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The Psychoactive Submarine

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

4/19/2023 -

I'm hovering out of my body in the form of a white light energy orb when I suddenly dive into a psychoactive submarine of many colors and rapidly descend into the dark waters of the talking monkey shit show. As the miracle vehicle plunges into the depths I jolt awake in my primate form. Christ was that an amazingly cool TH seer experience. I am one with the weed energy while pretending to be a human.

Now I'm in dreamville and have two extended adventures on Capitol Hill. Both times, I'm hanging out at home, head up to the Hill, then head back. This seems like it lasts forever and in both excursions nothing particularly intriguing goes down. On the second trip I'm going up to hang out with my brother on a Friday evening. We meet at this bar and he asks me if I've seen the new Lucky Hank Show because I remind him of the main character. I honestly don't have much in common with this character although I see what he's saying immediately. We both have depressive personality types that make us curmudgeonly motherfuckers from time to time.

From here it gets fun as we're now diving into scenes from the show unbound by skin world perceptual limitations. We can actually get inside of his depressive side and feel the black tinged darkness during some of the scenes we're portal jumping into. Totally different characters, same energy in a way. When I wake up I realize I actually was being a bit of curmudgeonly motherfucker in a text exchange with my brother earlier in the week as I was feeling more "off" than I have in quite a while. We continue to drink for a while when this floating Seattle Dragons logo comes over and hovers by our table. When it does we're both like:

"Yeah, we know what logo you represent. The Seattle Dragons! Wooooo!"

We're woo girls now and the cheering earns us some sort of free adult beverage that's phased into us on a psychic level. It feels good. Tastes a bit like the orange in the logo and I'm feeling this slightly orange taste phase through me projected from the floating logo and watching this all happen from a 3rd person perspective, of course.

I have the day off so I smoke some weed and meditate for a bit. In this vision I'm checking out at the grocery isle and the young skinny white guy with curly brown hair ringing me up goes:

"Damn, gonna be eating a lot of potatoes here in the next month, huh?"

I'm caught off guard here and I don't know what he's talking about then I realize that I am in fact buying a giant sack of potatoes and so I awkwardly respond:

"I'm gonna eat 2 a day for the next 4 days!"

The second I say this I'm internally thinking about what a strange response it is. Not my best work in the wit department.

Before I get out of bed a voice is singing to the tune of Day-O:

"Daylight come and I'm wanting a banana!"

I legitimately didn't even remember that the song is actually called The Banana Boat Song (Day-O) until I just looked it up but I also realize something when I get out of bed. I did just buy a huge bag of weed (well, plastic container) and I am taking a 4 day weekend. Weed. Bananas. Potatoes. Come merge with the plant kingdom on the astral plane and plunge to the depths of monkey hell on a psychoactive submarine of many colors. Why live your life in plane grey monochrome?


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