12/18/2023 –
I’m having a dream where I’m having a conversation with my wife about how I haven’t had any dreams yet tonight. My wife reminds me that a lot of times my dreams come at the very end of my sleep cycle, often in the final few hours. This is entirely correct and the meta level of the experience is slightly head spinning.

In the only other dream I do have though I’m in an indoor room and these white lights in a straight row on the ceiling start flashing down columns of light in a calculated alarm like pattern. I look up to contemplate the meaning and am told it signifies a nuclear attack.
12/19/2023 –
While ganj-i-tating the other side tells me that it hates business. That’s why it likes me. It later references Kurt Cobain and I must confess, I’ve never been that huge of a fan. Motherfucker did have the basics right though. Fuck the money machine. I need to keep the spirit alive.
Next I’m shown a man who sells his company for millions if not billions of dollars. And yet, he slips back into the grind and takes a job doing basically the same goddamn thing. It’s what’s inside that’s broken. He’s an automaton.

This would not happen to someone like me. That’s why “they” like me. I believe no hype.
Jesus, now I’m back in my old basement apartment again. For the millionth time. This time I figure it out and need to get to the new pad. But wait, I was going to leave my classic puffy winter thrift store jacket behind? Thing’s fucking choice but at the same time, does it even fit me anymore? I have put on a bunch of muscle mass. Honestly, I’m not sure. When I wake up I see it there on the rack and yet, I genuinely don’t know if I can cram my increasingly hulked out brick wall physique into it. I’ll try when it gets cold enough because the retro vibes are freaking toasty. Toastiest jacket I got. I just can’t leave it behind can I? I do know the slackers were right. I can dream all day.
12/20/2023 –
Honestly the most boring night of dreaming in quite a while. Same old shit. I’m staying with my family in what seems like a fancy hotel with what I can tell is an odd Victorian theme. Once again I’m getting European vibes, even though I’ve never been to Europe. We’re packing up all of our stuff and loading it into the tour van so we can head to another destination. This is boring and tedious as always and the only thing I can truly recall is doing the sweep double check at one point. Yep, there’s nothing left in the room I need. Yup, everything’s in the van. And yet, there’s still more waiting in store. I’d say this is all random but seeing as I’m going to spend 4 out of the next 5 days at Holiday gatherings with my increasingly elderly family, I’d wager the dullness is precognitive and the metaphor tracks.

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do!