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The Church of Materialism

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

3/16/2023 -

Same liminal state visions as the prior night essentially, except that this time instead of being a floating kaleidoscopic orb, I'm an entire wall of crazy kaleidoscopic psychedelic energy. Interesting metaphor for consciousness in general though honestly. Like, why does consciousness separate itself into individual states seemingly distinct from one another when it is simultaneously all interconnected? I am both a wandering orb of pure radiant consciousness energy and the entire mothership itself. Everything is one and yet there's also a need to detach into wandering factions. Judging from the previous few nights, I'd speculate that this has to do with the limited mobility associated with being a wall of pure psychedelic consciousness. It needs to explore uncharted realms in its floating orb mind ships.

Later in the night I have a series of odd dream vignettes. In the first I'm sitting in church, which is an odd scenario for me to find myself in. The decor doesn't seem like a typical church though. It's more like a conference room. There are no pews but rather folding chairs all arranged into rows. There's no pulpit or religious iconography. I can tell someone has a PowerPoint screen set up. Again, it really seems more like a bland standard conference type environment rather than anything religious, but I for some reason know it's a church. I have no clue what the sermon or service was like, in fact the only thing I remember is the announcements portion of the proceedings.

What I remember specifically is that a guy gets up to talk about a project the church has been sponsoring, which involves a scientist researching the migratory patterns of a particular species of bird. This stands out to me because I'm like:

"What an odd thing for a church to be sponsoring?"

At the end of the service, a non descript looking thin white dude with moppy brown hair wearing a gray tie and a white short sleeved dress shirt sitting behind me has noticed that I was visibly intrigued by the bird research thing so he starts chatting me up. The person who made the announcement was partially wrong he explains to me, as the birds actually also migrate through Africa.


I respond.

"I think we can all totally understand why they couldn't stay in Africa for too long."

I add. He gets a confused look on his face for a couple of seconds before I jokingly belt in:

"Because of the raaaains down in Aaaa-frica!"

Everyone who was listening in the vicinity laughs even though it's a terrible joke.

This would seem like a random vision but it's actually a response to a train of thought I had a day prior. My wife's cousin's christo-fascist husband just got hired as a chaplain at a public university in Texas. As a matter of fact, my wife was sure that if they were hiring a pastor they must be a private institution but I had just looked it up and no. They are not. Shit's different in Texas.

Anyway, as I was getting annoyed with this, I realized something profound, which is? All academic institutions are essentially religious institutions in the vein of fundamentalist materialism. Sad but true. The fact that they convince themselves that they're not is the embarrassing part.

The next thing I know I'm watching what's supposedly this feel good news story about a guy who tracked down the shitty white collar criminal who stole his money using some sort of fancy radar technology. Again, it's presented as this feel good story but even in a dream state I'm like:

"So the government wouldn't catch this creep so one of his victims had to track him down for them? That is not the feel good story you're making it out to be."

Par the course for our times. Anyway, it then cuts to the feds taking the shitbag down. It looks like he's holed up in this mansion in the remote wilderness. I get the impression that it's somewhere in the Blue Ridge Mountains. They go all in, in fact a fighter jet actually descends on their freaking place. That's actually how the vignette ends, with a vision of an F-15 hovering over their wooden crime palace in the forest. Except that when I wake up I realize that an F-15 couldn't hover like that, it'd have to be some sort of harrier. I'm pretty sure the Top Gun military propaganda metaphor was intentional though. If you'll recall, they weren't even going to catch the dude but they'll sure make a huge display of apprehending him with their fancy war machines and elite ops.

One more vision. Here I see a bottle of unspecified liquor with an incredibly fancy multi-colored label. The word:

"Art Poke"

Echoes through my consciousness. I only mention this because creating a brand of booze that's marketed specifically as a way to get in artist's pants is a hilarious concept. Hell, it might even work.


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