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The Sci Fi Queen of Shamans

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

2/21/2023 -

I'd call this one the drunken monkey shit show.

Here I find myself in this very odd state. I'm getting drunk and partying in the post industrialization past and I'm skipping between all these different buildings and parties in this disembodied state. What's all pretty baffling from a waking state perspective is that this feels like I'm a monkey swinging around on trees. And not just me, but we're all just monkeys in the jungle. We're going from building to building but there's a sensation that this is just an evolution of acrobatically traversing a jungle tree line. I have no idea how to properly explain this sensation as it's beyond anything a typical human experiences. There's just this intuitive feeling on the periphery of the whole experience and honestly, I don't remember the details that well.

What I do remember is that something on another level or reality is feeding us booze and guns. This is coming from these translucent bubble portals in our unconscious. Booze and guns. As a matter of fact, when I wake up I'm negotiating a better price on rifles.

While I'm lying there in a liminal state I'm now informed that this represents:

"Hollywood in the 60's"

And further informed that:

"Almost everything was influenced by this."

When I get back under I'm now having various similar dream experiences with the same sort of vibe, except that time has progressed. It's now a decade or so later but it's the same drunken monkey shit show spewing out shitty drugs and violence into the minds of the masses.

Right before I wake up, I'm now in the future playing these almost holographic type video games that are seemingly embedded right into a wall in my brother's place. There was a plot option in the new Mass Effect game that he was having trouble locating, so I'm going to hang out and show him how I found it. And the drunken monkey shit show continues.

2/22/2023 -

I'd refer to this one as the Sum 41 sucks dream. I have never been to a destination concert in my adult life but here a friend of mine somehow convinces me to go see Sum 41 in Columbus, Ohio. Even in the dream I'm like, well, I genuinely don't like that band but sure, I'm bored so I'll tag along I guess. What ensues from there is a lot of traveling that I don't remember that much be we finally arrive at the destination. It's this super weird indoor venue and there's like a sporting event first, although I have no recollection of what sport is even been played.

After this is over it's now concert time. We have front row seats, which are at like a dining table and so we move to the front. But then Sum 41 takes the stage and holy shit do they suck. Like, we're all sort of shocked at how terrible they are. It's not just the music that sucks, they have zero stage presence at all and I can't tell if they're just phoning it in or legitimately have zero talent whatsoever. Either way, even the friend who's idea it was to embark on this adventure isn't impressed.

We move away from our front row seats and in doing so realize that this is in fact an amazing venue. There are these huge windows to the left of the stage area with an amazing view of the city and a pink sunset. Again with the pink sunsets in my dreams. In looking out these windows there is a sense of familiarity. I think I've been here before, in fact I'm pretty sure I saw Guided By Voices here in another dream years ago. We look around and Sum 41 are so terrible I'd say roughly 2/3rds of the audience have now left. And these are the people who apparently paid a bunch of money to see them. No one is anywhere near the stage. They suck that bad and we decide to bail too. We wander around the city a bit and then I wake up.

A lot of times when I dream of completely random things I can trace where the waking world stimulus was that inspired that, here I can't. Sum 41? I, uhhh, not a band I have given a second thought to in years and I only even know that one song. There's random things showing up in dreams, then there's that.

Anywho, when I get back under we've now found our way to this enormous brick church. Except that it doesn't really seem like a church, but more like a dining hall. We're just sitting there and I'm trying to track the service but can't really. Eventually it's food time and I get up to stand in the buffet line. There's pizza but it somehow vanishes before I can get any. On my way back to my seat with a plate full of food I now realize that I'm dreaming. So I go lucid but here's where it gets odd. I know I'm dreaming and can control the dream if I want, but for some reason I decide that I have no interest in doing this. I'm just sort of curious about what this church is all about and want to find out. Unfortunately though, nothing else interesting happens and the dream ends shortly thereafter. There is some uniqueness here though. I do not remember going lucid in a dream before and also being completely indifferent about that reality. Very odd.

2/23/2023 -

First I'm at a party in some distant astral land. I'm recruiting people to my artistic cause and the two people I recruit are the trip hop artist Tricky and this gorgeous trans woman. We fly back to Seattle in my private jet still buzzing from whatever drugs we'd taken and when we get there I take them atop this gorgeous hillside. We're sitting down looking at the spectacular view and I'm sort of like:

"See what I'm talking about? This is Seattle. Not bad right?"

I'm showing them the natural beauty, not the city, except that it doesn't look like the Pacific Northwest at all, in any way. It looks like nothing in this world. Completely alien but not entirely out of place in a sci fi video game like No Man's Sky but with far better graphics. Real life quality. The best thing I could relate it to would be an entire countryside comprised of shit that looks like the hot springs in Yellowstone combined with a far less steep and jagged Nepali Coast but with far more color. Red rock mounds protruding from a radiant tan hillside with orange and turquoise hues interspersed in it all. We're looking out at the coast and it's fantastic. I turn to Tricky to chat and realize he doesn't look like the actual Tricky at all. Far more light skinned, larger, and bald. He has a rounder plumper face but not in an unattractive way and he's wearing what looks like brown suede jumpsuit. He's pulling it off and I do not remember what was discussed really at all, but it seemed pleasant.

Now we're going to go play tennis at the hillside courts right to the left of us and the trans woman I recruited has chosen a multi colored classic tennis outfit with a skirt so short that you can see her dick hanging out of it. I must confess that this is a solid look.

I wake up and get back under. I'm being shown something new for quite a while that I can sum up pretty quickly: I have access to a new house on the astral plane. It's sort of rickety but the point is the inhabitants. This is yet another place I can chill. I've got new flop house friends in low places.

I'm now having the classic recurring dream where I'm in my old basement apartment with my wife. I once again have no idea why we're here but we've left a bunch of stuff there that we're packing up so we can leave, which we do. We run into our old landlord on the way out and she's fine with us being there, which makes no sense.

Except now I'm somehow back in the apartment by myself and with this I know that I'm dreaming. Since I'm now lucid I decide to phase through the bedroom window and explore. I do the typical thing where I'm flying around and phasing through other houses that I simultaneously seem to be creating with an unconscious part of myself when it hits me. Oh shit, there are 2 things I'm supposed to be doing in these situations, either portal jumping or going into cheat code mode in regards to the plot.

I intuitively choose cheat code mode and holy fuck it works. I focus on sort of backing out of my current form of consciousness and something else takes control of me. I start floating upward and slightly to the north when the sentient fire starts hitting. It's coming from all sides and I'm then forced to look in the direction of downtown. The top of the space needle has detached and is flying around atop the rising flames. Holy fuck, the flames really are blazing out of control and it's starting to look like a throne. This is the classic coming of the lord in fire and I have precisely no clue what to make of it.

I'm now in bed sleeping but still in a dream state when the most commanding "Voice of God" imaginable booms into my head. A black dude with the highest level of gravitas imaginable. Maximum gravitas. The voice acting is astounding and this is what it tells me:

"You truly are the Queen of Shamans (if you choose to be)! We tried very hard to keep you out of this realm. We plucked out your eyes and tortured you in every way conceivable. All this proved is that you're mostly a benevolent entity who does mostly good works."

My impression of this is that if I'm here to help torch this drunken monkey shit show, then I'm doing this for a very good reason and even they have to concede as much. A new fixation on dreams and the innate power of the imagination would in fact "overthrow the fundamentals of everything" here.

I'm now waking up but still dreaming. Tik Tok star Addison Rae is with me and she gets up, walks across the room and starts giving me a private strip show. I'm not complaining about this at all but when I actually wake up I'm like: I am waaaay too old to be having sex fantasies about Addison Rae.

2/24/2023 -

The increasingly crowded west.

First I'm doing the recurring dream thing where I'm worried that some new development will accidentally dig up info on the murder I was involved with. This is avoided but to avoid it I have to go on vacation with a combination of family members and friends. We rent this Air B & B type place and we're all getting together to eat and play cards or whatever but it's not fun because it's a bit too crowded. There isn't enough room at or around the dinner table for all of us. Also, this sure seems far move lived in than an Air B & B and more just like some person's house that we're staying at. We're supposed to be on vacation though.

Now I'm in a gymnasium sitting in those pull out wooden bleachers waiting for some sort of event to start. People keep piling in and because of that I move from the second row from the top to the top row to sit next to my brother.

Now I'm back in the Air B & B and it's gotten even more crowded. I'm just not feeling this whole thing. It's too claustrophobic.

Now I'm back in the gym except that I've brought my own pillow to sit on. I can just fit it in between all the other spectators but it's cramped. I'm on the top row but I'm mildly weirded out about it. I look down and fear that if I fall asleep I might fall. But why the hell would I fall asleep? That's what the pillow is for, isn't it? That is apparently the plan and a part of me knows it. Honestly, this being at high heights and having it freak me out thing might be one of the most common elements in my dreams. Here it is again.

Now I'm in a chain drug store in a small town. It is packed. There is one elderly woman working at the counter and you can tell she can only move rather slowly. This is going to take forever. As I walk back to grab a few more necessities like 40 more people walk in. There is a sense that this is the only place to get even basic anything in miles and they have a pretty limited selection. Ugh this sucks and also I feel terrible for the lady behind the counter.

Later, in a completely different dream sequence I'm now in my new swanky live in office space. I'm pretty pleased with it all and when I look out the window to the right of me, I realize I have a close up view of an airport terminal, which I think is kind of cool. Of course, this makes no sense. An airplane is pulling up right next to me, I'd have to literally be in the airport. But again, I dig the fact that I can people watch air travelers.

I then walk down a hallway to my left and am now looking at a glorious ocean view from quite high above. The wind is really kicking in and driving the waves in surrealist patterns. It's sublime.

2/25/2023 -

First of all, let me bring you this glorious nugget of technological synchromysticism. Here's the part where I admit that I had a terrible Bad Religion logo tattoo on my back for 27 years. I probably shouldn't have admitted that but the good news is that I finally got it covered up. Then on the day that work was complete, I somehow actually caught a Bad Religion video on live TV in the year 2023. I was just flipping through channels for something to watch while I drunkenly ate a snack for roughly10 minutes and honestly, my mind was sort of blown. The fact that the song is Stranger Than Fiction really sells the whole thing with its chorus of:

"Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!"

Are there receipts? Of course:

Here's a pic demonstrating that this was in fact on live TV. I did in fact pause it for a sec to grab my camera so the timing on when it aired is slightly off but only by a minute or 2:

For a second, contemplate the odds of me coming up to eat a snack during this exact window and choosing this exact channel, particularly over NBA highlights on a Saturday night. And I have watched the MTV Classic 90's show on occasion but Bad Religion has not been played once as far as I can remember, although admittedly I wouldn't watch it there weren't a few surprises from time to time. After this they played the video for Debonair by The Afghan Wigs which I'm not entirely sure I had ever seen in my life honestly.

Also, my favorite part here involves exactly what I've been talking about regarding synchronicities in general and how they seem to follow anti-structural behavior or some kind of change in plans. The final cover up work for my crappy Bad Religion tattoo was supposed to have happened back in January but the artist had to reschedule:

To the exact day a little watched cable television network would air a Bad Religion video in the year 2023...and I would just so happen to tune in at the exact time this was going down. That's a thing that absolutely happened.

As for dreams? First a few liminal visions. I am ordering a death ray to precisely strike another human down on the other side of the planet. After the person is instantly vaporized by a thin red beam from above, now the payment section of the app comes up and I have to click the confirm button. They seemingly already have my credit card info. I'm doing all of this with my phone. Quite scathing critique of the tech industry I must say and also when I wake up I realize that we already sort of have the technology to do this, it's just less accessible. Freaking creepy.

Now I'm getting a history lesson quite specifically (from the history class I'm supposed to be taking) and it involves a couple who moved to White Salmon, Washington (where I was born) before I was born. I'm getting the impression they were both scientists or professors or something to that effect. Possibly new age weirdos or religious cultists or some shit. The vibe I get is that whatever they were into was somewhat heavy. Then the perspective shifts and I'm seeing their internal dialogue. It's like a cartoon and it's spilling out of them on a psychic level that looks like an art house comic book. I unfortunately do not remember what the contents of their minds were (it's almost as if I wasn't supposed to know) but the more I consider it, particularly how the man looked, I'm quite sure this was my parents. I do in fact have little clue what was going on there before I was born and they did in fact live in White Salmon for several years before my inception.

What else, I'm clicking through some links somewhere and I see an advert for a show I want to go to. And so I park my car at this beach front house (which seems like it's in California) and I'm entirely confused. I thought this was supposed to be a music venue but this just seems like a house. What the fark? When I get inside I get increasingly confused. It is in fact this super ritzy beach house and there are all these super attractive well dressed people who are roughly half my age hanging about. I see exactly no evidence of a concert going down anywhere so I'm starting to feel fairly out of place. I do not know anyone here.

Eventually all these very attractive and well put together racially diverse young women start forming this group to discuss a particular project. They're all gathering on this room encircling leather couch and I have no clue how to react. I have no idea what this is even about and so I head out the door, except that I must have gone out the wrong door. My car isn't out this way. Jesus, where the fuck even am I?

So I head back in to find the right exit. Now I'm confronted by this decked out group of mostly very handsome young men with a few women sprinkled in. They're painting their faces and wearing these blue almost marching band outfits. They are going to be putting on some sort of performance and wow are they getting into it in an almost scientific level of detail. I'm legitimately impressed with their dedication to their craft, whatever the fuck craft it is but that's the problem. I have no idea what's even going on. I just came to check out a concert and there are zero signs of that happening anywhere.

I then head back out to the same bafflingly weird beach front, front lawn and I think I can see my car. But when I get to it, my entire essence now morphs into the shape of an enormous floating hand. I pick up my Honda Fit and it becomes a toy car while in my disembodied fingers. I place it back on the sidewalk near the beach and head back to the house with the freaky theater kids.

Now I'm with my wife. They take us to this amazingly spec'd out vintage 70's sci fi room and seat us with about 15 other guests. The walls are olive green and there are these translucent pods that we're supposed to sit in while we take in the show, which is projected from this huge blue ovoid portal hovering near the ceiling. We're going to watch arty vintage porn we're told. It's an arty vintage porn review show and the entire vibe of the room goes with it, except with a pleasantly demented sci fi aesthetic. The television projector/orb thing really does seem like it's alive. This is all very cool I think to myself but also, I don't really want to sit around watching porn with a bunch of other people in the room. That's it. That's the dream.

2/26/2023 -

I'm now in the recurring dream that I probably haven't mentioned before. This is the one where my brother lives in a swanky downtown condo with several roommates and I somehow also own a stake in this condo and stay there sometimes. In this case I'm bored on a Friday and decide to head over but when I get there I realize that my brother isn't going to be home from work for a while. So I decide to take a nap to kill some time. This is actually the most interesting part of the dream as when I do, I'm now warping through these crackling portal energies. Each time I warp back under the condo complex reconfigures itself, which I can feel from my shifting vantage point on my bed, even though my eyes are technically closed. Basic dream within a dream sort of weirdness.

When I finally get up, my brother's back and he doesn't know exactly what we're going to do to entertain ourselves but then he remembers the newly renovated balcony. We go out and wow, this is pretty fucking phenomenal. It's huge and has this excellent city view. We're seemingly like 15 floors up. We briefly chat with his roommate, who's a thin black dude with long dreadlocks. Wait though, he hasn't shown me the best part.

Now we can walk right out of the balcony and there's this small neighborhood that's being built roughly in the sky off the main street level. We can walk partially out and what's crazy is that most of it looks like buildings covered in white milk cartons. We're on this walkway that you can tell is going to turn into an elevated sidewalk soon but it's not there yet. Now it looks like milk cartons. I'm minorly confused by this but I look up and there's at least one fancy breakfast/coffee place that's currently up and seems to be hopping. I look over and a few establishments across the street seem to be up and running amidst the protruding pointy white coverings. Except that the sidewalk to get over there hasn't been made yet. It's definitely a work in progress. Upscale neighborhoods on top of upscale neighborhoods. That is sort of what's going on in Seattle at the moment. The blank whiteness of the milk carton construction coverings certainly seems metaphorical in retrospect.

2/27/2023 -

I'm going to a concert downtown and I park on this steep hill right in front of the venue, which is very modern looking. Except the venue is in the basement and not modern looking at all, in fact it has those classic rather uncomfortable wooden fold out movie theater seats. I watch the first few acts which I don't remember at all and now I'm in that familiar and super awkward position of being guilted into sticking around to watch the headlining band. It's getting late and almost everyone has left so I figure I'll be a good sport. I do in fact like this band, who are more of a noise music collective than a band as far as I can tell. I supposedly know who they are in the waking world but when I eventually wake up I realize that I absolutely do not.

So I'm watching them set up and they're putting all these amplifiers on stage with no drums. This does seems like it'll be my kind of thing I think to myself but also as I'm thinking this I realize my pug is in my arms at my seat. Except that he's invisible, not only to me but to everyone else. I can feel him sleeping in my arms though. This leads to a certain degree of lucidity. Oh, I'm dreaming and he's sleeping in my arms at the same time I'm sitting here waiting for this band to set up and do their thing.

In this I also realize that there's a metaphorical thing going on where it's actually pretty close to when I'm going to have to wake up to go to work and staying up late to watch this final band is a metaphor for that. Despite this lucidity though, I do not decide to start controlling the dream. As a matter of fact, I now start warping back and forth between my childhood bedroom in Ohio where I'm having brief chats with my brother and continuing to wait for this band with my dog in my arms.

Finally I'm back in the venue and am ready to catch this act but oh Jesus, they weren't even the headliner. They were helping this other act set up and who is this other band? These two extremely small women wearing fish masks with X'ed out eyes. They're kneeling while tinkering around on their laptops and I honestly I can't tell if they are any good. Why? They're running everything, vocals included, into one tiny amplifier and I can barely hear them.

As I'm realizing I'm now going to have to sit through their entire set too and being sort of bummed about it, one of the dudes in the band setting up grabs me. They need my help with something. So they pull me back stage and what do they need help with? Well there's this soccer jersey in the dressing room and it's not like they can't reach it themselves, but I'm the only one who can reach it and then hold it up long enough for them to take the plastic off of it, which I do. Errr, okay then. I never do catch the headliner.

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