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That's Why You Can't Rest In Peace

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken


I’m wrapping up production on some unknown project and the next project is a film about an old friend of mine. This is very bizarre because he’s written this play and his idea to turn it into a movie involves him performing the play through the back windows of his old apartment, which is on this narrow alley. So all of the film crew is set up in this narrow alley behind this apartment waiting to film the play he’s going to put on through these windows and they are very skeptical that this idea is going to work. As I’m leaving I’m basically:

“Yeah, good luck with all that.”

As I see it’s going to be a hell of a thing to pull off properly based on this concept. But I head out, trying to get home when I get confused as to where I live. I almost go to an alternate universe version of my old basement apartment but quickly realize it isn’t the right spot. Oh yeah, the new townhouse up the street. I remember that. Except that for completely unknown reasons it’s difficult to get there. I’m driving and there’s an odd fork in the road leading into wilderness. Where the fuck is this place again?

I can’t find it in my car so I jump back to where I started and fly into the sky, turning myself into Superman quite literally with the cape, costume, and everything. I fly high above the alternate universe Seattle environment and eventually locate our new pad. When I land though I realize something, which is that shit. I’m going to need my car eventually, aren’t I? I left it way back near the old place, didn’t I? But I’m Superman, so I can summon it right?

The answer to that question is apparently yes as I focus internally and my ride eventually pulls into the driveway and man is it now a ridiculously decked out sports model.

But right before my car hits its rightful spot in the driveway, 2 or 3 other cars roll in and unidentified peeps get out celebrating their graduation. Oh yeah, that’s why it took me so long to get here. I just graduated and I was supposed to go out partying afterward like a normal person. If I would have showed up early, it would have seemed sort of embarrassing that I rushed right home after graduating like a nerd. All of the delay was instinctual and worked out well from a PR standpoint. Fascinating.


2/21/2024 -

Standard channeling rather than dreams tonight. First I pull out of a sleep state with a transmission about an irresistible thread for Eris and once again a sense that I’ve graduated. Then the channeling:

“All the children are suffering.”

“That’s why you can’t rest in peace.”

“You need to lead the way and spoil the ending.”

Then something about how this puts me in a certain amount of danger and a declaration that animals are suffering as well.

All of this tracks, in fact the “family therapy” dreams I keep having sure do seem to have to do with me wanting to rest in peace but not being able to. I imagine it’s about the future and my eventual will to not be here anymore. Spoil the ending? That’s something they showed me before. Why all the spiritual amnesia involving the human experience? Basic writing surprise ending shit. Death as a human is supposed to be this huge twist ending but that’s what creating so much suffering. This all really is a rather succinct summation of a lot of the themes in my dreams. Maybe I’ve finally graduated the grad school program they told me I was entering like 7 years ago.  

2/22/2024 –

Astral vignettes:

Vignette #1:

I’m watching this documentary about this two-person band where one guy plays the ukulele and the ukulele dude looks like a younger David Cross wearing one of those odd furry ear flap hats (called a Ushanka hat as I just found out). So this group is being interviewed and then they show them sitting at the front desk in this dull office building type environment with wood paneled walls and green carpeting  rocking out.

The first thing that strikes me is that wow, the David Cross ukulele dude is running that thing through a thick distortion pedal and that motherfucker is screaming. I’ve never heard a uke do that sort of shit honestly.

The other bro is sitting there I’m guessing dialing up some beats on his desktop computer. Anyway, the scene then shifts slightly over to an older guy with gray hair wearing prototypical short sleeved office dress shirt attire at the adjacent desk and in a very deadpan way he’s all:

“Wouldn’t the point to having a job where you can do music at work be so you’d get better at it? Somehow y’all are getting worse.”

This is absolutely brutal because I was very slow at my job this week and absolutely could have worked on this Hidden Extra Skull shit but didn’t, opting instead to nerd out on video games. It goes even deeper though. I haven’t recorded any new Black Science stuff since 2019. That’s the stuff that people dig the most (including critics) and I really don’t feel like I’ve pushed myself as far as I can as a songwriter yet. I ain’t getting any younger. I love weird instrumental stuff but…

It goes even deeper. Notice in this vision I’m at the front desk. The receptionist where I work passed away so I have to cover the phones at all times now. To do that I need to be able to hear the phone ringing which I can’t when I’m home studio headphones-ing it. But like, my wife’s not around and it doesn’t have to be loud. I can in fact out it through my stereo. This literally wasn’t occurring to me until I had this vision.

Vignette #2:

I’m reading some sort of film listicle about god only knows what and the movie Cool World is number 2 on this list. What the fuck? Someone just brought that amazingly obscure (and not very good) movie up earlier this week. What an odd synchronicity I think to myself. Except then I pull myself out of the dream state and realize that it wasn’t. Yet in a more meta-contextual way, life is but a dream and that’s the entire point. That’s why synchronicities happen in the first place, because everything is made of imagination. Metaphors.

Vignette #3:

I’m with a large group of people traveling and I’m in one room wrapping up the part where I check my bags. Now I’m headed to the other room to go through the security line and Donald Trump is there arms out to the sides awkwardly dancing with a small child. Just by looking at him you can see the dramatic decline in both his mental and physical health from just 4 years ago. Creepshow dipshit is barely there but a bunch of people are enthusiastically cheering for him as he hams it up. Oh my god I am so fucking embarrassed to be with the group I’m traveling with. So ashamed. Gee, as an American, whatever could that mean? Tough one for sure.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!


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