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  • Writer's pictureThad McKraken

The Robotic Arm that Writes Infinite Code

8/28/2024 –

Mostly just auspicious magick messages throughout the night but there is one dream I remember. In it, it’s like I’m living in a modest high-rise condo in a fancy building in the financial district downtown. There’s some political candidate that we (and I do not know who else is involved here) want to get elected. So we start working on this media project designed to make that happen.

Once this project is started, I now leave on a bus north. By the time I’m returning I’ve now decided to distance myself from the project. Like, I appreciate what y’all are doing but after thinking it over, I do not want my name on it. Use my work but don’t attribute me vibes. That’s about it.

8/29/2024 –

One word pops into my head as I’m pulling out of a sleep state:


I of course associate the word mamba not with the snake but rather with Kobe Bryant (the black mamba) and now Jewel Loyd (the gold mamba). This makes me think of players I think shoot too much honestly and as if to further this narrative I’m informed that I need to find my Eurydice. When I do, we will fly together and share a soul. Ok then. I was not even consciously familiar with this story but apparently there’s someone I need to bring back to life in a spiritual sense.

Now my consciousness is flooded with the image of this portal floating in a black void environment. A robot arm now pops out of this portal and starts writing on endless sheets of white paper it’s seemingly summoning into the black void out of thin air magickally. It’s writing in this language that looks like a combination between ancient Egyptian script and computer code. Lots of dots, lines, and symbols and it is summoning this shit out of thin air instantaneously. Writing that code.

8/30/2024 –

The word FAST CAR pops into my headspace. I associate this mostly because of the crossover single my wife made myself listen to and also an omen about a supercharged narrative. After that the words NEXUS and RELIGION also populate my mindspace. A plotline on the nexus of what we currently call religion. Seems about right. 


I channel the phrase THE MOUNTAIN BY THE SEA!!! That is sort of where I live and thinking of Mt. Ranier as a power object is certainly something I should maybe start fixating on.

Later I actually remember a dream and it’s this typical thing where we’re moving out of my neighbor’s house in Ohio into actual our house across the street. This of course takes way longer than we’d anticipate but we do finish it up. In fact, I’m being carried on this chariot type thing in a celebratory procession to our new pad with my queen wife by my side, who for some reason looks like Jenna Malone rather than my wife. Whatever though, the movie was tedious but we did in fact actually finish the job. That seems to be the message.


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