4/3/2024 –
Just a few visions before I wake up. I wouldn’t even call them vignettes necessarily.
- I am watching TV when I am sucked into the TV. My consciousness has now separated into two distinct sections. On the left side, I’m choosing the program or game or whatever I’m going to engage with. On the right side, I’m choosing which fancy pair of shoes I’m going to wear.
- I’m once again watching TV and sucked into the TV. I’m now in a classroom playfully sparring with my classmates except that my entire style involves protecting my face with my right while doling out jabs with my left.
- A rectangular classroom rises from the ground in what looks like a cave. It’s large front facing doorway opens, revealing a structure divided into left and right. There are no students inside the class though and instead solar light pours out when the doors open.
- I’m meeting a woman in a grassy park on a sunny day next to an unidentified body of water. She’s a thin, pale, younger woman with chin length shortly cropped jet-black hair. She is wearing brightly colored deely bobbers on her head.

- A seemingly fairly new school bus is sitting run down in what looks like a junk yard.
- I’m having sex with the deely bobber woman, except that she now has longer, reddish hair.
4/4/2024 –
I’m once again at some sort of event and for this event my wife and I are staying in separate rooms at a high rise hotel. In the course of this, somehow I run into my college girlfriend from way back. She comes to my room and I don’t remember how but it starts getting romantic. In fact, the main thing that I remember is that she gets on top of me on the bed, takes off her top, and I start playfully suckling her breasts. While I’m doing this, 2 things are crossing my mind.
One, I remember her breasts being nicer than they are. Just bigger in general. Two, wait a minute, what the fuck am I doing? My wife is staying in another room just up the hall. How on earth do I think I’m going to get away with this exactly?
Yeah, good question. In fact, not long after I start contemplating this, my wife is opening up the door with her key and my ex is trying to hide but I mean, it’s useless. The jig is up but wait a minute. How could I have been this stupid? Oh yeah, I’m dreaming and so I snap my fingers and revert time to a point before all this happened. Except for some reason, it sort of does again and I end up hanging out with my ex in a hotel room. This time we’re just lying next to each other on our backs fully clothed when my wife rolls in. It’s slightly awkward but no big deal. Oh yeah, and in this scenario it’s my wife and I getting married. That’s the event we’re here for.
That’s about all I remember but there is one more scenario. Here I’m riding a fancy bus in a downtown area with my wife and a bunch of other unidentified “people I know”. William S. Burroughs is sitting in the back of the bus in his full suit and fedora. Eventually everyone is getting off at a particular stop but as we’re going out the side door, Timothy Leary is coming in the front door, except that he doesn’t look anything like Timothy Leary. I just somehow know that he is.
Now his wife starts telling this story about how some TV executive wanted him to be “the heavy” in a particular show but when the director met him, he didn’t understand at all how that was going to work on account of him being such an over the top positive dude. While she’s telling this
anecdote, I’m remembering how he was once branded the most dangerous man in America and how he was literally villainized by the media. I’m understanding that this is metaphorical and not literal in real time on an intuitive level and because of this anecdote, I decide to stay on the bus even though all of my friends have now gotten off.
I’m now sitting in the back, roughly where Burroughs was before and I start singing:
“Too much, magic bus!”
Except that I’m like forgetting the “too much” part and basically just saying.
“Oooh, oooh, magic bus!”
In the same tune. Then I start flying above the people on the crowded bus, which actually isn’t super easy because there’s not a ton of room above some of their heads. I’m singing the whole time.
“Oooh, oooh, magic bus!”

Since this isn’t the easiest thing in the universe, I stop in the middle and it’s one of those divided buses with the venting middle part. I stop in the gap between people in the vented middle part and think to myself.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
Twice in one night that I went lucid but somehow not entirely lucid. Always fascinating.
4/5/2024 –
Long night of dreams that all seem to involve the “functional family” scenario where I’ve just graduated from the Invisible College and am staying with them. In the first sitch I remember I’m supposed to be hooking up with their son. He is in fact handsome with his angular features and his jet black hair. I try to sell myself on it, even going so far as under the covers foreplay in his bed but I get up to go to the bathroom and realize I’m just not into it. I’m not bi. I tried.
The next recollection is waking up in the room I’m staying in and feeling genuinely guilty. These people are letting me stay here for free and I really could be paying them. As I look out the window I’m having a mild existential crisis. I’m not currently working or in school. What the fuck am I doing with myself? Also, why am I in Ohio? Shouldn’t I get back to Seattle? I walk out into the living room and realize my wife is staying here too. She tells me that she’s been getting super into the show DuckTales. Nothing feels strange about this information.
It feels like a long amount of time passes before the next situation I recall but here I’m accepting a Grammy, but it’s in this dingy hall with like 30 other people. It’s announced that I win the award and I get up and am like:
“No one’s even going to bring it to me? Aiiight, I guess I’ll walk across the room and get it.”
Then I walk back up to the front in this podium that’s like in a separate narrow room that the judges attending the ceremony can only sort of see. I go into my speech and the first thing I say is that I’m going to skip the thank yous and just post a whole thank you video on my YouTube channel (honestly, this isn’t a terrible idea as far as speeding up award show ceremonies goes).
Then I break into this improv shoegaze track with vocals that sound like they’re being run through an effect that turns them into sonic mist. It’s like they hang in the air and vaporize into a thousand white misty breath fragments before your ears (although though I can see this on a visual level as well).

I’m genuinely surprised by how good the track is seeing as I’m essentially pulling it out of my ass on the spot. It’s hard to fuck up basic shoegaze so I’m just betting on the improv odds.
I’m forgetting more than I’m remembering here but I do know that at some point I’m now at some bro’s wizard resort by the sea in this mystical castle sitch. Guy’s got the long grey beard, pointy hat, robe. All the things and he’s giving us a tour of the place but I lose track of the tour, partially because I find it boring. Instead I find myself out on the beach wearing a light parka with this fascinating bronze green shiny sci fi material. It doesn’t just feel sci fi though, when I rub my arms together it makes this deliciously odd synth sound.
Then these other dudes wearing these tricked out futuristic looking diving suit outfits walk by on the beach taking unknown readings with these black hand held tech devices covered in buttons. I think to myself:
“How perfect.”
As I walk between them rubbing my arms together to make the cool synth theremin sci fi sound. It really does seem like their little devices are generating the sounds and they’re wearing helmets so they can’t even hear what I’m doing but eventually they do catch on and I back away like:
“Nothing to see here.”