4/8/2023 -
This is actually the first time since I've been keeping a daily dream blog that the astral Invisible College lesson was a little too personal and I don't think discussing it publicly would be appropriate. There's a very sick sense of humor to our talking monkey shit show, that's all I can really say. Kind of amazing that it took 3 plus months for this to happen honestly and if I did tell you, you'd understand exactly why I don't think it's public domain.
What else? A vision of a psychedelic retreat center. It's this bland ass white walled cookie cutter strip mall looking medical building but when you show up, there's an oil painting on the wall of you arriving in this cutout psi portal in the jungle. It's as if your arrival into hyperspace had been prophesized. I must admit that'd be a cool gimmick if you could pull it off and with AI art you might be able to. Also, sort of an interesting concept in that these plant forms of intelligence probably do in fact know when and where we're going to show up in their sacred spaces as they perceive time on a completely different level than we do.
"We've been expecting you."

4/9/2023 -
In this vision a woman attorney is about to give legal news to her woman client, except that the news is so terrible she's starts breaking down crying. She did her best but our justice system is so systematically weighted against women, there's not a whole lot she could do. She can't actually believe how awful this outcome is though and she feels like she failed as a lawyer.
Ahh, the Invisible College history class I'm supposed to be taking. I'm not sure if this involves my mom getting thrown in a mental institution after her attempted suicide or losing custody of her kids to my Dad. I get the vibe my dad lost "angelic" points on the other side because of this, whatever it is. All falls into the area of "the secret history of my life that I don't remember" and further into:
"There are much deeper reasons that your parents were shitty parents than the ones you're considering on the surface."
Territory. Fair point secret history teacher.
What else? Very interesting dream during the night except that I forgot the premise. Like, I remember some details of this dream but I somehow woke up and couldn't recall the main point. So the context is lost but these are the details I remember:
I'm supposed to be hooking up with this much younger woman in her old money style mansion. She's a pretty thin pale white girl with shorter straight almost spiky hair. One of those attractive women that almost looks elvin in a way. We're in her bedroom and I start to make out with her but pretty much immediately when I do, I remember that I'm married and shouldn't be doing this. I stop and tell her that this is wrong because I'm married. Again, same dream shit as always: I realize that I'm being an asshole to both this woman and my wife at the same time by cheating.
Her immediate response is that she doesn't care and we should do it anyway, then she contemplates it more and changes her mind. As I'm leaving I remember that it's Valentine's Day and I need to get home to my wife. Except that I've also agreed to go to this show. So I make an appearance and it's the radiating energy floppy haired dude I continually run into. This is the exact freak out jam band he's been pushing forever but this time I get a closer look and they are this tribal drumming black energy portal. Their music legitimately pulls people into a vortex of dark yin energy connected to the city specifically. So it's actually more an urban shamanism act than it is a band. The point is how the music affects consciousness and how it ties you to a larger reality, not necessarily the music itself. Also, and I can't stretch this enough, they don't appear to be very popular. Most of their shows are pretty sparsely attended and this one's no different.
In fact, I'm only making a brief appearance here as I have to get back to my wife. Everybody is pretty pissed at me about this because I get the impression the only reason this show was happening in the first place is because I wanted it to. And now I'm bailing. Everyone is fairly annoyed that I'm not going to stick around for their entire set. But leave I must and that's where the dream fades.
Later in the night I fall asleep on the bus and find myself in this familiar locale which I'm now going to refer to as the monument at the end of the city. I've been here before and it's very strange. This is as far as the bus goes, which is to a wooded area at the top of a hill in this suburban/industrial neighborhood. At the very end of the road, there's one last bus stop for this bizarre tourist attraction, which is like a series of semi-preserved very old stone architecture. Everybody came here willingly and are about to take the class about this monument's history but I got here by accident and I need to get home. Except that there isn't an easy way to get home. The buses drop people off here but they very rarely pick anyone up. I even ask the clerk at the front desk about my options and he admits that they aren't great.
I eventually realize that even though there are no buses, I should be able to walk down the hill into the residential neighborhoods and summon an Uber or a cab. It'll cost a bit but whatever. I also have to call my wife and explain that I'm so dumb that I somehow fell asleep on a bus that took me way outside the city and I'm going to be home super late because of my idiocy. That's about when I wake up.
