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Stained Glass Clouds of the Emotionverse

Writer: Thad McKrakenThad McKraken

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

9/24/2023 -

I'm in the the self created recurring dream environment I refer to as alternate Greenwood. I'm at the typical bar/bus depot thing I still don't entirely understand and once again realizing that I need to get home and don't have a car. But my car is in fact about a15 minute walk away, so no big deal this time. As I start to walk out of the bar area to my car, there's a wooded hill to the side of me and above me to my left. I hear my schizophrenic half brother and his dad calling for me. They're both climbing trees and as I look up to say hi, my brother promptly falls out of the tree from pretty high up and his body flatly smacks on the ground below.

I run over freaked out thinking he might be dead because the fall looked so brutal but his dad has climbed down and doesn't seem like he's going to do anything. I'm all:

"Shouldn't we take him to the hospital?"

And he's just like:

"I think it'll be OK."

And so we just sit there watching, doing nothing, as he slowly gets up, looking quite injured and rickety. I genuinely think we should be taking him to the hospital but apparently we're not going to so...

In a waking state I wonder what this meant metaphorically, then I remember that my elderly mom is going to die at some point, probably not long from now and it's going to be very hard for my brother to deal with as he's still pretty reliant on her. I've seen this multiple times with developmentally disabled adults when I worked in that industry. It's brutal.

Continual dreams for the rest of the night but I don't remember many of the details, just the gist. First it's the still-in-my-old-basement-apartment shit except with a twist. Apparently the apartment has been labeled as a cursed apartment since we left, which I'm taking as evidence of my sorcery. Like, of course, you know? I left some odd psychic energy there. There's news that the curse has been broken and there are finally new residents that can live here peacefully, who are this native African couple in their 40's. I'm telling this to my wife as a way of really letting her know:

"These people are moving in soon so we finally need to get all of our shit out."

Which we're working on. Then since it is the last day of my weekend, I'm once again freaking out about getting to work. This time I get back to our new place, which I'm relieved about and seems to be a follow up on the basement apartment theme. I'm glad I'm at our new place but it's like I just skipped out on an entire afternoon of work without telling anyone. I'm logging back into my work laptop at 6pm and am thinking I should probably just do some afterhours work to make up for it. So much more going on in both of the last 2 scenarios but I do not remember any of the details.

9/25/2023 -

Into the emotionverse. The whole night I have these vivid dreams that are somewhat hard to latch onto from a narrative perspective because I'm not looking at any of it from the ground level. I see the ground level narrative but what's stressed is that the important thing is this layer of pure emotional energy hovering in the skies above it. That's what matters. This energy comes across like beautiful flowing stained glass mosaic color forms that I can feel. It's supposed to represent emotions clearly but the main one I feel is bliss and awe, which you know, aren't really emotions. Typical angelick white light calming vibes from my perspective and truthfully it genuinely felt like a heavenly colored cloud hanging above our world and controlling it. I suppose I'd go with the sensation of low key crying tears of joy if I had to put it in emotional terminology.

I do remember a couple of things from the narrative. In the first scenario there's some sort of effort to out whoever the shady character is supposed to be in this unknown scenario and it turns out that the person we were trying to ferret out is the one played by Christopher Walken, which seems very obvious in retrospect. Like, oh yeah, clearly they'd cast Christopher Walken as the creepy dude. We prolly should have seen that the whole time but it was in fact our limited perspective while outside of the hovering emotionverse layer that prevented us from grokking it. When we went up into the clouds, it seemed obvious.

The next narrative involved my brother's huge wedding (which actually happened years ago). Same deal, I'm seeing this huge event planned from the angelick cloud perspective but my consciousness does swoop down into monkey level from time to time. The plan to the whole thing is that the wedding is going to happen, then the guests are going to go hang out on the sunny beach area to the north and enjoy the gorgeous sunset. My wife and I for whatever reason get to the afterparty sort of late and everyone has headed out to the beach already.

There's a weird scene where I'm driving a van to the beach front venue (which is sort of like stadium seated old school movie theater). I'm trying to drive the thing but I for some reason I can't see anything, which baffles both my wife and I. I eventually stop and we're on top of this hill with huge rocks overlooking the sun drenched beach and ocean. Then we're in the movie theater venue and everyone's explaining to us that we're well behind everyone else as far as navigating the beach, so we head out. The sun going down on the beach is glorious and there are tons of people out enjoying it. Honestly, the joyous feeling of sun on my skin is quite similar to the vibes of the hovering emotion layer.

In the morning I remember maybe the most significant thing I've managed to take back from a sober meditation session in quite a while. In this scenario, I've been asked to use my psi abilities to target a particular murder or set of unsolved murders for a book. I only agree to help out with this project if I'm allowed to give my commentary in the book about why I don't think psychic phenomenon is particularly reliable due to alternate potentialities, the intentional unpredictability of art, etc., which they agree to. And now I'm being interviewed again because the murders were solved and as it turns out my psychic assessment was essentially accurate. Fascinating.

9/26/2023 -

An entire night involving a disastrous trip to Italy with my wife. That's the whole premise and it seems to go on forever. This starts with the airline losing my luggage. We're sitting at the baggage claim seemingly waiting forever, just to have them finally bring in what they think are the lost bags and guess what? Mine aren't there.

My wife is pissed.

Then we get to wherever we're staying which is this very swanky and large I'm guessing Airbnb type sitch. Even this gets annoying though as I'm trying to find my room and I can't. My wife has a separate room but I can't locate mine. I wandering around through this labyrinthine structure forever before I give up and ask LeBron James, who's also staying in this facility. He informs me that it's first come first serve and I should have claimed my room by now to which I'm jokingly like:

"Oh. Well, you know I'm an idiot so it's your fault I didn't know this because you didn't tell me."

Then I try to claim one but I can't find one to claim. I can't stress enough that this dream goes on like this seemingly forever, with one thing going wrong after another. Also, despite being about a vacation where everything goes wrong, most of it radiates with a pleasant blue energetic feeling. So like, even though nothing's going as planned, all of it feels pretty good somehow.

The one other incident that I remember is that at one point my wife and I fall through the floor of this room and into a living area where people are watching TV and we see this from their perspective before we shift back into our own heads. When we go upstairs to figure out what went wrong, this short, stocky, old woman with pinned up gray hair who apparently owns the places is bitching at us for spilling red wine on the carpet to which we're like:

"Bitch. We just fell through the floor of our room. That's why the wine spilled. You're lucky we don't sue you!"

Also, while you're here, do you like psychedelic industrial noise rock? Of course you do.


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