6/8/2024 –
Three separate in depth vignettes that I only remember the conclusions to, which strikes me as entirely intentional in this situation. It’s editing. In the first experience I put in all this work to make this story hit the news cycle while working in what seems like a traditional news room. I’m working with this other bald with hair on the sides dude wearing a white short sleaved dress shirt with a tie who’s supposed to be my brother but clearly isn’t my brother in pursuit of getting this particular topic as a headline at a major media outlet. When it comes time for the piece to be finalized though, the other brother dude takes over from me as the lead reporter and I can tell the editorial content has changed as well.
“This isn’t going to work.”
I’m trying to tell my compatriot.
“It’s not going to do what it’s supposed to do.”
On top of this, when it comes time to execute the piece he chokes. You can see this orange red energy possessing him. The whole thing got derailed from both an editorial and spiritual level.
This leads to yet another lengthy lived experience that I only recall the ending to. Same shit, except now we’re getting our follow up chance to make this topic get into the mainstream news cycle. This is a long process and my recall kicks in when we’ve finally succeeded. The guy who choked the first time does manage to get another story produced, but this time I’m even more intentionally distanced from the project and the editorial content has drifted even further away from what needed to happen. The guy is cold as ice this time though. He nails it, he just nails the wrong thing.
Now a final sitch. Huge winding lived experience that leads to me finally hitting the road. We’d been hanging at our old church in Ohio for a while, like we were on a vacation. I’m typically bored and finally. Finally we’re actually going to head out. I’ve got everything packed up neatly, but wait a minute though, there is in fact one other thing I want to wrap up before I jet. And with that I walk into the main chapel area, fly into the air and easily pluck this orange and red electrical energy entity out of the air near the ceiling. I’m seemingly grabbing it by the neck, which is odd because it doesn’t have a neck, you know? It’s an orange and red crackling energy being but it’s more like a speck to me.
I effortlessly phase it through the floor into the basement and push its head into the ground. I’m slightly phasing its head through the dirt beneath the tiles with my hand on its electrical neck but with just enough mercy.
“Don’t make me come back here. If you make me come back here, it’ll be to kill you.”
I tell the thing. See what I mean? Astral linguistics. On one hand I’m disappointed that I don’t remember roughly 90% of what happened in these three vignettes, and yet the point is that I remember the endings. They’re doing the editing for me and the message is crystal clear. The church spreads fear into people that rat fucks how any sort of legit mysticism is covered in the media. The media’s increasingly irrelevant though so….
All of this can’t just be addressed on a waking world level though. That’s what I’m here for.
6/9/2024 -
No real dreams tonight I think mainly because I took too many edibles but I did have one odd vision. In the middle of my conscious field of view there are 3 TV screens set equidistant from one another. The screen on the left displays a janky looking white man with a crappy bowl cut. I very much get the vibe this is representative of your prototypical medieval peasant or possibly even further back. In the middle screen is a single tennis ball. Then on the screen on the right there is nothing but static.
A bit later I have another vision with only one screen centered and on this screen is a retro-Nintendo 64 type font. I haven’t played the N64 in like 30 years and yet somehow I intuitively knew this is what this font represents. It’s supposed to be a retro-video game on purpose.
This all seems random but when taken all together. When the human game involves higher dimensional entities treating the “peasant” worker bees like tennis balls, there is no future. From left to right in the original vision (the way we read stories). Human is invented. Human is treated like a tennis ball. There is no future when this is the game.
6/10/2024 –
I’m sitting in class in the Invisible College when it hits me. Wait a fucking minute. I have taken this exact same class a thousand times at this point. What the fuck? Why am I here? I am done with this bullshit. And so I get up and angrily leave. Except that somehow I’m not entirely lucid yet. Instead I’m wandering around this phantasmal campus area. Eventually I walk by the professor. He tells me that I’m failing but I snottily inform him that I’ve been taking the same class for the last decade and I’ve passed it plenty of times already. He has no retort to this.
Eventually I do go lucid and remember to do the falsetto singing thing to make myself fly, which absolutely works. As I soar into what increasingly turns into an absolutely mesmerizing psychedelic array of clouds, the dream world unfortunately fades.

At a certain point I find myself walking down some city streets and I once again regain lucidity. I’m having trouble navigating this experience until I eventually start dancing rather than trying to walk or fly. This all feels incredibly intuitive and I’m effortlessly dance marching through these mutating streets before it finally fades.
The very next thing I know, I’m now holed up in my mom’s old place on Beacon Hill. I’m Spider Man and I’ve started warping other Spider Men from alternate dimensions into my world. They’re all slightly overweight tween men and they’ve all got this disaffected black energy body that’s accompanying them, unknown to them. I’m basically harvesting this black angst energy and using it to enchant my own personal spider suit. As I’m doing this there’s an unidentified person sitting next to me on the bed who’s all:
“You really shouldn’t be doing this.”
And I make him vanish. Then I turn to the other disaffected teenager guy who’s also watching me accomplish this and am like:
“Fuck that guy.”
That’s about all I remember but the way I was summoning spider men and harvesting their energy intuitively was absolutely insane.
