8/1/2024 –
A vision of a gathering of these almost comic book character looking Native Americans but full-on real-life video. When I say comic book character-y what I’m really saying is very very good looking. Like a Hollywood movie version of Native Americans. There’s this buff hunky shirtless chief dude looking at me and these documents are handed over that I immediately sign. They seem like they’re contracts but they’re also definitely in the shape of the ballots I just mailed in. Should I have signed those so quickly? There was zero hesitation on my part and it was like I couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried. Sexy chief dude def seems to think it’s the right move so…
Another very odd dream that I barely remember other than that I message a local musician about something and he messages me back with a two-word response:
“Right on!”
The second he does this I’m confused. I’m messaging him something about his band, wouldn’t he already know that? Ah, I really need to do more music journalism like I used to. That’s what I’m being shown here.
Now a vision of a group of these almost exaggeratedly Hollywood gorgeous black women with afros wearing white dresses with thin fabric and creative body shaping cut outs dancing together in the green grass of a downtown city park on a sunny summer day. Def making me a bit thirsty and yeah, there were a few Shabazz Palaces albums I meant to pick up and haven’t yet. I’m on it and thanks for the reminder.
The next thing I remember, I’m pulling a large vile of liquid acid out of my freezer. I’m sitting there looking at the thing like: Where the hell did I get a huge vile of liquid acid? Also: Why on earth would I need an enormous vile of liquid acid? Thirdly, and this only occurs to me as I pull out of the dream: How the hell would a vile of liquid not freeze in a freezer? God Google sucks. I could not even find the answer to this question but I’m guessing yes.
Now I’m shown a vision of an empty open grass field music venue with white almost Parthenon like architecture.
I gotta be honest, at first I was disappointed with this night of visions and I legit didn’t sleep as well but nope. This is excellent. They just reminded me that I work for psilocybin now, not acid. I am totes fine with never doing acid again now that y’all mention it. God, I do psychedelics so rarely and the last batch of mushrooms did in fact last in my freezer for over a goddamn decade. Maybe mildly lost a tinge of potency but not much. More to the point, I did just watch the new Syd Barrett documentary. Maybe LSD has always been a part of the problem with counter culture everything due to its human creation and higher potentiality for overuse. There’s less of a connection to the natural world there for sure.
8/2/2024 –
Getting into a trance and I’m confronted with the word pendulum, which is accompanied by this badass looking pendulum that’s swinging so fast in a certain direction it looks almost like a sword burst from the Slider game but with sort of a rounder thing at the top that you can tell it’s spinning from. I am screaming behind it with my faster than time Wolverine powers but in this instance I’ve got a red super hero suit. Also, I’m going so fast that I’m clearly turning into something beyond human. My human form is now multi-tentacled energy extendable anywhere and I’m coursing in the wake of the silver Slider pendulum force.

This later reminds me of the insectile sonic speed energy thing that happened after my 2012 acid ritual. That was in fact a thing for a while and I’d kind of forgot about it.
Next I’m shown how one of my visions from the past was actually meant to be a message for someone else. I essentially implanted an idea into their mind. Only it wasn’t me, was it? I channeled an idea into their mind. The problem before was that the pendulum was swinging the wrong way.
I’m told. That seems about right.
Now I’m contemplating the meaning of the whole Egyptian magick thing that was just pointed out to me recently and I’m told:
“The wisdom of the stars.”
Later I’m shown this like cabinet with all these various gray compartments stacked on top of one another in what looks like an office or study. An invisible hand opens the one on the top left and inside there’s this energetic orb inside comprised from all these other energy orbs. It looks like a singular entity but you can also tell it’s made from all these smaller individual balls of energy light.
Mostly white light energy but often playful flourishes of purple, green, and gold shining spectacle.
Anyway, it immediately flies out of the compartment when opened by the invisible hand and starts dancing in the sky around the room. It’s like it’s turning itself inside out and backwards and forwards on itself playfully. It has the playful mannerisms of a unicorn bird puppy as it jumps around the sky like a unified school of living planet energy. One singular entity.
Knowledge and conversation with my holy guardian angel. This is what we look like from its perspective. We’re developing into this.

8/3/2024 –
I’m at what seems to be a gathering of what’s like a guy’s night in a side sunroom in Los Angeles. Like a Magic the Gathering night or some shit. I’m looking at this one goofy looking dude and his friends. It focuses off him and then onto the phone on the table. There are a few of these guy’s night’s phones sitting on this table. Very much like the focus in the braindance mode in Cyberpunk honestly. Time freezes. It then shifts out and this cube of distant mysticism is imposed on top of the phones, tying them all together. I feel like I have to boost this signal. This references the July 23rd, 1973 video, now that I’m mentioning it. I’m on it.
Then yet another family gathering sitch. We’re at a seemingly fancy hotel. I’m recording guitar and I think everything’s cool but my uncles are telling me a few other guests are pissed. Then I’m kind of embarrassed because this is the third night in a row I’m playing guitar through an amp. Why am I playing guitar through an amp in a hotel though? Like, why would I be doing that you know? Maybe they have a point. Since I just started working on a new project with my wife last night and we were singing, I’d say this would be psychic message from my neighbors.
Now this very clean-cut dude shows up and I’m def expecting him but I’m sort of confused as to why he’s there at first. Then I realize I was in fact expecting him. Now there’s this guy with a flat brimmed hat, short sleaved shirt and full sleeve tattoos. Very SoCal skate jock looking. He’s not happy I can tell and you know what, I know exactly what this means. Both of these transmissions honestly.
