Look, some things are for mystics like me to know and for the rest of y’all to eventually find out. Leading into this week of succulent synchronicity was a declaration in my sleep states on the morning of Saturday March 30th that a bad cold was coming. What do you even do with information like this? Last summer while meditating on vacation I was informed that my niece would bring COVID to town. Then the next week, right after hanging out with her, there it was. My wife and I had made it 3 and a half years but the gunked up chest cavity experience had finally arrived.
So what was I supposed to do this time? Not leave the house? My wife had to go into work and I was supposed to meet up with my Dad for dinner so like, cancel those plans? I changed nothing and guess what, my wife and I did in fact both get the same bad cold, as foretold. Could this have been avoided if I altered my behavior or was it inevitable?
Questions like that aren’t the point. The point is that in certain situations you can’t just keep denying what’s right in front of your face because consensus dictates that it shouldn’t be there. If this was the first time something like this happened I could dismiss it as coincidence but how about the 15th? The 150th? The 500th? At what point am I just saying 2 + 2 = 3 because that’s the popular thing to say? Current consensus regarding the limited nature of both consciousness and the potentiality of the human imagination isn’t just wrong, it’s dead wrong. Reductionists can call it matter all they want but at the end of the day, thought does not arise from matter, matter is comprised from thought.
While predictably drained and mildly frustrated from this prophesized illness, would you believe? Yet another traceable link on the sorcerer of the spacewaves synchronicity chain. Did my writing create a mind boggling psychic link to one of my readers? The answer appears to be yes as this is now the 3rd time our internet chatting about high weirdness has summoned quite provable syncs into existence. This time though, it lead to an entire week of syncs in my world, which was new. Let’s get into it.
First off the spacewaves action. This story starts back on January 13th when I have this vision:
I’m watching the making of Geri Halliwell’s new music video (Ginger Spice, I had to look it up too). It’s a song that sounds a hell of a lot like Tom’s Diner by Suzanne Vega and I’m noting what a blatant rip off it is. Then I’m looking at the video shoot set up and am like:
“Wait. It’s even set in a diner on purpose. It’s just her sitting at a table and drinking a cup of coffee in a diner.”
A few days after this vision I unintentionally stumbled on Tom’s Diner in the game Cyberpunk 2077, which I’d absolutely forgotten was a thing. I thought the pre-cog fun ended there but we started having semi-regular meet ups to talk about dreams and this came up when we were discussing the most random celebrities to show up in our dreams. Obviously that’d be the answer.
Anyway, weeks after this Zoom conversation, on April 4th, I log into FB and Spacewaves tagged me in a post referencing again, the vision I had on January 13th. Why was she suddenly thinking about this? I have no idea and I genuinely found it strange but it did remind me that I also wrote a song that could be vaguely comparable to Tom’s Diner, which is what she was mentioning. We both have apparently, which is fascinating.
And here she is tagging me on April 4th:

Where it gets super duper sync-y is the next day when I’m working from home and I go to eat my lunch. I normally throw on NBA Today in the background while I’m doing this but it’s not on for whatever reason but what's is? 90’s videos. I have no idea why NBA Today isn’t on in the middle of the season but the odd change in plans actually makes me almost anticipate a synchronicity. When I fire up 90’s Nation instead, what’s the first video that comes on after the commercial break? Tom’s Diner. Do I have proof of all of this? Yes.

Note how this photo clearly demonstrates that this is happening on live television, on April 5th at the exact time I normally eat my lunch. The pics are obviously time stamped as well:

This Spacewaves sync lightning has now struck thrice I might point out but this time it lead to 3 other syncs in the same week, which was new.
First off, what have I been saying about synchronicities since I really dove in during the pandemic? They almost always come from unplanned behavior. It’s why I almost felt one coming when I wasn’t gonna watch my basketball show while eating my salad.
On a similar note, I had 3 weeks left in a Hulu subscription and re-watching Legion was the only thing that really appealed to me before cancelling. But then I didn’t get through all 3 seasons nearly quick enough and ended up paying for another month just to accomplish this, which brings me to Monday April 8th when I’m getting to season 3 episode 1, which starts like this.

Yep, on the same week the new Fallout show was dropping, I just so happened to watch another unrelated show that starts with 40 seconds of what looks just like the iconic Fallout splash screen. I legit thought they’d somehow crammed an ad for the show before the episode before I realized that wait a minute, that show’s on Amazon and I have the ad free plan. Yep. That’s just how season 3 episode 1 of Legion starts and I accidentally watched on the same week there was a shitton of hype for Fallout.
But wait, there’s more. On Wednesday April 10th, my wife is watching a 90’s true crime show where the criminal only lead the cops to the bodies after being dosed with sodium pentothal. Why was my wife watching this in the year 2024? No clue but I wondered if dosing people with SP was even still legal, which was surprisingly difficult to ascertain through the increasingly enshittified Google. I still do not know the answer to this question but what I do know is that the next freaking day an album about goddamn sodium pentothal was reviewed on Pitchfork, which I’ve been looking at a few times a week for nearly 20 years. There are absolutely receipts on that one.
It's a bit clunky but here's my phone's browsing history from April 10th, split into 3 separate shots because that's the only way I could snap it coherently:

And here's the album that was reviewed on Pitchfork on the 11th, which came up in my Google feed the next morning I might point out, because I just so happened to be Google searching sodium pentothal and regularly read Pitchfork:

And finally. Also on the night of April 10th, I had a dream about running into Adrian from Bell Witch at a fancy yacht party, which is interesting because he’s been dead since 2016, which I pointed out to him in the dream. Somehow this didn’t make me go lucid but on Saturday when discussing how non radio friendly the new Hidden Extra Skull album is while jamming with my bandmate, he brings up Bell Witch quite specifically.
He DJ’s at KFJC and at one point played an hour and a half song by them apparently. That’s the context and when he mentions them I’d say I’m weirded out but I’m used to this shit by now. I’ve only ever known one mildly popular semi-recently deceased underground doom metal drummer so of course his band would come up casually in conversation right after I chatted with him in a dream. It’s not like there’s no rational explanation for this, it’s that the rational explanation is that I have gone lucid within the B movie banana channel we call human history. Matter is comprised from thought skipper, always has been. Try to remember.