3/3/2024 –
I pull out of a dream state and the only thing I can remember is a feeling. There was a map above me that I was navigating through before I fell back to earth. I can feel these black corridors and square meeting spaces or interest points above me but I can’t remember the significance. I am left with a phrase though:
“Cake Box and Hollow Wave.”

Sounds like a decent show. It’s funny but I actually look this up and there is apparently a musical act called Cake Box and another called the Hollow Waves. Neither seem to be very serious. I did find a drone track called Hollow Wave that is pretty great though. It's hard to fuck up drone honestly. Check it:
Later in a dream state I’m in school once again and it’s English class quite specifically. The fact that the hip English professor in these scenarios is my English teacher from when I was in like 5th grade is beyond hilarious but I did have a hip younger English teacher in roughly 5th grade. Anyway, I fall asleep with my head on my desk and finish my writing assignment, then I wake up all:
“Well, I got that taken care of. Guess I’m done for the day.”
The fact that I’m writing in my sleep here isn’t the most complicated of metaphors. I filled a whole page of text while I was out with my face on my desk but the professor is still chatting. In fact, he’s on this very elevated MC Esher looking staircase and he’s talking about how he expects every student to meet with him for his office hours later in the day essentially. I’m sitting there all:
“I did my homework man, I don’t have time for this shit.”
And I’m looking at the guy next to me:
“Are you going to that? It can’t be required.”
It’s unclear. I also do the prototypical thing where I look around the class expecting everyone to be much younger than me but they aren’t. I mean, some of them are but some of them actually seem quite a bit older. I don’t have time for this office hours thing though, I gotta work from home. In fact, I’m supposed to be working from home right now. Hmmm, so the exact same dream I have every single night that’s the last day of my weekend. Seriously, some variation of this every single time. I’m supposed to be going to classes but I also have to work. Why am I even taking these classes anyway?
3/4/2024 –
In this vision I’m looking at some sort of psychic video art installation featuring two women’s faces from a side view perspective who are both looking at each other, but they’re also rotating in an out. So on one side there’s an artful rotating stack of women’s faces viewed from the side and on the other there’s another stack of women’s faces that’s also rotating in and out vertically. This all has a very retro almost circus carnival vibe to it. There’s a conversation between the two going on that I’m not really catching but I remember that one of the women who comes up on the left is Jackie from Roseanne. So Jackie starts talking about something when the woman on the other side reaches across the display and swiftly headbutts her. This is so hilarious to me that it jars me out of the visionary state.
For the rest of the night I’m traversing this first person shooter type game environment that seems to be vaguely inspired by Fallout. The important thing here is the obviousness of the fact that I’m not actually the character I’m playing in this scenario. There’s this crackling colorful energy protruding from the left side of my head. That’s what I am, this imaginal energy being that’s leaking out of the protagonist’s head. Obviously. I’ve just inhabited this character temporarily to play this game. I can feel how my body in the game is tying this psi energy to the character and the obviousness of my true eternal nature is palpable.

In fact, I’ve had a bunch of these Fallout inspired dreams lately and that aspect was the point the entire time. I’d just sort of forgotten and they’re reminding me.
The only thing I really remember about the details of these game scenarios is that at one point I’m hanging out with my uncle at an apartment I lived in nearly 20 years ago. We’re partying it the fuck up when he mentions this pill he has that allows people to relive past memories. He’s wondering if I want to try it and honestly I’ve never even heard of such a thing but I’m down. I’m ready to go but he’s sort of reluctant because we’ve already drank so much. I’m surprised by his restraint and equally surprised when he wakes up in our place the next day. Too drunk to drive home, eh? I suppose that’s the responsible thing to do. The memory pill experience will have to wait for another day.
3/5/2024 –
For most of the night I’m creating this odd amber hued cubist world that I keep venturing out of my body to explore. It’s a very interesting sensation and what’s different here is that I keep waking up, yet I’m still able to leave my body and explore this odd alternate reality I’ve created while awake.
I’ve been talking about how certain drugs like alcohol can bind you to lower dimensions for years and that seems to be part of what’s going on here. I had 2 beers at the show and the faint trace of alcohol seems to be part of what’s helping not create this odd surrealist world necessarily, but it’s what’s helping me pull it into a waking state. Even though I don’t remember a ton of the happenings in this alternate world, the sensation is amazingly compelling and strangely different than my typical astral adventures. The difference lies in how I’ve somehow pulled a higher dimensional construct down to a lower reality. Hard to put into words though.

As for details, the one thing I do remember is that at some point there’s this very fantasy castle type bar we’re about to visit. This image of this huge blue building with multiple extending towers and almost ruffly white flags in the middle courtyard area pops into my mind. Yep, we’re going to have a few drinks there for sure. Yet I do not recall these drinks because the entire experience was probably outside the realms of human narrative comprehension.
One other vision. I’m playing kickball in the back yard of my mom’s old place on Beacon Hill. I irresponsibly kick the ball way out of the yard into the street but there’s a new condo building that’s been built in the distance. The ball then ricochets off the top of the condo tower, and returns right back into the yard next to me. Didn’t see that coming but when I go to kick it again I realize:
“Wait a minute. I’ve never been good at kicking balls that far. How the hell did I do that? I’m pretty shitty at kicking honestly. I might injure myself doing this.”
This is all true in waking life and the realization happens as I’m about to kick the thing again so I stop short. I can almost feel the potentiality of my hamstring straining.
