7/10/2023 -
I'm in what feels like a newspaper or magazine office in Manhattan, I'd say back in the 60's maybe. It's this crowded office and there seems to be a group of reporters right by the front of the place sort of waiting for a beat to literally walk in. I have no idea whether or not this was ever even a thing but that's what's happening in this scenario and I'm looking down on the whole thing from a 3rd person perspective at an angle from the upper right.
This guy walks in and in greeting him he explains to me that he's here about some issue with a car. Someone at the office was having car trouble and he's looking for that person. I start to help him but this pretty young white woman with dark curly hair wearing a slightly frilly white top steps in. Her car is in the shop so clearly the dude is here for her. Except that I seem to remember another guy in the office also needing work on his car.
And so just to be sure, I go over and bring it up to him. He's this tall thin partially greying yet handsome white guy wearing a light blue suit with a corresponding fedora. His look is very of the times but the next thing I know I'm pulling up these car purchase records on what feels like a mind computer, which I mean, I suppose could be of the times if no one else could see it.
Now I'm heading further downtown for a meeting with this private investigator. He's another slick looking white guy in a suit with a thin mustache and short curly black hair. He honestly sort of looks like what you'd expect a TV private investigator to look like and he's breaking down the work he's proposing he does for me. I have no idea what he's talking about while he goes through his entire proposal but at the end I do ask?
"Why is this necessary?"
"Because of the lawsuit."
Oh. I mean it seems reasonable and he keeps going with few other ideas he has. He wraps it up all neat in this cool looking pitch deck/invoice pamphlet. The total bill is $7,77.77 or is it $17,77.77. It's hard to fucking tell but after the meeting he sort of walks with me as I'm headed uptown and in the course of this conversation I finally ask him the obvious.
"No disrespect, but who the hell are you? We seem to know each other but I don't remember ever meeting you before. What the fuck is going on with all this?"
He then explains that he's done a lot of work for my mom and I guess she set this up. Of course I see this all in my minds and truth: I don't know if that makes me trust it more or less. Depends on what level of reality you're working with I suppose.
Down the road, in another dream state I'm wandering though this wasteland desert environment. As I'm getting to the outer edges I'm entering a new area level that I'm going to port into essentially, which is very much communicating in video game metaphors. When I get close to this crackly invisible border though, my time alarm starts going off.
"Warning. Time field in this area does not match that of a 3 week vacation for a child star."
And hence my frustration with this realm and child star in the galactic sense, clearly. The dream child of a distant sentient star god made of infinite art. Obviously.
7/11/2023 -
Only one vision on this night. In it there is a man suffering from a light disease. I can see this increasingly bright living light radiating through his consciousness from above. It is growing brighter by the day and I can also see what's left of his personality, which looks like black sediment clinging to the floor of this translucent spherical diagram that's representing his consciousness. The black sediment at the bottom of this tank is what remains of his personality and the increasing intensity of the light is going to burn it all away eventually. When it does, the person he was will essentially cease to exist.

Seems like a pretty heavy handed metaphor for something like Alzheimer's but here's where it gets weird. When I wake up I realize that both of the lamps on my bedside table had suddenly burnt out. They were working when I went to bed, then when I woke up both of the bulbs were fried, despite both of the lamps being off all night. They're both linked into a surge protector so...
Honestly I don't really have a great explanation for how this happened. It it was one it wouldn't be strange at all but both of them at the exact same time, while they were off all night? Strange indeed.
7/12/2023 -
In this first scenario I'm in what appears to be my apartment although it bears no resemblance to any apartment I've ever lived in and all my CD's (which I absolutely do not have anymore) are stacked on a ledge on one side of my room. There are 4 or 5 bros with me and we start to play a game where they all look through the CD's from top to bottom and they try to determine whether or not any of them know who these bands are? It's like they're trying to guess the band but you know, it says the name of the goddamn band on the sleeve so honestly, it doesn't make a ton of sense. But I'm old and have odd taste in music so I suppose even if you could just read the band name it would maybe be sort of amusing.
We're having fun doing this for quite a while and eventually we get to my tapes, which are mostly stuff I've recorded, so I tell them the game isn't going to work for those. But the bros are intrigued and one of them is like:
"Pitch me on these old tape mixes."
To which I'm like:
"Errr, well, as people age, their tastes often change drastically. I'm now 46 and that stuff was made when I was 19-20 sooo...as mentioned, tastes really do change."
I'm doing a terrible job of pitching these things and honestly, there was a lot of straight garbage on those tapes but I actually did digitize and make some extended mixes of that material years back. A lot of it is impressively weird in retrospect and sounds like nothing else I've done since.
I wake up and get back under. I'm now in this sports bar type situation with my mom's family, except that it's not a sports bar, it's just the place we're hanging out. I'm sitting there watching the Packers on this huge TV screen when everything stops. All of a sudden I'm getting like hidden messages from the TV. Then this mystery bartender appears and starts talking to me telepathically. He's this thin, bald, older white dude with black hair on the sides all decked out in a black tie attire with no jacket old school style. I do not remember what he tells me but it's like I've sucked into an alternate dimension for a spell before I pull out of it.

After this happens I go upstairs and try to tell my family that something very strange is going on. They only sort of believe me but I'm like:
"Look guys, I'm a goddamn wizard. I know you don't necessarily believe me but trust me on this one, something very odd is going on here."
I'm right of course and the odd thing that's going on is that I'm dreaming. For the rest of the night I'm now hanging out with my Dad's family and somehow I'm put in charge of buying booze. There are like 30 people or so there and I try to gauge what people want but no one will give me a straight answer, which is annoying. It's like:
"Guys, there are a lot of us with different tastes. If you don't tell me what people want some people are going to get irritated."
But everyone is annoyingly indifferent and so eventually I'm like:
"Fine, I'll just go grab whatever."
As I'm heading out I realize it's snowing outside and also that buying booze for all these people is going to be rather expensive. At some point I fly off the road into a snow bank. That's about all I remember.
