beacon Hill but she’s living with this pale young gay woman with short red hair who seems like she’s in her 30’s. Why is my mom living with this woman? No idea but eventually her girlfriend shows up and I legit don’t remember anything about her girlfriend other than I find it strange that her partner hangs out with my mom. What is weird is that eventually all these other people show up for yet another game night sort of thing. I have no idea what game they’re even playing but it’s an incredibly racially diverse crowd and my brother and I are baffled at how many people are now hanging in my mom’s very small living room. That’s genuinely it.
6/28/2024 –
Maybe the most profound instance of the crackling energy kid scenario yet predictably hard to explain with words or even put together in my head honestly. It’s the same shit. I’m wandering through this multi-floor museum when I catch the current. It typically starts on the ground floor, although sometimes I do catch it in the higher gallery I suppose. The difference here is that there’s more of a connection. We legit think we’ve figured it out and it feels like we’re close. How though?
Uhhh. It’s very much like time periods are shifting. Sometimes I’m in the future, sometimes the past. Sometimes he’s in the future. Sometimes the past.
Sometimes we’re in the same time spot at the same time. But regardless of the time and space differential, there’s this energy current that leads from this one room on the ground floor to a larger gallery space on the higher floor and its liftoff into the outer reaches from there. When he’s there, we can chat. When he’s not, there’s just this smoke trace of the flowing energy pattern which in this state I can tell is his existence on another distant level of reality. It’s easier if he’s there but he doesn’t actually have to be because on a certain level, he always actually is. This is seemingly what I’m being taught.
Anyway, the important thing is that at one point, I do manage to pull off the trick with a certain celestial aplomb even though he’s not around and at this point the entire museum has shifted into a mildly futuristic version of an ancient Aztec temple (although not necessarily Aztec because what the fuck do I actually know about ancient civilizations, and not like flooded with computer tech or anything, just distinctly modern looking). Just straight up old school shamanism vibes to the entire ascent, which is absolutely the point. There’s a metaphorical message that this has ties to the practices of antiquity. It’s all happening at once.
I soar directly above what would be the eye of the pyramid and am now hanging there in a glorious psychic solar energy orb. An incredibly good vibes astral advisor entity orb also shows up and we’re looking at this like psychic map of my soul’s essence. What it’s pointing out to me is that a lot of my behavior is an expression of sadness at the fact that my brother moved out of Seattle 12 years ago. This is the key to understanding the crackling energy kid trick somehow. An icon appears like a power up batch that radiates bliss into my spirit.

I’m then rocketed down to this lower world where this rock entity that looks like a bald muscular concrete warrior elemental being gives me freaky this super jump ability, which he shows me how to use and let’s me practice. It’s fun and a little inhuman in the way my jumps skip around. I can get pretty high with this trick but there are still some situations down here I can’t just leap all the way out of.
He’s the concrete elemental and it’s almost like he’s showing me that if there’s a barrier to where I can’t jump with this trick, he created it. Definitely helps though and it’s genuinely like I was just awarded two pretty significant sorcerous power ups at the same time, one in the lower realms and one in the heavens.
When I pull out of this experience and contemplate it, I’m told:
It does track. I have inherently become a less social person since my brother left town for multiple reasons now that I think about it. Christ, working from home too. The key factor in the crackling energy kid scenario is friendship. That’s how I fly to the heavens.
